Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 892

Chapter 892: Moon Hare, Rui

Chapter 892: Moon Hare, Rui

Under the wild stream coursing through between the protruding rocks was the man who just opened his eyes. He smirked before turning around and found himself being spit out of the stream and hovering above the waterfall.

Lyon crossed his arms and hovered before turning around and saw the forest that he had coursed through by the wild stream. He darted his glance from the forest toward the scene below and found a small lake.

He sighed, “Man, this is definitely not the kind of reunion I would have expected.”josei

Lyon shook his head before smiling. His ears perked up toward the sound of gushing water. He frowned and hovered his glance toward the upstream before his brows raised.

A figure was zipping the water away and leaving gushing water in her wake.

“Selena?” Lyon uttered before the figure leaped forward.

“Darling!” Selena uttered as she opened her arms to embrace him. Her blue eyes were brimming with delight as she saw Lyon’s surprised face. The man that she had visited at Nostria was now finally within reach. The power that she had given him through the ring that symbolized their union had brought them together once more. In the past and in this one, she embraced him again.

Lyon had to swing her around to regain their balance before their faces met.

“Look at you now, you’re not as weak as the first time I visited you,” Selena grinned. “Though, I did mention that you should visit me here once you reached Godhood.”

“Oh, that, haha!” Lyon made a fool laugh. “Things had gotten out of hand and I have to act, then one thing led to another before I finally reached you.”

Selena pouted, “Darling, it’s not okay to prioritize another thing than your wife.”

“Th-That’s…” Lyon scratched the back of his head with a wry smile.

“Hehe, I’m just joking,” Selena chuckled. “Seeing you flustered like that is so satisfying.”

“Oi, that’s quite a villainy,” Lyon smiled. “Though, Selena, I’m back.”

Selena had her lips squirming with ecstatic joy as she heard his words. She repeatedly nodded. “En, en, en!”

“Alright Selena, that’s enough reunion for one day.”

Selena frowned as Lyon immediately recognize the voice.

“Cecile,” Lyon smiled.

“Battle Maiden, what do you want? I already give you the chance to spend your time with him first,” said Selena as she frowned.

Cecile snorted at Selena before looking at Lyon. “It’s good that you didn’t go missing.”

“Me missing?” Lyon raised his brows.

“It’s a thing of the past, no need to be concerned about it,” Cecile shook her head. “There is a more pressing matter that you need to address.”

“My beloved son.”

Lyon’s goosebumps rose as his nape frosted. His pupils shrunk as his ears melt in the melody that was a kind of embrace of someone that watched over him. His lips parted as he looked at the bronze-brown hare standing on Cecile’s shoulder.

The bronze-brown pupils looked at Lyon with few blinks.

“Go, darling,” spoke Selena softly before she gently pushed him forward. “Mother is yearning for you, perhaps more than the rest of us.”

Lyon gulped as he slowly hovered over to the Moon Hare.

“Are you, my mother?”

The Moon Hare hovered off Cecile’s shoulder and stood straight before her arms crossed. “What do you think?”

His pupils shrunk before his nose snorted a smile.

The Moon Hare smiled seeing the youth in front of him scratching his nose.

“You have grown to be a fine young man, Lyon,” the Moon Hare uttered. “I feel pity for the fairies that you will slay with your charm.”

“Mother please,” Lyon smiled. “I’m sorry that I have caused you trouble in the past.”

“You sure are a big trouble, coming all the way down from the stars so randomly like that, and taking me as your mother, honestly, you’re such a big hassle to deal with,” the Moon Hare nodded before her voice turned soft. “However, I would do it again.”

The Moon Hare had her eyes opened wide before she was already in an embrace. The Moon Hare smiled, “No need to hug me so tightly, I’m just a ghost here.”

“N-No,” Lyon shook his head as his voice started to break. “I-I’m sorry that I still can’t remember you, I’m sorry that I-I can’t remember anything that you did to me, but somehow, somehow, I feel like I can’t lose you, n-not you.”

