Ending Maker

Chapter 261

Chapter 261: Surprise Attack (5)

Chapter 261: Surprise Attack (5)

Morning dawned at Argon Port.

The view of the sun rising above the horizon was the same as always, but the scenery that Argon Port had now was different from yesterday.

“We’re not allowed to set sail?”

“Yes, the port is under lockdown.”

Dozens of ships that were of various kinds were anchored in Argon Port.

Normally, the dock would have been busy with ships preparing to depart in the morning, but this was not the case for today.

Because no ship could leave the port.

It was a sudden order, but the ship owners decided to observe the situation instead of protesting immediately.

They didn’t know exactly on what happened last night, but everyone knew that at least hundreds of monsters attacked Argon Port.

Under normal circumstances, those who were afraid of attacks would definitely try to leave Argon Port by boat, but the situation was a little different this time.

Because the 7 southern families who were always fighting and having power struggles had all agreed to block the port.

“There’s a rumor that Malekith is coming back.”


“Yeah. Hans said that he saw the corpses of Black Dragons lying in the central square. Members of the Guardians of the Holy Cross were preventing the drooling dwarves from approaching it.”

“Ho? The Guardians of the Holy Cross?”

Hearing that name was unexpected, but it was strangely relieving at the same time.

“And I’ve heard that it was none other than Paragon’s heroes who stopped this attack.”

“Is that true?”

“I heard that too. And think about it. Who else but Paragon’s heroes can deal with all those monsters overnight?”

“Oh, you’re right.”

The story of how the five heroes of Paragon defeated a transcendent existence called the Demon Prince was widely known throughout the continent.

“And there are rumors that the fantasy couple is here too.”

“Who are those?”

“You don’t know about the heroes of the royal capital? They’re the young heroes who protected the royal family from the Lord Protector… no, that blasted traitor.”

“Ah, aren’t they the ones who run away from home every now and then?”

“Uh-huh, but be careful with your words. What if someone hears you?”

“I mean… they’re quite famous.”

The fact that the fantasy couple were masters of night escapes was a story that the entire S?len Kingdom knew.

The two of them had even created a trend of couples running away at night in the royal capital now.

“They say that one should refrain from talking about it so that couples who are in love will not try to run away at night.”

“Ahem, ahem. Anyway, the heroes of Paragon and the fantasy couple… it seems like something really strange is happening.”

“Perhaps that rumor about Malekith is true.”

“It’s possible…”

There was no one in Argon Port – no, the entire south who did not know of Malekith.

Three hundred years was clearly a long time, but it was too short a time to erase the scars he had carved on the land.

The legend of the great hero Carlos and his seven knights.

The story of an evil Black Dragon who tried to destroy the south.

While all kinds of rumors were circulating around the port, the heads of the southern families left their mansions.

‘Carlos’ dragon sword is back.’

The words written on the letter bearing the crest of the Guardians of the Holy Cross and the Knights of the Sea Lion were enough to move the family heads of the southern families.

Because they all knew what having the dragon sword meant.

At the Knights’ meeting room.

Standing in front of the podium, Kamael looked straight ahead.

Behind him sat Landius, Lena, and Sir Marcus, commander of the Knights of the Sea Lion, while on the opposite side were the six heads of the 7 southern families excluding Matteo Luculia, who were seated at a distance from each other.

The facial expressions of the family heads varied.

Excitement, anger, fear, and concern.

As he faced their various emotions, Kamael closed his eyes for a short moment before speaking in a low voice.

“Malekith is back.”

Everyone had already guessed that at this point.

But Kamael’s declaration was like a final sentence.

The family heads reacted differently to the reality that they were finally facing.

Some groaned while others struggled to remain calm. There were also those who clenched their teeth in fear, and those who closed their eyes to escape from reality for a while.

But no one denied Kamael’s words.

Because no one here was so foolish as to not know what happened last night or what the corpses of the Black Dragons in the central square meant.

“And as you can see here, Carlos’ sword is also back.”

