Ending Maker




Dawn arrived.

The sun rose, and the eastern forces began marching.

The western forces – no, the demonic hordes since they could no longer be called the western forces, soon became aware of the approaching eastern forces.

“Are they coming too?”

There was no longer an old man with a long white beard.

Haraken completely revealed his demonic human form of an insect as he stroked his chin with his insect hands.

“Those who are lowly but still call themselves gods.”

They must have felt something even if they didn’t know much about the Hell Gate.

“How splendid.”

The timing of their attack.

As if they knew that there wouldn’t be any opportunities for them except for now.

After cackling, Haraken showed no further reaction.

The Angry Bull tribe was still under his control despite them becoming monsters, but that was all.

The monsters and demons that surrounded the Hell Gate did not listen to his orders, and Haraken was unwilling to give them orders too.

‘Because we all want to serve the same being.’

Demon Prince.

He was truly a great demon with a fearsome power even among the demons with titles.

Haraken then looked east.

As he caught the scent of the blowing wind, he anticipated the upcoming fight he would lead to be like a bloody feast of fear and terror that would rise and spread amidst the deaths and killings.


Great Storm watched from far away.

Many things were reflected in his blue eyes.

The Hell Gate was now nearly 30 meters high.

And the monsters surrounding the gate was in the thousands – maybe even the tens of thousands.

He broke into a cold sweat just from looking at it.

As he watched the purple aura of hell leaking out of the gate and the monsters roaming around the now dead land, the monsters noticed his gaze and glared at his direction, and Great Storm thought that it was impossible to tell whether this place was the wild lands or hell.

Great Storm forced himself to smile.

He gazed at the Hell Gate as he suppressed all sorts of emotions that seemed to burst out at any moment.

‘She’s right.’

It was as Lena said.

An absurdly powerful being was approaching.

He could see it coming from beyond the purple aura of hell towards this place.

‘If we can’t close it.’

If that being took a step on this world.

The wild lands would cease to exist.

This land would become a part of hell, filled with despair and death.

Great Storm closed his eyes.

He blocked from his sight the Hell Gate that by just looking at it, seemed to draw him in and make him be unable to get out if he took a single step in.

And then he heard.

The voices of the eastern forces.

What they were praying for.

Those who sought their gods to gain the courage to somehow fight, and not to despair from the coming disaster.

The wheels of the wagon rolled.

They got closer to the Hell Gate little by little.

The time when they would fight, which might be their last, had finally come.

Great Storm slowly opened his eyes.

He unknowingly said the name of Blade Song out of his mouth.

Is this some kind of prayer too?

Am I believing and relying on someone in order to gain the strength to fight?

‘If it is, please give me your strength.’

To not at least despair.

To be able to fight to the end as a wild god who leads and cares for his tribe.

The wind blew.

Great Storm smiled at the sound of the wind that sharply brushed past him.

Because he felt like he heard an answer from Blade Song.

‘Yes, leave it to me.’

Gentle Snow Breeze and the children of the wild lands.

Great Storm was no longer afraid.

The wheels of the wagon continued rolling, and the time for the decisive battle had come.


Red Gale touched the Sun’s Necklace.

After faintly saying a prayer to Solari who prevented his curse from progressing, he raised his head and looked down the hill.

Snow Breeze Plain.

A beautiful snowfield covered with white snow.

It was no more.

All the snow had melted away, and the ground had turned purple.

Hideous monsters covered the ground, and winged demons were in the sky.

And the Hell Gate.

It was located just a few hundred meters from where he stood now, but he had to break through thousands of monsters and demons in order to reach it.

Red Gale held his breath.

The air that was polluted with the evil aura was murky.

But that was only for a while.

A fresh wind blew and pushed away the polluted air.

It was Gentle Snow Breeze’s wind.

So Red Gale held his breath again, deeply inhaled and then exhaled as he listened.

A large army nearing 40,000.

They had gathered and held their breaths.

40,000 thoughts, 40,000 emotions.

Red Gale looked straight ahead. The back of Nine Blades came to his mind like an illusion.

He sacrificed his life for today.

Even though he knew that he was going to die, he stayed and fought.

And today.

Red Gale and 40,000 troops were gathered.

‘In the end, it’s the same.’

They would fight today too.