The Moon Hare raised her brows hearing her boy had a snot nose.

“It’s alright, Lyon, my beloved son, why are you such a crybaby now? I thought I taught you how to be a tough and cool man.”

Lyon’s throat turned hoarse as his shoulders jerked up and down. His eyes were tear-jerking and shook his head. “I-I don’t care! I don’t care.”

“Oh, my sweet boy,” the Moon Hare snuggled to Lyon’s neck. “You’ve faced so much, haven’t you? Especially with those two idiots and the talking goat accompanying your journey, but it’s alright now, mama’s here.”

“Oi!” Sun and Shen reacted the same for the first time ever since they knew each other. However, they didn’t dare to utter another word as they met the hare’s eyes. They knew better.

“There, there, be a good boy and don’t cry anymore okay? I will be here beside you from now on,” the Moon Hare said before Lyon nodded.

Cecile smiled. ( I never thought that I would see this side of him. He might be deemed one of the most powerful beings in the Three Realms, but right now, he is nothing but a boy in front of his loving mother ).

Selena smiled and nodded before frowning whenever she caught a glance at Cecile’s chin rising from the normal altitude. She snorted and refused to look at her further.

“Mother, I promise that I will find the rest, and then I will find a way to unghost you all,” said Lyon as he rubbed the snot away with his hand.

“Unghost? Hehehe, you don’t need to invent a word out of nowhere just for your convenience, Lyon,” said the Moon Hare.

“I might not know how now, but after regaining my memories I will find something, I know I have something! I will not let you live as a ghost the whole time!” said Lyon with the determination of a boy inside his eyes.

The Moon Hare nodded, “I believe in you.”

“Thank you, mama Rui,” Lyon blurted out of his consciousness but remained a smile.

The Moon Hare’s eyes beamed as she looked at the innocent smile that he gave her.

“Ma, ma, ma?” the baby was trying to reach something with his toothless smile. His legs were kicking lively as he held on to the garb of the one holding him.

“Eh? Mama?” the woman whose complexion was bronze immediately held the baby up with her lips pointing upwards. The baby was giggling all over as he was held up. “Come, say it again, mama?”

“Ma, ma? Mama, ma, ma? Mama,” the baby excitedly uttered as his legs kept kicking.

“Oh, my is his first word! Mama? Ru-i Come on, Mama Ru-i?” said the woman as she swayed her body left and right with a smile.

“Ru i? Ru i! Rui!” the baby said despite being toothless.

“Haha! hahaha!” Rui leaned back and lifted the baby up like an airplane. Her thighs were moving up and down in excitement as she looked at the baby kept kicking.

“Oh Lyon, you’re going to be really meddlesome,” said Rui with a smile before embracing him toward her breast. “However,” she smiled and closed her eyes.

The Moon Hare smiled with a snort before crossing her arms, “Looks like you need to shape up, Lyon.”

“Eh?” Lyon raised one of his brows and blinked blankly at her. “W-What do you might mean by that, Mama Rui?”

“If we are going to find the rest of us, then it would be a feat that requires great strength,” the Moon Hare nodded. “Furthermore, you still need to find your third wife, you have a daunting task to fulfill.”

“Hehe, yeah,” Lyon scratched the back of his head. “However, as long as you’re here, then it should be fine.”

The Moon Hare sighed, “I have lost all my power Lyon, I have nothing but words to say and images to scare.”

“No need! Your presence is enough!” Lyon firmly nodded with closed eyes before pointing to his chest and smirking, “Leave it up to me.”

“I see that your tongue has gotten sweeter over time,” Rui nodded. “That’s good! Keep it up.”


A distant call made Lyon turn. His brows raised once he saw hands waving at him. It was Luna being carried by Kesya and Lumina following suit behind them with her wings unfurled.

“Luna! Lumina!” Lyon waved back with a smile.

“That’s cold emperor! I’m here too!” pouted Kesya.

Lyon smiled seeing the three of them approaching before he turned and looked at Selena.

“Selena, I have a favor to ask.”

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