Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 526

Chapter 526: Out of Control

Fei furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at Lyon’s expression. She turned her head before her eyes dilated and her lips gaped at the sight. 

“W-What?!” asked Sylviana nervously. “Is something wrong with my face?” 

“Young miss! You…”

“I what?”

Lyon furrowed his eyebrows before grabbing a piece of glass from the broken window. He stood up from his chair before showing it to her. “See for yourself.”

Sylviana narrowed her eyes before she averted her glance toward Lyon. “What are you doing?”

“Huh? What? I’m showing you what happened.”

“That’s a see-through glass idiot.”

“… oh.”

He was acting out of instinct that he forgot the glass came from a window that was supposed to be see-through in the first place.

“Right,” said Lyon as he nodded. Disregarding the embarrassing atmosphere he quickly picked up a hand mirror nearby before giving it to her.

Sylviana opened her eyes wide as she looked upon the reflection in the mirror. She was practically divided in half. One was silver and the other was black. 

“Is this? Me?” asked Sylviana.

Lyon raised his eyebrows before blinking twice. (I thought she would jump and scream, goddamnit) thought Lyon as he was preparing to catch her at any time but the result betrayed the expectation.

“Are you not feeling anything off than usual, young miss?” asked Fei as she stood right beside her.

“I-I feel nothing is out of place. I can move both of my arms at my own will but.”

“But what?” asked Lyon.

“I can’t blink my left eye, more importantly, there is this abundant feeling of wanting to smack you.”

“Eh? Oi oi, you don’t need to hide it on a pretense that you are possessed to say that you know.”

Sylviana denied his glare by looking at Fei, “Is this the form that you mentioned before?”

Fei nodded. “Your hair will turn black and you will fight till you passed out, the next time you woke up, you hardly remember a thing.”

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Sylviana looked down to her mirror again.

Lyon crossed his arms, “Fei, did this ever happen before?”

Fei shook her head, “I’ve been with young miss ever since then, this was the first time it had ever happened like this. The trigger for her accidental transformation so far has been nothing but a weapon, a sentient weapon.”josei

“Sentient weapon, huh, that makes sense,” said Lyon as he remembered the time he gave Gungnir to her as a gift. The gift turned out to give him another side of Sylviana that even he didn’t know back then.

“You know,” said Lyon before he put his hands to support his head. “You have the power to rule the continent if you can harness it well.”

“That’s what I thought too,” said Fei before she shook her head. “However, that form of her will only be detrimental for her and her loved ones until she could control it.”

“Wait a minute, didn’t I hear that you trained to control it? How exactly are you training to do it?” asked Lyon.

“That’s uh, she basically acted like a curious cat,” said Fei as she let out a heavy disappointment sigh.

“H-Hey I did not act like that!” rebutted Sylviana.

“Huh? What do you mean acting like a cat?” asked Lyon as he tilted his head.

“You know how cats act toward a ball of yarn right? They touched it with their paw, let it roll before back touching it with their paw again,” said Fei with another heavy sigh.

“Really?” (That’s actually kinda, cute) said Lyon as he imagined her doing it.

Syilviana naturally blushed but only her right cheek was the only one turning a red hue.

“Well, looks like it’s working?” muttered Lyon as he saw her current condition. “Is she taking control of you or are you taking control of it?”

“How should I know?!” said Sylviana as she slightly gritted her teeth along with the bashfulness of her face.

“Then it looks like the opposite then,” said Lyon as he shrugged. The fact that she was not aware of her transformation was enough to prove this conclusion. Lyon raised one of his eyebrows before he suddenly leaned into her face close enough that his breath could crash against her face.

“W-What are you do—”

“Shh! Let me ask you a question, do you have any desire to fight me?”

Lyon’s eyes were unwavering as the sharpness of his glance could deter any ghost. He was looking at any slight changes that Sylviana made. However, the pure maiden only turned redder as the time it take for a second to occur couldn’t compare to the time her heart thumped.

Lyon suddenly pulled his face, leaving Sylviana heaving up and down. 

