El enigmatico regreso

Capítulo 1108

Capítulo 1108

Capitulo 1108 ;Puedes soportar las consecuencias?

Las expresiones en los rostros de Avery y Shane tampoco se veian muy bien.


Uno tenia el cefio fruncido, el otro tenia ojos largos ligeramente entrecerrados. Era dificil saber qué estaban pensando. Aunque Neera atin no entendia completamente los pros y los contras, tenia una suposicion aproximada en su corazon. Me temo que este viaje a Phison para las elecciones no sera tan pacifico.

Si es posible, preferiria no involucrarse en estos remolinos de luchas de poder.

Pero ella ya habia aceptado, y con eso, no podia echarse atras.

De lo contrario, si Chad se fuera, la tia Adriana seguramente empezaria a preocuparse de nuevo.

Su salud acaba de mejorar. Si algo sucediera debido a este asunto, me romperia el corazon como su sobrina.

Con esto en mente, reprimié sus emociones y no dijo nada en absoluto.

Chad la mir6. Su expresién se suavizo y dijo suavemente: “Neera, no te preocupes mas por esto. Sube las escaleras y descansa. Has tenido un dia largo”.

Neera se dio cuenta de que todavia tenia algo que discutir, asi que asintid, le dio las buenas noches y luego subid las escaleras. Abajo, Shane se sentia algo incémodo. “Tio Chad, gqué quiso decir el tio abuelo Baxter con lo que acaba de decir? El no podria...”

Chad sacudié la cabeza con expresion seria. “Pase lo que pase, ya he tomado una decision sobre este viaje a Phison. Estoy decidido a dejar ir a Neera”.

Shane también entendio: “Esa es una gran oportunidad, asi que quieres que ella muestre su rostro frente a esa gente. como sucesor de la familia Gordon. De hecho, seria beneficioso para su futuro control de la familia Gordon”.

“No solo eso, también quiero que ella experimente las pruebas y tribulaciones de Phison. Después de todo, incluso si la familia Gordon desea no involucrarse, siguen siendo parte de Phison. Esta conexién no se puede borrar. En el futuro, asuma el control o no, tendra que tratar con estas personas hasta cierto punto. No estaria de mas familiarizarse con ello de antemano’”.

Mientras el sonido se desvanecia, Chad mird solemnemente a Avery y Shane.

“Para ir a lo seguro, espero que puedas acompafiar a Neera a Phison y protegerla. No tengo miedo de que los forasteros lastimen a Neera. Con Charles cerca, puede manejarlo. Pero es dificil protegerse de un ladrén dentro de la familia. Tengo miedo de que a nuestra propia gente no le guste y quiera hacerla tropezar cuando tenga la oportunidad. En ese momento, el estatus de Charles puede causar muchos inconvenientes’”.

“Esta seguro. Me quedaré con Neera y la protegeré bien”.

Shane suspird y su expresion algo muda.

“4Por qué el tio abuelo Baxter sigue comportandose de la misma manera...”

Back then, when Chad took over the Gordon family, managing the entire clan, Baxter was the first one stood up against him.

Back then, even though Chad was young, he was extremely capable and decisive in his actions, so no one dared to harbor any ill intentions.

However, Neera’s situation would be rather different. Many people were not convinced because she bore a different surname.

Moreover, others would certainly think she was easy to manipulate seeing the fact that she was young and a woman with no significant achievements in business to rival the Gordon family.

“For this trip to Phison, I'd rather have Neera attend and act in the place of my fiancée.” At that moment, a glint flashed in Avery's eyes as he suddenly spoke.

“The Gordon family holds some prestige in Phison. With such a status, so anyone who dares to harm her must first consider if they can bear the consequences.”

Chad hesitated for a moment, weighing the pros and cons, but he didn’t object in the end.

In his view, he was not certain whether the young man from the Beauvort family could still be with Neera.

Besides, the Gordon family and the Cox family were related by marriage, so this course of action was not entirely unacceptable. No matter what, the most important thing would always be Neera’s safety.

“Alright. I'll see Neera and have a proper conversation with her about this matter.”

In no time at all, the group finished their discussion and each retired to their own rooms to rest.

The next day, Neera was awakened by the triplets.

“Mommy, wake up. It’s time for lunch!”

Neera reluctantly opened her eyes in a daze, only to be blinded by the dazzling sunlight, and quickly closed them again. Then, she sat up slowly but still feeling a bit groggy.

“What time is it now?”

She rubbed her eyes and asked.

Starry chuckled, “It’s already past eleven. Mommy, you have really slept in today.”

Neera would rather not think about how late she had woken up, feeling a bit embarrassed.

Harvey was very considerate. “Mommy has been too tired lately, so she should get more rest. The elders also said there’s no need to wake you up, and they suggested for you to sleep a little longer.”

Penny nodded with a smile. “Yes, indeed. But lunch will be ready soon. We were worried you might be hungry, so why don’t you get up, freshen up, and get ready for the meal?”

Neera chuckled, “Alright, Mommy's getting up now.” She rolled out of bed, and Sammy followed her like a little tail. “Mommy, the scenery here is so beautiful! After we eat, can we go diving? Uncle Shane said he would teach us!”

Neera saw how excited and eager they were to go, so naturally, she wouldn’t refuse.


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