Kamael raised Ascalon.

Because it was in its sealed state and no one could feel any divine power from it, it looked like a bit of an ornate dress sword, but none of the family heads doubted the authenticity of the sword.

The words of Kamael, who was one of Paragon’s five heroes and one of the Guardians of the Holy Cross’ six generals, had that much weight and power.

“Malekith’s subordinates stole the family heads’ tokens and tried to find the sword’s whereabouts. Because they feared the power of Dragon Sword Ascalon, Carlos’ legacy that defeated Malekith in the past.”

Count Kaolan, a white-haired old man, clenched his fists as he calmly spoke.

He was the oldest among the family heads of the 7 southern families, and the most ardent follower of Carlos among those present here.

Kamael continued to speak.

“Count Jude August Bayer and Countess Cordelia August Chase defended Ascalon from Malekith’s subordinates. They also saved Count Kagehama’s life.”

At Kamael’s words, everyone turned to Count Kagehama.

Count Kagehama could only narrow his brows because he could barely remember the events last night due to his head injury.

“I am well aware of what Carlos’ sword means to the south. But I cannot give this sword to any of you. Because we’re in a real emergency.”

The gazes of the family heads turned sharp at that moment.

In the case of Count Kaolan, he clearly expressed his anger towards Kamael who dared to take away Carlos’ legacy, but the reactions of the other family heads were slightly different.

‘This is better.’

Now that Malekith was about to be resurrected, the fate of the south was hanging by a thread.

So they had to gather the forces of the south.

Someone had to take Carlos’ sword and lead the 7 southern families.

However, it was quite awkward for one of the 7 southern families to take Carlos’ sword.

‘But now is not the time to fight.’

This was not the time for the 7 southern families to wage a civil war over who would take Carlos’ sword.

A person foolish enough to wage a civil war in the face of a common enemy could not be a family head of the 7 southern families.

Count Kaolan was unable to hide his anger that preceded his emotions, but he did not stand up or shout.

Because he understood the current situation just like the other family heads.

‘Then who is it?’

Who will take Carlos’ sword and lead the 7 southern families?

They had guessed it to some extent.

But they had to keep their eyes peeled this time too until a definite answer was given.

And at the reactions of the family heads, Kamael inwardly sighed in relief. With a small compliment to the family heads who didn’t act foolishly, he continued his words that were interrupted for a while.

“I’m going to give Carlos’ sword to Landius. And when this battle is over, Landius will return Carlos’ sword to the south.”

As if responding to Kamael’s words, Landius rose from his seat and stepped forward.

With the appearance of a giant who was like a moving castle of steel, the family heads did not object this time too. Rather, there were those who breathed a sigh of relief.

‘It’s as Jude said.’

There were actually six candidates for Carlos’ sword.

Kamael himself, Landius, Lena, Jude, Cordelia, and Sir Marcus.

Among these people, Jude said that no one would worry if Landius was entrusted Carlos’ sword.

“He’s the one person they would least object to.”

Kamael was a high-ranking member of the Guardians of the Holy Cross.

He belonged to a powerful organization that was influential in the entire continent, so from the perspective of the 7 southern families, they couldn’t help but feel burdened.

Because the Guardians of the Holy Cross might try to influence the south after taking Carlos’ sword – an assumption that was unlikely but not completely impossible.

“In that sense, neither I nor Cordelia are good.”

Jude and Cordelia were nobles of the S?len Kingdom.

In other words, them taking Carlos’ sword meant that there was a huge possibility that the two would settle down in the south.

From the standpoint of the 7 southern families, having their leader be an outsider or coming from the 12 northern families was not something they welcomed.

“As for Sir Marcus… I apologize, but he lacks authority.”

Moreover, he worked for the royal family, so the 7 southern families couldn’t help but reject him.

Although the 7 southern families were loyal to the S?len royal family, simply belonging to the S?len Kingdom and being directly governed by the royal family was like the difference between heaven and earth.

