Ending Maker

Chapter 248

Chapter 248: Seven Southern Families (1)

Chapter 248: Seven Southern Families (1)

Around dawn in the morning.

Jude said as he looked at the sleeping Kajsa curled up next to Sebastian.

“You look alike.”

“Eh? What are you talking about?”

“It’s fine if you don’t know.”


He had thought that Cordelia and Kajsa were similar since they liked to sleep in a curled up position, just like how animals sleep.

But Jude did not dare to say that aloud, so Cordelia tilted her head and said as she looked at Kajsa.

“I feel guilty waking her up when she’s sleeping so soundly.”

Kajsa was sleeping so well that the phrase ‘a good night’s sleep’ perfectly described it. But Jude did not care about that as he shook Kajsa’s shoulder.

“Hey, Kajsa.”

“Uh? Huh?”

“Wake up.”

She indeed had a beast as an ancestor.

Unlike Cordelia who was almost defenseless when sleeping, Kajsa opened her eyes as soon as he touched her.

Jude gave some cold water to the half-asleep Kajsa before carrying the sleeping Sebastian on his back and leaving the room.

“Mister? Huh? W-wait! Where are you taking him!”

“We’re going home.”


“Let’s go to your house.”

At Jude’s words, Kajsa instantly flinched. Because she thought that it was finally her turn.

‘I have to stay alert!’

Because these two will rob me if I let my guard down.

Anyway, apart from her, Cordelia woke up Bentham who was lying down with his stomach on the floor, and they hurriedly prepared to leave.

“We’ll have to leave the sirens secretly. Because we don’t know when we’ll be able to leave if it keeps going like this.”

“You’re right. I don’t think Electra and Chloe will let us go easily.”

Cordelia had a bitter smile at Kajsa’s words, and Jude also smiled.

“Anyway, let’s go now.”


Kajsa immediately answered as if she wanted to step on land again like the two.

If one thought about it, Kajsa’s family, the Ophands, thought that Kajsa had been captured by the pirates, so it was proper to go back as soon as possible.

‘Because it’s been around 3 days since we left the pirate island.’

The Ophand family would have been anxious about Kajsa whom they had lost contact with because she had been kidnapped by the pirates for the past 3 days.

‘Perhaps they’ve already taken over the empty pirate island.’

They might be looking for Kajsa who was nowhere to be seen.

Calix Ophand who fought against Ga?l in the fighting competition was a person who dearly cherished Kajsa.

Even in the game, the relationship between the two was so close that in fanfiction, the most frequent pairing with Kajsa was neither Sebastian nor Wolfe, but Calix.

TN: WTF… Incest route? Or are Kajsa and Calix not blood-related siblings?

‘Among the three men, Calix was the only who didn’t die in the beginning as he even appeared later.’

In any case, Kajsa and Calix had a close relationship, so they would be able to get support as well as rewards if they return her to the Ophand family.

Support in helping them rob the other 7 southern families.

‘They’ll probably help after knowing the entire situation.’

Because it was about the family heirloom of the other 6 families.

Perhaps they would help the two more than they could imagine.

“Anyway, let’s hurry.”

Jude urged the group again, and they hurried out of the mansion.

Everyone was drunk because of the banquet, so they didn’t encounter anyone while they were moving.

“Okay, let’s go.”


Jude and Cordelia rode together on a seahorse as the group left the Gallas family’s mansion and the country of the sirens.


“Fuaa! Fwoo! I can breathe air now.”

At the seashore.

Kajsa deeply breathed the fresh air she had not breathed in a few days, while Bentham continued to pant next to her.

And Jude turned to Cordelia instead of the two as he asked.

“Are you feeling cold?”

“Yes, but it’s fine.”

Their hair and clothes were soaked since they were in the water, but unlike the last time they fell into the water, she didn’t have a pale face or lips.

Because they had received from the sirens a magic tool that maintained one’s body temperature in the water.

“But let’s get out of the water so that we can dry up quickly. We might catch a cold.”


The two were very sweetly looking at each other.

Therefore, Kajsa instinctively wanted to interrupt them, and she quickly stepped in between the two and said.

“This is the coast of Piares, right? Then Argon is just nearby!”

When Kajsa shouted loudly at the sight of such a large city, Bentham also smiled happily.

“Oh! Argon! I’m glad since this is where the guild headquarters is! Wait, did you purposely bring us here in the first place?”

At Bentham’s question, Kajsa also looked at Jude in curiosity, and Jude slowly nodded.

“Because this is where the 7 southern families are gathered.”

Argon Port.

It was the largest city in the south that was under the royal family’s jurisdiction. The city was like an island on land because it was situated between the territories of the 7 southern families.

For this reason, Argon Port served as a neutral zone for the 7 southern families who had been fighting for a long time.

‘That’s why it became the biggest port here. However…’

The 7 southern families would fight whenever they met, but they did not get into physical fights on Argon Port which was under the direct control of the royal family.

