Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 634

Chapter 634: It's You?!

(It was then?!) thought the lady fortune-teller as the image returned.

"?!" her eyes widened as she realized she was taken to the place where she had an inkling of where she had met the three of them. In front of her, was the familiar wide stairs that ended only at the horizon of her eyes.

She gulped before she put every might that she had to move her glance a little bit upward. Her pupils immediately shrunk as soon as she caught the glimpse.

Six shadows were sitting on the stairs, each with a style that was hinting what was most likely to be their unique personalities. Their daunting presence could render even the vilest beasts to a tremor. 

Her eyebrows slightly raised as the shadow with a figure that was standing straight and had his arms crossed, cracked a loud pop. However, before she could even notice who it was, another loud crack was heard. This time it came from the shadow figure that was standing straight but appeared to be hugging one elbow and the other hand was touching its own face.


Another one cracked. It was coming from the figure that had its hands behind its head.

"Three, just like them!" muttered the lady fortune-teller before their entire figure was revealed.josei

"That's the half-giant!" said the lady fortune-teller, "But, his hair is black?" 

Her goosebumps suddenly rose to the point that her eyes slightly fluttered. The cold sensation was both chilling and frightening. She averted her glance to the next figure.

"Ah, it's her!" exclaimed the lady fortune-teller as she noticed the black pointy ears. "Wait, why is her hair short?

Then she got the same sensation once more. (W-What is up with this sensation! What's triggering this?!).

She then looked at the third but her eyebrows were furrowed. "So this was the man that went past us?"

"Kuh!" she tiptoed as the hair on her nape stood straight as if she was being electrocuted. 

(This is the first time I ever felt something like this, is this really my reading? Am I still not high… wait a minute…) she furrowed her eyebrows. She noticed something was off with the three of the figures.

(I never paid attention to it since I couldn't see past their expressions due to the shadows, but… why are all the three of them smirking)

Graham was smirking. Kesya was smirking. Even Assid was smirking.

(Not to mention, their gaze, it's looking at me? Wait no, something behind me?!) thought the lady fortune-teller. 

"?! I-I can't move!"

She was trying to turn around and see what lies behind her but no matter how much force she put in her body, it refused to budge. She gave up without spending extra minutes. It was clearly impossible.

"This is not the real world, my physical capabilities are of no use here, then the only explanation is that my soul is not strong enough, or rather… it is scared of whatever it is behind me."

She nodded before she tried to take one step forward.

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"I knew it," muttered the lady as she managed to take a step forward without much hassle.

"Tch!" she felt a little bit disappointed. (It seems my training is not enough huh).

She looked up with her eyebrows furrowed. (If I recall correctly, there were a lot of dancers covering the throne last time and… and….. and…)

Her cheeks turned red as she remembered the blow of cold air against the back of her ear and the loud shock that returned her to the real world. 

She balled both of her fists before she took another step of the stairs. (How is that even possible though? I'm not supposed to be real, but how did it know that I exist? Or was it a flux? Is this really the future? But judging from that man's hair, then the answer is no… How did I end up reading the past, though?).

She shook her head (Either way, I need to see the one sitting on that throne!).

Her eyes started to see the base of the throne before everything turned silent. She was standing with two feet but the throne was empty once again. (Again… he or she must have detected my presence!).


Her heart jumped before she saw a right arm crossing right in front of her eyes then grabbing her left shoulder.

"I see, you must have been near me if you are able to enter this place again," the calm voice could render her soul shaken. 

Her pupils immediately shrunk to a dot (A-A full-sentence mantra?! No, wait a minute, if he could pull that off, then he could have banished me if he willed to)


"Y-You can read my mind?!" exclaimed the lady fortune-teller.

"More thanthat."

She couldn't even move her pupils to the right but she knew that the man that grabbed her left shoulder effortlessly was smiling.

"H-How? How is that possible? How did you know me? How did you even touch me here?"

"Your knowledge of reading fate is not that bad, but it is still shallow compared to mine."

The lady furrowed her eyebrows (Mantra after mantra, he spoke it like it was day-to-day conversation, what kind of monster is he?! Does he even exist?!).

"You're not the first one to call me a monster, but hey, I exist, if not, I wouldn't be able to touch you right now."

The lady fortune-teller furrowed her eyebrows. She couldn't keep her composure inwardly even though outwardly she looked sturdy as a rock.

"Who are you? You must be a legendary figure," asked the lady.

"Perhaps, but I care not for such thing, being famous has its cons andpros, I'm sure you already know about this."

The fortune-teller hardly nodded. She knew how it felt like to be famous. She was sought for her power, for her extreme affinity with fate. Able to determine the future, the livelihood, and the cultivation level of what one might be able to achieve in their lifetime. Treasures, locations, she was extremely influential. 

"So you are a famous person then?"

"That's for you to decide."

She could feel the man was smiling once more. She still had not the power to face someone that spouting mantra as if they were nothing but mere simple words.

"I have a question, is this the past?" asked the lady.

"I won't say exactly the past, but you are close."

"Close?" the lady pondered. "What do you mean?"

"You are not supposed to be here for the second time, but I guess that's what I get for being overly curious *sigh. The first time you came here, it might have been pure luck chance, but the second time, it's because I opened the lock with the key from my dear wife."

(He even sighed in mantra?!) thought the lady before she could hear his laughter.

"Lock? Key? What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about a lock and a key to unlock the lock."

"I, I know, but what lock? What key?"

"You don't need to concern yourself about this matter, next time you come, maybe you can turn around and see this magnificentscene."

The lady raises her eyebrows, "What? Is this it? I will leave again? At least! Show me your face! If you are a famous person, then I must know you! Are you in Sverine Inn? You said that I'm near you, are you in Afurnae?"

"My face? Well, you would need to wait a few years, but right now, my face is not that bad, though, I lack maturity hahaha!"

She furrowed her eyebrows, "What? What are you talking about?"

The man smiled before he blew her right ear.

The tingling soft shock snapped her back to reality.

"Miss fortune-teller, is something the matter?" asked Wanda. "You seem quite unusual?"

"Do you want to rest?" asked Cherie.

(I-I'm back? Goddamnit!) thought the fortune-teller before she looked at the queen and princess duo in front of her.

"Oh? Really? I'm sorry to have caused you to worry, but I have a sudden request if I may?" asked the fortune-teller.

"Anything I can do with my power," the queen nodded.

(The best way to unveil his face is by following the three of them!) thought the fortune-teller as she smiled. "I am curious about one thing, there is a person in Afurnae that I needed to see, however, even I doubt that I could find him."

"Oh?" (The fortune-teller couldn't find him?)

"I need your help to—"

"Welcome back! Young master!" a loud voice from the receptionist was heard.

Her heart thumped before she immediately turned around, "Excuse me!"

The queen and the princess raised their eyebrows in surprise as she watched her running through the hall.

"Young master, young master, " she muttered before she took a sharp turn.

Her pupils shrunk at the sight. One of the three that she saw in that place was kneeling, but…

(It's… you?!) thought the fortune-teller as she saw Lyon letting out a sigh.

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