Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 786

Chapter 786: Half-Elf

Chapter 786: Half-Elf

(Wife?) thought Galaeron. A figure with beautiful auburn hair instantly appeared in his mind. Not much like Lyon, the woman was a high-born. She was surrounded by elites the moment she touched the soil of the Mortal World. However, her prowess in both cultivation and worldly affair was something that even the creases of his forehead couldn’t wrap around. She too had a meteoric rise— albeit not as starry as Lyon.

(I see, so he still has some doubt) thought the dark elf. “Why are you waiting for your woman’s decision? Are you not powerful enough to make your own decision?”

“I am,” answered Lyon firmly.

“Really? Sounds to me that you still need the affirmation from your wife, c’mon Lyon, open the seal, I know you can do it.”

Lyon smirked. “It might have worked if you actually have tits, but alas you’re a male dark elf.”

“Kuh!” Kesya suddenly revealed herself with a laugh. “That’s too bad.”

Everyone turned their head at her before she casually sat down with her legs crossed.

The dark elf frowned. (This is the one that said that I’m not the only dark elf here, coupled that with the dual bloodline that the other two had mentioned…). “Kesya was it?”

“Huh?” Kesya raised one of her brows. “What do you want?”

“You said that I’m not the only dark elf here, what do you mean by that?” asked the dark elf.

“Oh, hehe,” Kesya laughed. “You sure want to know, huh? But first, tell me why do you want to open the seal that Paradise has painstakingly sealed?”josei

“Heh,” the dark elf smirked. “It’s to open access to Hell!”

“You think I would believe that?” Kesya tilted her head.

“If you know about the dark elf, then you should also know that my root comes from there, I merely wanted to go home, and also, brought forth the Hidden Age back as well,” said the dark elf.

“Hidden Age?” Kesya smirked. “What do you know about that age?”

“Barely the surface, that there was an age, an era, where Hell, Heaven, and the Mortal World were connected together, a world where beautiful creatures like me can roam freely without being judged.”

Galaeron leered at the dark elf but uttered no words.

“Huh? Is that what you thought about the Hidden Age?” Kesya raised one of her brows. “Are you stupid or something?”

“What?” the dark elf frowned whilst Galaeron was a bit surprised by her answer.

“Where did you even hear the term Hidden Age?” asked Kesya.

“From my parents and their parents as well,” said the dark elf before he shook his head. “Sadly, they are not roaming in this world anymore.”

“Where are they?” asked Kesya.

“Dead,” answered Assid as he adjusted his glasses.


“Heh, that’s right,” the dark elf added. “I was fascinated, no, I still am fascinated by the story that they had told, where we could roam the lands freely without being judged.”

“Your dead parents are delusional,” said Kesya ruthlessly.

“What did you say?!”

“Heh,” Galaeron smirked.

“There is not a single era when you are never judged,” Kesya shook her head as she crossed her arms. “Open your ears and broaden your horizon, judging is a part of our lives. We judged everyone and everything, either by appearance or not, whether we wanted it or not. We can’t help but judge, however, it is all in our control, whether we accepted being judged, or to judge. It’s what makes us different than beasts.”

Kesya’s answers surprised even Assid himself. The latter hid his gaze with the reflection of light from his glasses.

“What do you know?!” the dark elf waved his hand in denial.

“Heh, what’s wrong dark elf? Your belief is being pounded and you didn’t want to accept it?” asked Galaeron with a smirk.

“Shut up! There is no way that the Hidden Era is not as majestic!” shouted the dark elf with his eyes glaring in denial.

“Pitiful,” Kesya shook her head. “Open your sharp ears, would you, the Hidden Era that you heard of is nothing but a farse.”

“A farse?! Impossible! What do you know?!”

“I know, all about it.”

“That’s bullshit!” shouted the dark elf, “The record of that era is buried under the test of time, the only place where there is a record for that is the traveling library! Don’t tell me you’ve been there!”

“I know all about it, Assid knows, Graham knows, and especially my emperor knows,” said Kesya before she stood up. “Why? Because we live through that era.”

Galaeron, Connak, Agist, and the leader of the legion had their brows raised. The absurd words coming out from Kesya were not hard to understand, however, it was hard to accept.

“You just have to say it,” Assid sighed.

“It’s fine, right? I mean, what proof do we have else?” Kesya shrugged her shoulder. “Stop being so uptight, Assid.”

“Shut up,” said Assid to the laughter of Kesya.

“You mean, Emperor Lyon also lived through that era?” Galaeron raised his brows as he darted his glance from Kesya toward the young man that had just bested the mighty orc to a bloody pulp. (But he seems so young, and his cultivation level doesn’t match it).

“W-What…” the dark elf couldn’t believe it.

“And to answer your end of the deal,” Kesya pulled back her hoodie.



Galaeron and his two generals were stupefied. The woman in front of her whose eyes were blue and had more spark than the ocean reflecting the sun also had ears much like theirs. Her hair was golden blonde and smooth like silk but half-down it was dark much like the dark elf.

“Impossible…” the dark elf muttered before his mouth gaped like the rest of the elves.

Kesya grinned and gave out a peace sign. “How is it? You’re surprised aren’t you?”

“A half-elf, and half-dark elf….” Galaeron muttered. “Wait a minute…” he gulped as he looked at Kesya up and down. “You’re not ordinary half-elf and half-dark elf, are you?”

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