In order to go hunting and fight beasts for tomorrow’s food.

In order to greet tomorrow.

In order to protect.

In order to continue the flow of life.

‘I’ve become sentimental.’

What was I thinking when there’s a fight right in front of me?

But thanks to those thoughts, he managed to calm down.

So Red Gale was able to calmly command the forces as he watched the monsters begin to rush forward.

“Beat the drums.”

The battle had now begun.

The flags were raised. Hundreds of drums boomed at the same time.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The monsters dashed towards the hill.

The eastern forces on the hill raised their shields and held their spears.

And at some point.

The storm descended.


‘We won’t charge. We defend first.’

Those were the words of Red Gale.

Great Storm raised his arms high.

His blue eyes shone as he showed off his power as a wild god.

Great Storm.

History had called him by that name.

The wind blew.

The weak winds gathered and became a strong wind, which intensified and became a gale. And it grew stronger again and became a storm that filled the skies and shook the ground.


A thunderbolt struck from the sky.

Dark clouds appeared one after another.

Rain heavily poured down from the sky.

It wasn’t the work of one wild god.

Behind Great Storm stood other wild gods such as Gentle Snow Breeze.

Gentle Snow Breeze added frost to the wind.

Heavy Dark Cloud called forth rain and lightning. They strengthened the power of the storm.


The body of Great Storm rose into the air. His eyes were shining, and blue sparks came out of his entire body.

And the storm raged.

It headed straight towards the Hell Gate and swallowed everything that it came across.


Lightning and strong winds.

A blade-like blizzard.

The eastern forces cheered at the wonders that happened before them. At the same time, the monsters that bypassed the storm headed to the hill.


Heavy Steps heavily stepped on the ground.

He was a rhinoceros, but he was huge even in his human form.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

He wasn’t alone.

The rookie wild gods, Wild Boar and Cool Fangs, provided support, and many other wild gods stepped on the ground together.

They caused an earthquake.

The ground along the hill split, and cracks soon spread towards the Hell Gate.


The charging monsters fell into the cracks.

The upheaved and raised ground became like a wall.

Storm and earthquake.

Disasters brought on by the wild gods.

And Red Gale raised his hand. He finally gave the command.


Dozens of flags were simultaneously raised. The eastern forces who were behind the raised wall received his command.

Red Wind shot an arrow.

Sun Song next to her threw his spear, and over ten thousand arrows and spears covered the sky.


The rain of arrows poured after the storm elapsed. Showers of blood spurted everywhere as the spears hit the heads of the monsters and demons.

“Kiaa! Kaak!”

The running monsters that jumped over the cracks ended up dying. There was no way for them to avoid the inescapable rain of arrows.

But it was not enough.

Only a small portion died. Most of the monsters ignored the arrows. The demons manipulated the wind and twisted the arrow’s trajectory, and some even offset the attack with flames and lightning.

“Raise the shields!”

Red Gale shouted again.

Soldiers bearing shields stepped forward together. They crossed over the raised wall and began to directly confront the monsters that poured down from the sky.


The shouts and screams mingled with each other.

A wolf-like monster that jumped over the wall was stabbed to death by several spears, and two warriors of the Great Storm tribe were beheaded by a greatsword that was swung by a demon that descended from the sky.


Some of the wild gods revealed their true forms. A giant wolf and tiger leapt into the battlefield and bit the demons, and Great Storm became furious when a sight caught his gaze.

A demon covered in the skin of a black wolf.

That was clearly Blade Song’s skin.


Great Storm caused the storm to reach the Hell Gate.

The eastern forces turned around and struck the backs of the attacking monsters.

It was pandemonium.

The barriers collapsed and those in the front lines died.

Monster howled and fell while demons were brought to the ground and crushed.

Gentle Snow Breeze trembled at such a violent scene. But she kept her eyes wide open.

The Hell Gate.

She stared at the place that was much higher than the Hell Gate – the sky.

“This is enough.”

The fighting intensified.

A sufficient number of monsters and demons attacked the eastern forces.

So now.

At this very moment.

At the sky.

At a very high place.

A place that was too high to be properly discerned from the ground.

A wooden board flew.

Three people rode on top of it.

Jude looked at the ground and had a similar thought like Gentle Snow Breeze.

It was now.

“Should I remove the shield?”