Instead, the 7 southern families used Argon Port as the stage for their fierce battles of power, which eventually led to the growth of Argon Port into the best city in the south.

So the city was overflowing with money and people.

“Daram is nice, but I think it’s better to go straight to the marquis.”

“Hmm, you’re right. That’s a good idea.”

As it was an important land, the 7 southern families built their own mansions in Argon Port and assigned their family’s influential talents there.

There were also many cases where the head of the family lived there.

‘That is the case for Marquis Ophand and Count Kagehama.’

In other words, it was highly likely that Carlos’ tokens, the heirlooms of Marquis Ophand and Count Kagehama, were in Argon Port.

“Okay, I’ll take the lead from here. Follow me.”

The excited Kajsa lifted Sebastian, who was twice as tall as her, and began to take the lead.

Jude deliberately let Bentham walk ahead before he whispered to Cordelia.

“Let’s join up with Scarlet once we arrive at Argon Port.”

They had told Scarlet that they would be robbing the 7 southern families, so she was probably staying near Argon Port too.

‘Because we told her that we’d compete in two months.’

Preliminary investigation was necessary for thefts.

More than a month had already passed, so if she wasn’t at Argon Port, it was highly possible that she was traveling around the south to investigate the seven families.

But Cordelia’s reaction was a bit odd.


She blinked her eyes with a slightly dumbfounded expression.

And Jude knew very well what that expression meant.

“What the… Did you forget Scarlet?”

Was Scarlet the one that you forgot last time?

Jude asked in surprise, and Cordelia flinched and shifted her gaze.

“N-no. Uh…”

It was clear to him that she was avoiding his eyes.

It seemed like she had indeed forgotten Scarlet.

“Wow, you’re amazing. Isn’t this too much?”

You’re the one who wanted to compete with her in the first place.

“It slipped my mind for a bit. Just a bit. I didn’t completely forget about it.”

It was at the moment when Cordelia wiggled her fingers and made excuses.

[Forgetting someone, huh… It happens often. I think it’s quite possible.]

A cold-sounding voice came out of Moonlight, and the really guilty Cordelia shrank even more.

“Uuuuh… I’m sorry.”

[Are you really sorry?]

“Yes, I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.”

Scarlet is the one who got forgotten, so why is she asking Melissa for forgiveness?

In any case, Cordelia’s shrinking appearance as she asked for forgiveness was cute, so Jude decided to not say anything. He continued their conversation after taking a few pictures with a magic tool.

“Moving on, let’s begin the match right away after meeting up with Scarlet.”

“We’re stealing the 7 southern families’ heirlooms, right? The tokens of Carlos.”

Cordelia immediately replied as she was eager to change the topic, so Jude pinched her cheek and said.

“That’s right. The side with the most heirlooms of the 7 families wins… or the side who steals a family heirloom first wins. It would be easier for us if we attach conditions like the loser helps the winner afterwards.”

Jude said that in a straightforward manner like always, but Cordelia lightly pursed her lips instead of agreeing immediately.

She pulled Jude’s sleeve as she asked.

“But Jude. What made you so confident?”

This wasn’t just a fight since this was a stealing match.

Unlike Jude who was new to stealing, Scarlet was born into a thief family and was a stealing professional who had sharpened and polished her thieving skills up to the present, so it was not a situation where he could confidently win.

But he had said that with a confident expression.

“I’m confident because I can do it. Have you ever seen me lose in a fight?”

“No. But why are so cheeky?”

“Woah, woah… calm down. Anyway, even if it’s a stealing match, there’s a high chance that we will win. So don’t worry about it too much.”

He seemed to be really confident when she saw her talking like that.


How come? Where does his confidence come from? josei

Cordelia tilted her head and at some point, her eyes widened in surprise. Because something flashed into her mind.

“Ah! You were a thief, huh? A professional thief and not a scammer, right?”

She thought that it was reasonable when she said that.

It wasn’t just scammers who were good at disguising or forging.

Rather, it was one of a thief’s specialty!

“It’s… possible!”

When Cordelia said that with sparkling eyes, Jude flicked her round and white forehead.


“I told you before that I’m not a criminal, okay? Rather, I was a model citizen who faithfully fulfilled his duty to pay taxes, okay?”

“Argh. Then what in the world were you?”

“Figure that out on your own. Anyway, there’s a reason why I’m confident that we’ll win this match.”

“What is it? Can you teach me about that?”

As Cordelia touched her forehead, Jude pinched her cheek and spoke while drawing his face closer to her ear.

“We’re going to rob Kajsa’s house.”


“We’re going to hold the match in Kajsa’s house.”

Cordelia looked surprised at Jude’s words. She couldn’t help it.

“Kajsa’s house?”

“Yes, of course, we’ll ask Kajsa for her cooperation. Don’t you think that we’re definitely way ahead of Scarlet then, who has to do a preliminary investigation first?”

Kajsa could just hand it over to them.

It was a match that they had no way of losing.

“So, what do you think?”

