Ending Maker

Chapter 213

Chapter 213: Ultimate One (3)

Chapter 213: Ultimate One (3)

Terms used in this episode:

Kite shield – a large, almond-shaped shield rounded at the top and curving down to a point or rounded point at the bottom.

The craftsmen of Sword Seeker who created the Ultimate Seven series were the owners of an eccentric nature typical of the excellent ancient dwarves, as their craftsmanship far surpassed those of the current dwarves.

Their nature was reflected in their works of art, and because of that, the seven swords they made for their plan to create the ultimate sword all had one or more extreme aspects.


The giant Rock Troll bellowed and threw a rock the size of a house.

It was a terrifying attack that seemed like it could destroy even walls, but unfortunately, their opponent’s defense was stronger than that of walls.


The rock struck the white barrier and crumbled just like what happened to things when they hit something harder than them.

Gamorr Khan blocked the rock by setting up a huge white shield and did not miss that opportunity then. He rushed straight ahead and jumped, swinging his giant kite shield, the Grand Order, towards the chest of the Rock Troll.


He smashed the Rock Troll’s chest with a tremendous roar.

It was the result of Gamorr Khan’s monstrous strength, which could not even be compared to the average Vorg, and the force of the Shield Sword that was stronger than a wall.

Thuuud! josei

Gamorr Khan landed next to the crumbling Rock Troll and moved his right arm as he roughly breathed.

Once the light from the kite shield, which was huge enough to cover Gamorr Khan’s body, shined, the white force field disappeared.

Shield Sword – Grand Order.

It usually looked like an ordinary greatsword, but this was only a measure for the convenience of its user and not the true form of Grand Order.

A giant kite shield with the blade of a greatsword at its end.

Its appearance of a sword in the wrist, also called a wrist blade, combined with a kite shield in the form of a reverse triangle was said to be the true form of Grand Order.

Total offense and defense.

Silver Fortress, one of the seven guilds of Sword Seeker, tried to realize the ultimate sword through a combination of offense and defense.

But like typical ancient dwarves, they began to obsess over defense rather than offense at some point, and the current Shield Sword was eventually born, which seemed to focused more on total defense.


Gamorr Khan heavily breathed as he looked around him.

Beyond the remains of the ten Rock Trolls, he saw the dozens, or rather, hundreds of monster corpses which were so many that they covered the entire ground.

“Damn it.”

Among those corpses were Vorgs from the Black Hand Mercenaries, who were Gamorr Khan’s subordinates.

It seemed like the men he brought were virtually annihilated given that he could only hear a few people fighting.

“Ha, f*ck.”

It was so ridiculous that he could only laugh.

He had hundreds of subordinates left in the south, which was the home of the Black Hand Mercenaries, but even so, a loss was still a loss.

Moreover, if only Gamorr Khan himself survived, he would not be able to carry out Dragon Lord Malekith’s order.

He would have to return to his main base or send out a message to call his subordinates.

‘I can’t just go.’

Gamorr Khan looked down the mountain as he stroked his gold necklace with a purple gem.

A small village was seen some distance away from the many monsters of Mount Damos.

He could invade it, kill its residents, and then cover it up.

There were so many monsters on Mount Damos that he could use it to cover up and fool anyone with his actions.

It was an extremely crude idea for the leader of a huge mercenary group, one of the notorious evils of the south, but those were truly Gamorr Khan’s thoughts.

‘Is Jacques also dead?’

That’s a little disappointing.

He was very smart and knew a lot.

But it was something that he still did not know.

Gamorr Khan briefly looked around and opened his mouth to call Jacques’ name.

But as he was about to shout, Gamorr Khan unconsciously flinched.

To be exact, Gamorr Khan’s right arm that had the Shield Sword, Grand Order, began to tremble.

Resonance phenomenon.

It only trembled once, but he had experienced this before.

That was why he was able to know, and why he was surprised.

Behind him.

Another Ultimate series was causing the resonance phenomenon.

Gamorr Khan quickly turned around. And he frowned without realizing it.

The black-haired young human who stood alone some distance away made him frown in displeasure.

It was not because the youth’s appearance was so outstanding that even Vorgs would agree.

It was not even because he thought that the cause of this incident might be the young man in front of him.

It was a much simpler reason than that.

As he felt the resonance phenomenon of the Ultimate Series, a question came to his mind.

“Bare hands?”

There was nothing in the hands of the young man who stretched out his arms.


Jude knew it even if Cordelia didn’t persistently tell him.

They were much better off doing a surprise attack.

While their opponent was engrossed in fighting monsters, hitting their backs was the fastest and simplest way to attack them.

But he didn’t do that.

The possibility that the surprise attack would fail in the first place because of the resonance phenomenon was just an incidental reason.

If it was because of that, he had no reason for delaying Cordelia from scolding him now.

Ultimate One – Sword Origin.

The ultimate sword created by Black Horn, one of the seven guilds of Sword Seeker.

Jude slowly breathed. There was a still a little sense of strangeness and incompatibility in the tips of his hands, but these sensations would soon disappear.

‘Become one with the sword.’

It was an idea of the ancient dwarves of Black Horn.

The concept they pursued to create the ultimate sword.

The beginning was quite normal like the other Ultimate Seven series.

Shouldn’t we talk to the ultimate swordsman in order to find out what the ultimate sword is?

So Eitri, the head of the Black Horn Guild, visited Valencia, the Elf Sword and strongest swordsman of that time, and asked her about the ultimate sword.