“Wait, let me mentally prepare myself for the last time.”

He wanted to see something he liked just in case.

Jude gazed at Cordelia’s face, and Cordelia tilted her head. She touched her face and wondered if there was anything on it.

Jude then smiled.

Lena also smiled.

But it was only for a moment.

Jude took another deep breath. He gestured with his eyes to Cordelia, who was still touching her cheeks with both hands. She eventually nodded and removed the shield.


A violent wind blew.

It was natural because they were seriously high up.

Their altitude was really high.

They had flown as high as possible to avoid being detected by the demons.

‘Can you really do it?’

‘Uh, maybe.’

It wasn’t because he had never tried descending at a high altitude.

It was clearly because this was his first time doing it without a parachute.

‘I had planned this, but I must have gone nuts.’

But he could do it.

No, he had to do it.

‘Let’s go.’

At the end of his brief thought, Jude jumped off the wooden board.

Afterwards, Cordelia and Lena followed him as they threw themselves towards the ground.


His speed gradually increased. Jude himself became like a blade that tore the air.

And Jude could then see.

The sight of the ground.

The Hell Gate gradually getting closer and the winged demons covering the sky.

“Ninth Heaven’s Nine Doors.”

Nine heavens and nine doors.

A road that connected to nine worlds.

Jude closed his eyes. The mnemonic chant of the Ninth Heaven’s Nine Doors awakened the power of the black dragon.

Four dragons were freed and released at once.


The dragons roared. And surrounded Jude.

A golden whirlwind appeared, and the four black dragons combined and became a huge black energy.



The demons in the sky noticed it.

They looked up at the sky.

And Jude saw them.

It rushed towards them like a dive bombing in WWII.

“Roar! O ye Black Dragon!”

Let your roars shake the heavens and earth!

Go, Black Dragon!

The black dragon wildly moved.

The great dragon’s energy swallowed up the demons. It cleared and opened the path like that.

‘Aren’t you embarrassed!’

What was that?!

The visuals were cool since the energy of the black dragon pushed its way through the demons before exploding beautifully.

‘But what was that cry! Are you a kid?’

The red-faced Cordelia spread out her wings of light.

She was curious if Lena had heard it or what her reaction was if she did, but she didn’t bother to look back.

Lena then held Cordelia’s hand. They went through the road that Jude had made as they sharply gazed at the Hell Gate.

“Stop them!”

Haraken shouted from the ground.

It wasn’t only him as several demons screamed too, and the winged monsters flew to the air at once.

Their numbers weren’t small.

The eastern forces had drawn their attention, but hundreds of monsters and demons still gathered.

It was impossible to fight them all with the energy of the black dragon that was created by Jude. So Lena spread her wings. Together with Cordelia, they grasped the Heavenly Judgment.


A reverse in direction.

Cordelia and Lena who were falling had now flown and soared up. They spread their wings of light and raised the Heavenly Judgement that they held together.

The demons in the ground.

Their flock in the hundreds.

The two saw them all.

Cordelia swung the sword at them, to where the energy of the black dragon had gone, while Lena cast a spell.

She called forth the light.

The heavenly power.

Right at that moment, the time of divine punishment arrived!

Day of Judgment!


The sky opened up.

It could only be expressed that way.

And it fell.

From the heavens to the earth.

Brilliant gold dazzlingly fell!


It was light, only light, a light that flashed gold!

Dozens and hundreds of it penetrated the air. It descended on earth and literally melted the monsters and demons.


The bodies of the demons burned.

They screamed at the sweeping light.

Since they had flocked to attack Jude, hundreds of monsters and demons could not escape the Day of Judgement.


It was an awesome sight.

A terrifying power.

A light that destroys demons.

The heavenly power heavily fell onto a place filled with the power of hell.

The true power of Heavenly Judgment could only be exercised when Lena, a holy angel, was present.


The entire eastern forces shouted in a roar.

The whole battlefield came to a standstill at such an overwhelming sight.

The monsters and demons attacking the eastern forces also looked at the heavenly light with stunned faces.


So did Jude.

As he looked up at the sky while surrounded by the black dragon’s energy, Jude couldn’t hide his awe.

The power of Day of Judgment was to burn demons.

Therefore, it did not harm him a little, and Jude was able see with his own eyes the light that fell from the sky and the appearance of two angels.