Jude was expecting her to say, ‘Yes, I love it!’ and smile brightly, but he was soon confused.

Instead of smiling brightly, Cordelia glared at him with a disagreeing expression.

“That’s unfair.”


“That’s unfair. Really, really unfair. You’re not even a human. You’re a beast. A demon. A scammer. An evil guy.”


“How can you do that to Scarlet? She’s a friend. No, she’s MY friend. But you’re going to cheat her? Huh?”

Cordelia’s sound argument made Jude flinch.

And he realized it again.

The fact that Cordelia is a real angel.

But it was at that moment.

“And it’s not very efficient.”


“Efficiency. It’s Kajsa anyway, so we can get it if we just ask her. Wouldn’t it be a waste of resources then if we have to compete? It’s better if we compete for something else.”

It was a sound argument again, but it was a bit different from the previous one.

“Cordelia, you’ve become black too.”

“No, I’m cleaner than anyone else. I’m like a white tissue.”

And whose fault was it that I’ve become black in the first place?

As Cordelia looked up at him cutely, Jude eventually laughed out loud and then said.

“Okay, I’m a bad guy.”

“Yes, that’s right. You’re a bad guy.”

When Cordelia called him a bad guy as she widely smiled, the mental damage he received was unexpectedly huge.

Therefore, Jude unknowingly groaned and quickly changed the topic.

“Moving on… what if we lose against Scarlet?”

“Then we lose. Scarlet will become the new Rogue Master after Pink Bomb, right?”

“Is that fine with you?”

“Yes, because my goal is not to become a Rogue Master. And if it’s Scarlet, she’ll help us even if she wins the match. She’s kind after all.”

“She’s kind…”

He wondered if she was kind to everyone, but he was sure that she was kind to Cordelia.

“Okay, Scarlet is indeed kind.”

“Yes, she is. So let’s not cheat her. I want to properly fight Scarlet too.”

“Okay, let’s do that.”

Cordelia smiled again when Jude agreed.

“Yes, that’s good. My Jude is good.”

“You said that I was a bad guy earlier.”

“Yes, that’s right. You’re also a bad guy.”

“Anyway, you’re saying that I’m good, right?”

“I don’t know about that.”

Cordelia replied with a giggle, and moved behind his back as if she was hiding before she climbed on his back so naturally.

Jude naturally adjusted Cordelia’s position and said.

“Let’s go. Kajsa’s staring at us with an irritated expression.”

“Yeah, Bentham too.”

If Sebastian was conscious, would he have a similar expression?

Jude had a small smile as he thought that, and he adjusted Cordelia’s position again before he stepped forward.


A few hours later.

The Ophand family was in an uproar in a good sense.

Because Kajsa, whom they had not heard of after being captured by the pirates, had returned safely without any injuries.

Moreover, she didn’t just return.

She completely destroyed the pirate island, and also rescued Bentham, a dwarf artisan who had been previously kidnapped.

And there were two more things.

Sebastian, one of the Ten Great Swordmasters from the south, and the fantasy couple who were the rising stars of the royal capital.

At this point, it had gone beyond an uproar as the rumors spread throughout Argon Port.

The ‘Sea Wolf’ was back.

Sebastian returned.

The fantasy couple who had runaway for the seventh time had appeared at Argon Port this time, and so on.

Cordelia was at a loss when she heard the words ‘runaway’ and ‘elopement’, but Jude was very happy.

Because he liked Cordelia’s cute appearance when she heard those rumors, and also because it saved him some effort.

“You two are always impressive.”


At the very night they arrived at Marquis Ophand’s mansion.

Cordelia had a wide smile at Scarlet appearing from the open window in the room where Jude and Cordelia were staying, and Jude had a sly smile.

“You look good.”


Scarlet sarcastically replied to Jude’s greeting before she hugged Cordelia who had rushed to her.

“Anyway, did you know, Pink Bomb?”

“Eh? About what?”

What are you suddenly talking about?

Cordelia blinked her eyes as if she didn’t really know, so Scarlet frowned and looked at Jude.

“Black Cloak, you don’t know?”

“Shouldn’t you say what it is first? I won’t know what you’re talking about if you don’t say it.”

“It seems like you really don’t know.”

Scarlet furrowed her brows as she looked troubled, and sighed before she pinched Cordelia’s cheek and said.

“We have a big problem.”

“A big problem?”

Cordelia seemed to have gotten used to having her cheeks pinched these days, and she opened her eyes wide as she asked Scarlet, who nodded and spoke while stroking the cheek she had just pinched.

“There’s someone who’s robbing the 7 southern families.”


“There’s someone who’s robbing the 7 southern families of their heirlooms. Of course it’s not me, and now that I see you, it’s not you either, so it’s a third party.”

The heirlooms of the 7 southern families.

Carlos’ tokens.

It was something that Jude and Cordelia must get.

But someone was already collecting it.

At Scarlet’s words, Jude and Cordelia turned to each other.

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