“What is the ultimate sword?”

“To become one with the sword. The sword and I become one.”

Eitri asked about the sword as a weapon, but Valencia explained the sword as a swordsman, and this was where the misunderstanding began.

“The sword and I become one.”

I become the sword.

I am the sword, and the sword is me.

Eitri was an ancient dwarf, and his colleagues and subordinates were also ancient dwarves.

Therefore, they interpreted Valencia’s words in a way that was typical of ancient dwarves.

“Then let’s make the user into a sword!”

It didn’t mean that they would use a swordsman as a material for the sword.

It meant that they would make the swordsman into an existence like a sword.

The human blacksmiths – no, even the dwarves of today would shake their heads and ask, ‘what kind of nonsense is that,’ but unfortunately, yet amazingly, the ancient dwarves had the skills and abilities to realize that nonsensical thing.

‘Ultimate One – Sword Origin.’

Unlike the other Ultimate Seven series, the user became one with the sword, and once equipped, the ultimate sword cannot be removed until the user died.

A smile spread on Jude’s face. His heart was pounding because of the resonance phenomenon.

Gamorr Khan was not weak.

In terms of skill, he wasn’t as strong compared to the Ten Great Swordmasters, but his physical abilities were at least more than them.

But Jude wasn’t afraid. It didn’t occur to him that he couldn’t win like how he felt when he fought against the Lord Protector or First Sword.

“Let’s begin.”

He first began with Hyper-Fast Thunderbolt like always.

As he moved his feet as fast as lightning, Jude disappeared. His speed was hard to follow with one’s eyes, but his opponent was Gamorr Khan.


Gamorr Khan’s physical abilities amplified by Grand Order responded to Jude’s speed.

Furthermore, the resonance phenomenon between the Ultimate series helped him to clearly identify Jude’s location.

Gamorr Khan did not set up his shield.

Instead of showing off the strongest defense in the Ultimate series by spreading the force field, he tried to crush the body of the rushing Jude with the blade part of the Shield Sword.

The wrist blade’s strength.

The immense power and speed that the swing of his arm had.

The direction of his attack was correct.

Its speed was also enough.

The power that it carried was also enough.

So Gamorr Khan also heard it.


The sound of something blocking his Shield Sword.

The sound of blocking his Shield Sword head-on, and not letting it go, having it pass by, or avoiding it.

Jude’s left arm blocked the blade of the Shield Sword.

The immense strength of Jude endured the power of Gamorr Khan.

And it didn’t end there. Jude stood firmly as if he had taken root on the earth, and he moved his arm.

It seemed like he would push the blade part of the Shield Sword, but he pushed down the Shield Sword itself. At the same time, he greatly swung his right arm.


Gamorr Khan’s chest was cut.

He instantly defended against it by concentrating his aura on his chest, but it couldn’t perfectly defend it. His chest was slashed, and blood flowed down.

Become one with the sword.

Turn the user’s body into like that of a sword.

Make it as hard and sharp that it can stand against a sword.

Jude’s karate chop was like a blade.

His arms were able to face the sword even without using the black dragon’s energy.

It was a dreamlike scene for fist fighters who fought barehanded.

Instead of desperately evading or letting the enemy’s weapon pass, he struck the enemy in the front.

And Jude had one more advantage.

Ultimate One was still only at its first form, and none of the seals common to the Ultimate series had been released, but it could still be used.

A body like that of a sword.

Therefore, the strength of his body had become so strong that it was incomparable to before.

So his body could endure it now.

He didn’t need to hesitate or worry about his body being destroyed.

“The sixth door.”

Something that was opened incompletely.

His body could not endure the full power of the Black Sun, so he couldn’t fully use it then.

The Black Sun’s power began to rise in Jude’s chest.

The sixth door of Ninth Heaven’s Nine Doors finally brought out its full power.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The energy of the black dragon ran wild in Jude’s body and soul. Black flames soared from Jude’s entire body as if it exploded.

Gamorr Khan stepped back unconsciously. Apart from the resonance phenomenon, he felt a cold sweat flowing down behind his back.

Instead of chasing Gamorr Khan, Jude further activated the power of the Black Sun.

The energy of the black dragon wrapped around Jude’s limbs, and the Black Sun promptly gave Jude tremendous power.

“Supreme Sun Divine Art.”

Landius’ martial art.

He had learned the basics of it. But he couldn’t use it like Landius.

Even if it made him invincible, using the Supreme Sun Divine Art with his body would end up destroying it because its offensive power was too strong.

But not anymore.

Jude could now fight like Landius.

He could fight in the same way that Iron Man Landius did.

He smiled. And took a step forward.

It was as light as the wind, but it didn’t look that way to Gamorr Khan. It looked like how a giant was taking a step to crush him.

That was why Gamorr Khan reflexively planted his Shield Sword. He used the power of Grand Order to form a white barrier.

And Jude could tell.

His Hyper-Fast Thunderbolt could not defeat Gamorr Khan’s force field. So he drew his clenched fist and focused the power of the Black Sun onto one point.

What he thought of was Landius’ fist.

He threw out a punch that could break the sky.

‘May the muscles always be with you.’

The smile didn’t leave his mouth. His fist punched towards the white barrier.

Supreme Sun Divine Art – Secret Art: Sky Breaker.

Jude’s fist struck the white barrier.

The light of the Black Sun covered the world.

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