And what followed afterwards.

The reason why Cordelia was together with Lena on using the Day of Judgment for the first time.

It wasn’t because of the rings of light that continuously surrounded Cordelia.

Leveling up was important, but there was a more important reason.

The battlefield was cleared.

Thus, the Hell Gate was fully exposed.

Cordelia was exhausted on her first use of Day of Judgment and released her hold of the Heavenly Judgment.

Lena concentrated all her power on the Heavenly Judgment.

She would directly attack the Hell Gate.

Since it was much larger than the one in Endymion, she poured out her heavenly power to break and weaken it. She would reduce it to a size that they could close.


Haraken screamed from the ground.

Some of the demons shrieked.

And some of the demons fighting the eastern forces threw themselves to the Hell Gate.

But it was too far for them.

There was no one between Lena and the Hell Gate at this moment.

“Power of Judgment.”

Lena poured out all her power.

Instead of using the Day of Judgment that covered the ground, she focused it all into one spot and fired the light towards the Hell Gate.

In order to break the Hell Gate.

To reduce it by breaking it into half.

And Cordelia used her remaining angel powers to use magic that would?seal the gate.

They would close the Hell Gate and stop the enemy’s ambitions.

(T/N: ‘Seal the gate’ is a Korean word – ‘bong-mun’ (??), with a double meaning. It does not literally mean to seal or close a gate/door, but the author used its figurative meaning and combined it with its literal meaning to intentionally make a word with a double meaning, which you can see in the next sentence after ‘seal the gate.’

First is the literal meaning – seal the gate. Cordelia wanted to use her magic to literally seal or close the Hell Gate. The second would be its figurative meaning – to close the doors of opportunity. She wanted to stop the enemy from having the opportunity to fulfill their ambitions.

Source:?Naver Blog

The light moved forward.

In a moment, in an instant.

It felt like it wouldn’t reach it because time seemed to have stopped.

Haraken squirmed.

The demons turned their eyes to the nearing heavenly power. They did not dare confront it.

And at that moment.

When the Power of Judgment was about to crash into the Hell Gate.

Jude saw it.

What quickly came out from the Hell Gate.

What came out at that moment and collided head-on with the Power of Judgment.


The light exploded.

The immense flash of light blinded everyone in the battlefield.

But Jude realized it.

Lena’s intuition felt it.

Demon Prince.

The demon’s anti-air attack!


The Power of Judgment was shattered.

It couldn’t reach the Hell Gate.

Cordelia forced open her eyes and turned to the Hell Gate.

And she could see.

A huge black arm had squeezed through the Hell Gate.

The hand of a demon.

That was what stopped the Power of Judgment. It protected the Hell Gate.

The Power of Judgment was just a few inches away from the Hell Gate.

The demon’s hand burned. It dropped to the ground with a loud sound.

But it didn’t break. It did not disappear.

Rather, it evoked a purple aura to attack Lena, who was standing in exhaustion.


Cordelia hurried flew over and pushed Lena away.

The purple sphere launched by the Demon Prince pierced the air and killed everything it passed by.

‘<Purple Sun!>’

The highest-ranked magic that humans couldn’t even use unless they were on the level of an archwizard.

Although it was small in size, it was definitely <Purple Sun>. The Demon Prince had instantly materialized that terrifying magic of destruction.


Cordelia looked at the ground again.

The Demon Prince had not yet passed through the Hell Gate. Only an arm had come out, and that arm was severely damaged when it blocked the Power of Judgment.

It had fought back, but that was all. As evidenced by this, the arm was stretched out but did not fire any magic again.

But Lena’s face turned pale.

Because she had used up too much power, and that she also felt despair in their current situation.

‘There’s no other way.’

She had put all of her power in that one blow.

She couldn’t afford to do it one more time.

She stopped the Demon Prince’s right arm, but time was now on the enemy’s side.

Lena herself couldn’t stop the Demon Prince.

Cordelia’s power was not enough to close the Hell Gate.


Cordelia cried.

She flew higher to evade the attacks of the monsters and demons that flew up higher too.

She hugged Lena and cast her eyes on the ground. It was to find Jude.



The monsters rushed when Jude landed on the ground.

The golden whirlwind surrounded Jude, but there were too many monsters that came at him from all sides.