“Then the only ones left are Master and Lena-nim, but Master is probably better, right?”

Both were wandering people who were not affiliated with any organization and also had a reputation for being one of Paragon’s five heroes, but there were still some clear differences.

A fist fighter – no, a swordsman and a wizard.

If one had to choose on who would be entrusted with the sword, which of the two would most likely be entrusted?

“There’s also the visual reason.”

Anyone could tell at one glance that Landius looked crazily strong, but Lena only appeared to be a beautiful and slender woman.

“So I think we should entrust Ascalon to Master.”

Kamael also agreed with him.

Regardless of the reasons Jude had said, he had also thought that only Landius could lead everyone in this crisis.

‘Like how he did in Paragon.’

He who did not give in to despair before the Demon Prince.

A man like the sun who eventually saved everyone with his mind of steel.

Kamael snapped out of his thoughts.

He handed over Ascalon to Landius in the presence of the family heads, and Landius respectfully accepted it.

“I’ll hold the sword of the great hero for a while.”

When Landius spoke in a serious tone, even Count Kaolan who wanted to protest ended up nodding his head at that moment.

It was because Landius’ appearance as a hero was quite overwhelming.

‘As expected.’

Kamael uncharacteristically smiled in satisfaction before he continued speaking again.

“The situation is urgent, so we’ll move on to the countermeasure meeting immediately.”

However, Kamael had no intention of exchanging opinions with the family heads.

Because he had already decided all the general measures.

“Malekith is now asleep here.”

Kamael said as he pointed to a place in the huge chart that a squire had set up.

It was an island located quite far from Argon Port, where the surrounding currents were unusual and had a lot of reefs, making it difficult to approach.

“Malekith has yet to wake up. So the best thing that we can do is to invade the island before he wakes up, and use Ascalon to end his breath while he’s still sleeping.”

Everyone’s eyes turned to Landius at Kamael’s words, and Landius lightly raised Ascalon with a solemn expression.

In fact, it was Jude who would use Ascalon in the battlefield, but there was no need to tell that to the family heads since they wouldn’t be going to the battlefield anyway.

“Of course, we need a fleet to do that. It’s also necessary to punish the traitorous Luculia family.”

The forces of the 7 southern families were scattered throughout the southern region.

It was a priority to bring all those forces to the neutral Argon Port.

They needed troops to take over the island.

“Count Matteo Luculia, the family head of the Luculias, is currently detained by Marquis Ophand. Most of Count Luculia’s men in Argon Port have been captured, but since we don’t know what Count Luculia’s forces might do, we need to hold Matteo as a hostage to control them. I’ll leave this role to Marquis Ophand.”

At Kamael’s words, Marquis Ophand sharply stared at him before smiling fiercely.

If he took on such a role, it was highly likely that the Ophands would become more powerful once the Luculia family disbanded in the future, but the other family heads just frowned and did not particularly object to it.

Because it was something that someone had to eventually do, but was also something very troublesome to do.

“General Kamael, I have one question.”

Everyone’s gaze turned to Count Kaolan when he spoke in a clear voice.

He was old and skinny like a withered tree, but his eyes were full of life that it seemed like it was sparkling.

“According to legend, powerful Dragonflights serve Malekith. They’re Dragonflights made up of real dragons and not wyverns and the like.”

In the legends surrounding Carlos, Dragonflights made up of more than 100 Black Dragons had appeared, and this was all true and not an exaggeration.

“We currently don’t know if those Dragonflights existed, or even if they did exist, we do not know if they’re still alive or not. Because it will be almost impossible to go by sea if they’re still alive.”

His words were understandable.

If dozens of dragons spewed their breaths from the sky, sinking was the only fate that lied ahead for the wooden ships on the sea where there was nowhere to escape.

“Do we have a countermeasure for this?”

At Count Kaolan’s words, the other family heads also looked at Kamael with concern.

If the Dragonflights were indeed alive, it would be difficult to defend the south, let alone attack the enemy.