“Hmm… I guess that’s not it,” muttered Lyon.

“You!” glared Sylviana.

“What are you doing, Lyon?” asked Fei. “Please stop teasing our young miss, her heart could only beat so fast.”

“W-What?! Fei?! Which sides are you on?” said Sylviana.

“The side of Nostria of course!” answered Fei as she put her hand on her chest, saluting the kingdom that had raised her.

Sylviana narrowed her eyes as she muttered, “What does she mean by that?”

“I was guessing that maybe sentient weapon is not the only trigger for her form to overcome her, because, as we can see, she is right there,” said Lyon.


Lyon and Fei immediately froze as they heard the call. It was coming out from Sylviana’s supple lips but both of them knew that it wasn’t her who said it.

“W-What? I didn’t say that!” exclaimed Sylviana.

“I know,” nodded Lyon. “It seems like the other you regained some control?”

“However,” continued Lyon. “That form of yours hardly talk with her mouth. She mostly laugh a craze laugh then swung and stab Gungnir like a weapon it should. If she could talk, then it would be a good thing, there is a chance that your form could understand.” (And finally, get rid of that battle maniac for wanting to cross sword with me for every single chance that she got! Unbelievable, she even went inside that realm without thinking about the consequences!).

“Oh? Look! It’s receding by its own,” exclaimed Fei as she noticed the end strands of her black hair gradually turned back to silver.

“Hmm… what might trigger the reversal?” muttered Lyon. “Maybe that one word alone proved too much for her? Heh, that would be a stupid conclusion. But then again she did try to call out a great grand of a name.”

Lyon didn’t even hesitate to let out a burst of hearty laughter as the word ‘shame’ bowed and left his vocabulary along with its brother, ‘humble’.

“Phew~” Sylviana wiped the sweat out of her forehead.

Lyon turned around after his laugh before stretching his body up with the closure of a yawn. “Try meeting Yunesia, she probably had an idea on what to do about you. I think her little sister Madoku or was it Madoka? Either way, her little sister or sisters, whatever, has the same problem as you. Though perhaps not exactly the same but you get the idea.”

“Yunesia? Which Yunesia?” asked Sylviana.

“The very same exact Yunesia that flashed inside your mind, young miss,” said Fei with a smile whilst nodding.

“Wha—” she could only gasp in disbelief once more. “Wait! That genius mage Miss Yunesia?”

Sylviana immediately shook her head, “That’s impossible, she even said no to those powerful kingdoms, let alone us.”

“Don’t worry about it,” said Lyon as he yawned and headed toward the door. “She owed me a favor.”

Lyon left her room and also left Sylviana astounded. She took a glance at Fei before the latter nodded. Her brain refused to process it but her ears suddenly picked up his echoing voice from the hall.

“Don’t forget to eat.”

Lyon smiled as he put his hands inside his pocket. He was soon yawning again. His body felt weak and the very thought of bed could immediately snap him out cold.

“Heh, I guess activating all of your powers at once really took a toll on my body, huh?” muttered Lyon.

“Of course, any normal being would have died from bursting their orifices, but not my grandson, hahaha!” Shen laughed.

“You’re still in a Godhood realm, try breaking the next and you won’t feel as fatigued,” said Bapho.

“Using the catfish’s power was a waste of energy,” said Sun.

(No, please no!) thought Lyon before the two of them started to fight vocally. He couldn’t even roll his eyes as their arguments rang inside his ears. 

He suddenly started to run and left the three of them. He took the nearest room possible. Opening the door with a hasten push. He pulled his clothes off before he wobbled to the bed then passed out.

“Honestly, you didn’t even notice me.”

Luna stood up before closing the door before perking up a smile. (This must be how those regular households have every single night. The man came back home drunk tired and the woman shouts entered one’s ear then left to the opposite ear).

She shook her head before she approached the bed and lay beside him. The handsome feature that she could touch, the thick black hair that she could play with. She was brimming with smiles before putting his head on her chest.

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