Haraken laughed.

He sighed in relief, and soon burst into laughter because of his overwhelming emotions.

Ah, that was it.

That was the strategy you prepared.

Yes, I admit it.

I was alarmed.

If the Demon Prince was a little late, and if it didn’t strain itself, the Hell Gate might have been closed.

But it didn’t close.

The Demon Prince’s coming was only delayed because it tried to stop the attack, but time was on their side.

The battle between the eastern forces and the demons began again.

Haraken looked at the ground with a smile. He saw Jude who was fighting well but would soon be crushed by the monsters, and also saw the two angels in the sky.

“It was you.”

Those who interfered with my plans.

Forced me to make the choices I’ve made now.

But I don’t hate you two.

I think I made the right choice because of you two.

Haraken continued to laugh.

He saw Jude fighting desperately and Cordelia who was at risk of falling down.

He enjoyed seeing Lena’s despair.

And Cordelia looked at Jude.

She held Lena’s waist in her right hand and threw a flare with her left hand as she gazed at Jude.

And Jude received her gaze.

They were too far to have a conversation with their eyes, but as the two saw each other, they understood each other like always.

‘Should I do it?’

Jude bitterly smiled at Cordelia’s question.

‘Yes, let’s go to Plan B.’

In case Lena’s plan had failed.

Cordelia smiled.

She forcibly did so.

She revealed her best smile and drew her fist. She turned off her angelic power and unleased the power of the witch.


Cordelia’s hair turned black. A dark red power burned on Cordelia’s right arm.

Lena turned to Cordelia.

Cordelia widely smiled and swung her right arm.

She threw the <Dark Blade> towards the ground.

Haraken saw Cordelia’s action.

He followed the trajectory of the Dark Blade.

The ground.

At a crack caused by the earthquake that the wild gods had triggered.

The Dark Blade pierced through it.

And Haraken realized it.

What Cordelia was trying to do.

So he laughed. He mockingly laughed at Cordelia’s foolishness.

“You foolish one.”

Yes, a dragon vein also flowed in the Snow Breeze Plain.

But that was all.

There was no massive pool of the dragon vein here.

Even if they made the dragon vein runaway, it would only cause a small explosion.

Whatever they did, the Hell Gate would remain intact.

He was not wrong.

It was a good judgment.

And Jude and Cordelia also knew it.


Cordelia said.

And there was a small explosion.

The ground shook because it still touched a part of the dragon vein.

The monsters that flocked to Jude stopped at once upon hearing the explosion.

And that was it.

Their job ended with just that.

But not yet.

Cordelia did not lose her smile. josei

Because this was just the beginning.

She just pulled the trigger.

What Jude and Cordelia had prepared.

What they wanted to do before they learned about Lena’s recovery.

“My Jude is awesome.”

Cordelia spoke, and Lena blinked her eyes.

Haraken sharply stared at Cordelia again.



As she was counting down, Cordelia broadly smiled again.

She said with her best smile.

“F*ck bang.”

And an explosion happened.


It wasn’t that big again this time.

But it continued.

Explosions occurred in succession under the ground.

Bang, bang, bang.

It was unusual.

Everyone wondered on what the hell was happening.

The demons all saw the same place.

And Haraken realized it. The explosion was continuing in one direction.

It was ‘moving.’

“Because art is an explosion.”


There was a tremendous, a really huge explosion.

It was far away.

It wasn’t close.

But even that continued. The explosion continued.

To the east, to the west.

In a line.

Along the stream.

“Dragon vein.”

A stream.

Something that was all connected into one.

Cordelia’s idea was simple.

The dragon vein is a stream. Let’s use that stream.

An idea that she virtually passed to Jude, without knowing how to do it.

But that was enough. The idea was realized in Jude’s mind.

The infrastructure built by the high elves of Magellan.

A research facility built by the high elves of Magellan.

The reason why the other dragon vein pools did not explode in succession even after some exploded was because the distance between each dragon vein pool was long.

But if there was something that relayed it in between.

If the dragon vein can cause a chain of explosions like falling dominoes.

The Snow Queen was not one.

There were abandoned research facilities in the east and west too.

The infrastructure of the high elves made the flow of the dragon vein clearer.

Jude and Cordelia set bombs on the dragon vein.