‘It will be enough for them to just go anywhere, fire their breaths, and then go back.’

The southern region was wide, which meant that there were also many places to defend.

As the family heads focused their gazes on him, Kamael had a faint smile. Instead of saying that they should discuss about that now, he spoke in a confident tone.

“We already have a countermeasure to that.”

Jude’s plan.

A brief explanation came out of Kamael’s mouth.


“Dragonflights are real. They aren’t as good as they were in their heyday, but the number of dragons still alive number more than fifty.”

This came from their knowledge of Legend of Heroes 2 that they disguised as Gamorr Khan’s information.

The two did not know much about the southern families, but they knew a lot about Malekith and his subordinates.

“Sicilia who lost Madhur and failed to take Ascalon will naturally turn to Orga for help.”

It was a natural step.

And Jude hypothesized on what would happen next.

“Orga has two options. One is to attack the south, and the other is to defend their position.”

Sicilia’s original goal in attacking the south was to steal Ascalon.

And as she was on the verge of losing Ascalon, she mobilized their troops, but originally, she didn’t have a plan to attack the port with a large force.

“Basically, their plan is to just wait.”

An ancient Black Dragon was a being that was different from normal dragons.

If Malekith, a being that could even defeat a Demon Prince from Hell, was resurrected, wiping out the south would be not a problem for him, so from their point of view, it was better to quietly wait for Malekith’s resurrection rather than move and exhaust their troops.

“According to Gamorr Khan, Orga is a cautious man. Carlos’ legends also describe him as like a rock.”

It was the same in the game.

He was a general who specialized in defending.

“So we’ll provoke him. If we gather forces, form a fleet, and act as if we’re going to attack the island where Malekith is sleeping, he’s likely to take a step towards blocking the sea route instead of attacking the port.”

In order to do that, they needed to lay some bait.

They needed to wipe out the familiar spirits Sicilia spread out all over the port, so as to darken her eyes and ears while spilling one piece of information. In order to make her anxious.

“The 7 southern families know the location of the island where Malekith is sleeping. They are gathering their forces in order to attack it.”

After they wiped out the familiar spirits, it was necessary to keep in check the reconnaissance troops such as wyverns, who would be scouting from the sky.

“And at the same time, we’ll reveal that our side is gathering a fleet.”

The 7 southern families were gathering their troops.

They know the island’s location.

But they couldn’t get close enough to get a complete picture of the situation.

Given these conditions, there was only one action that Orga would do.

“Blockade the sea.”

Instead of poorly attacking the port, he would defend the sea.

If the 7 southern families send a fleet as he expected, he could just bury them in the sea, and if they did not send a fleet, he would just wait.

Now that Malekith’s resurrection was near, time was on the side of the Dragonflights.

Kamael was skeptical when he heard Jude’s words.

Jude’s words were very plausible, but it was all armchair theory in the end.

But Kamael eventually agreed to follow Jude’s advice.

In the first place, it was nearly impossible to assemble a fleet in complete secrecy.

Under Kamael’s command, the 7 southern families gathered their forces, simultaneously leaking information and blocking it as Jude had said, and the Dragonflights moved as they expected.

“We’ll defend our position.”

Sicilia had an unexplainable ominous feeling at Orga’s decision, but she did not object to it.

Because Orga was logically right in his decision.

‘I wanted to take Ascalon before Lord Malekith wakes up, but…’

Attacking the port was also a risky thing for the Dragonflights.

After all, monsters called the heroes of Paragon were present there, and Ascalon was with the 7 southern families.

Moreover, there was no need to reveal the existence of the Dragonflights for nothing because she was confident that they would attack the island by traversing the sea.

As Orga had said, it was more efficient to bury them in the sea.

“Time is on our side, Sicilia. And we who dominate the air are invincible at the sea.” josei

“Yes, General Orga, I will abide by your decision.”

Sicilia bowed her head in obedience, and Orga, who had polymorphed into a black-haired elf, looked in the direction of the Argon Port with a satisfied smile.