Bombs that were frozen by the Snow Queen’s power.

And they ran and made the most of the Town Portal. They made all the dragon veins in the research facilities they could reach to be on the verge of a runaway.

And at this moment.

Plan B was put into motion.

They pushed the first piece of the dominoes.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Explosions continued at distant places that were out of their sight.

The reason Cordelia did not use the Snow Queen in this battle was simple.

It was used as a bomb to burst the dragon vein.

Naturally, even Jude and Cordelia couldn’t mass produce bombs that could be used throughout the entire dragon vein in just four days.

But that wasn’t necessary in the first place.

Because the dragon vein was a stream.

If it run out of control above a certain level , the entire dragon vein would eventually runaway.

Just like now.


The dragon vein shook.

The dragon vein pools run out of control in succession, and every time one of them went out of control, the runaway of the entire dragon vein accelerated.

Artificial spirits exploded one after another.

The high elves’ research facilities that were deep in the ground exploded, which added to the power of the runaway.

East and west.

The entire wild lands.

The whole dragon vein!


The earth shook.

It was a result of all the eastern and western dragon vein streams running out of control.

The ground shook, and earthquakes occurred everywhere. The wild gods could not conceal their shock.

Gentle Snow Breeze felt her sanctuary exploding, and Blue Whiskers sensed the sacred place to have been blown away. Great Storm stared at Jude and Cordelia with a stunned face.


There was also an explosion in the Sky Roof mountain range far away.

The fight stopped again.

They had no choice but to do so since the runaway of the dragon vein shook the entirety of the wild lands.

Even Haraken looked at Cordelia with a stupefied face.

He tried to understand the current situation somehow.

The west was already in ruins.

The sanctuaries of the wild gods and the dragon vein streams were quite far from the tribes’ dwellings, so even if the entire dragon vein exploded, there would almost be no casualties.

But even if that is so, you made the entire dragon vein runaway?

You blew up the sanctuaries of all the wild gods?

They’re not normal.

No, there’s something else that’s more important than that.

Why in the hell-

What would you gain from that?

On the other hand, Great Storm knew the reason.

So he couldn’t help but laugh while also cursing.

“You crazy b*stards.”

But they were his crazy b*stards.

Gentle Snow Breeze also knew. Blue Whiskers realized it too.

The entire dragon vein had exploded.

Thus, the entire dragon vein was purified. The aura of hell was shaken off by the explosions.

And as a result.

There was one who woke up because of that.


A roar broke out in the sky.

The sky split at once, and a golden light covered the ground.

Haraken stared at the sky in a daze.

Lena blinked her eyes, and Cordelia smiled as her canines glistened.

“The Golden Dragon King.”

Jude spoke.

The dragon emblem on Jude and Cordelia’s hands shined, and the roaring continued in the skies.

It was the roar of the master of the wild lands and the king of the wild gods, the one who was the dragon vein itself.

The aura of hell that rose from the Hell Gate disappeared.

The Snow Breeze Plain was purified in an instant.

And a thunderbolt struck.

A huge golden flash of light struck from the sky to the ground, to be exact, it struck Jude.


Cordelia hastily shouted, and Lena stopped her when she tried to rush towards him.

Because Lena, a holy angel, knew.

The Golden Dragon King did not punish Jude.

Rather, he handed over his power to Jude.

[How bold.]

Golden Dragon King said to Jude.

He permitted them to burst the contaminated dragon veins, but he never thought that they would explode the entire dragon vein.

[Thanks to the two of you, I’m not normal either.]

He woke up but couldn’t move properly.

Therefore, Golden Dragon King chose Jude.

He entrusted his power to the guardian of the wild lands.

[Finish it.]

Destroy and put an end to the Hell Gate.

The power of the wild lands shall be with you.

Light burst out.

The monsters and demons surrounding Jude all vanished with a scream.

And Jude stood.

With his entire body colored with a golden radiance.

He became the incarnation of the Golden Dragon King.

“Shall we start?”

Jude said as he looked up the sky, and Cordelia nodded. The power of the wild lands was also transmitted to Cordelia through the Dragon’s Emblem.

All that was left now was to close the Hell Gate.

Jude and Cordelia looked at each other again.

After exchanging smiles like always, they looked at the Hell Gate again.

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