And half a day later.

Three days had passed since the battle in the central square.

Under the dark night sky where even the moon and stars disappeared due to the numerous clouds, the elite forces of the 7 southern families were preparing for the battle on their own ships.

The total number of battleships was twenty-seven.

Each large battleship had dozens of cannons deployed and hundreds of personnel on board.

Six frigates were added to this, so the number of ships alone reached thirty-three.

It would have been possible to mobilize the troops of the S?len royal family if they took more time, but they didn’t have the time to leisurely gather troops now that Malekith’s resurrection was just around the corner.

‘What in the world are we going to do?’

Their forces were overwhelming at first glance, but when he thought of it being bombarded by dozens of dragons in the sky, the future in front of them seemed to be very dark.

Not only Count Kaolan, but also the other 7 southern families were looking at the fleet with anxious eyes.

“There must be a way.”

Because he was so confident.

Why else would they recklessly sail out to sea?

At the words of Viscountess St. Crute who was wearing a splendid red dress, Viscount Oriole, the youngest of the family heads, nodded his head.

“Marquis Ophand and Count Kagehama will also be participating in the battle. They will not just sail out to sea.”

But what are they planning to do?

Landius also had the same question.

“Then my disciple, what’s your plan now?”

The last move in the plan that Jude had prepared.

Cordelia grinned at Landius’ question, and Jude took a deep breath. As if to show respect to all the eyes looking at him as their strategist, he looked back at Cordelia and said with a slightly exaggerated move.

“Cordelia, please.”


Cordelia answered excitedly as she took out the object she was holding in her arms. She put it in her mouth and Kajsa clapped her hands at that moment.

Unlike the others in this place, Kajsa had seen that object before.

The Divine Spirit’s Whistle.

Cordelia blew as hard as she could the token of oath she received from the Sirens, and soon, a loud and magnificent sound covered the entire port.

It echoed once, twice, and when it finally reached thrice…

“Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star~ ”

“Shining beautifully~ ”

Voices were heard from the sea.

“In the eastern sky~ ”

“In the western sky~ ”

It wasn’t only in one place. It was as if the entire sea was singing.

“Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star~ ”

“Shining beautifully~ ”

Those who stood at the port to see the fleet off were greatly surprised.

The sailors on board also went up the deck and looked over the water.

The beautiful elves of the sea.

Hundreds of Sirens stood on the water surface as they stared at the southern fleet.

And the woman in their lead, Iliana Calacanis, the queen of the sirens, raised the staff in her hand.

This was not the first time that Jude and Cordelia had used the whistle.

The two had already blew it two days ago, and made an agreement with the Sirens to appear today.

“We shall keep our oath in this place.”

Iliana lightly swung her staff, and the sirens began to sing a new song.

They cast a huge and powerful magic.


“T-the ship?!”

“The ship is sinking!”

The crew was greatly shaken, but it was only for a moment.

Because large bubbles of air covered each ship as if protecting it.

The sirens continued to sing.

Landius looked around with a stunned expression before he burst into laughter, and Kajsa and Scarlet also blushed in excitement. Lena couldn’t help but laugh too.

“We’re going to the bottom of the sea.”

Under the sea and not through the skies nor the sea.

Where the Dragonflights would never reach.

The fleet sank below the water surface.

The family heads who were standing by the dock were dumbfounded and speechless, and the crew aboard the battleships cheered at the sight of the Sirens swimming over the air bubbles and the scenery under the sea.

And in the center of all that fuss.

At the forefront of the first ship, Jude sneakily hugged Cordelia from the back, and Cordelia wanted to glare at him, but she soon smiled and rested her head in Jude’s embrace.

She whispered in a sweet voice.

“Jude, Jude.”

“Yes, Cordelia.”

“Let’s catch them by surprise.”


Let’s catch them by surprise through a route they would never expect.

Jude and Cordelia both had dark smiles as they leaned against each other and looked far ahead.

They looked beyond the south, in the direction of Malekith’s island.

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