Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 141 Waves and Waves

Chapter 141 Waves and Waves

Chapter 141 Waves and Waves

"Chirp chirp!" Duplicator was unable to do anything as more and more attacks landed on its body.

All the Ranger Types started to blast Duplicator with their attacks, while the other Types gave their own attacks too.

In a distance, Alex could see Glacia shooting massive ice spikes, and Mafioso’s henchmen sending out energy based attacks.

As for Alex, he was using his Major Destruction Aura and Major Telekinesis to crash massive stones into Duplicator’s body.

To make his attacks more lethal, Alex also decided to use Attack Enchancement and [The Weak Serve the Strong] to make his Ranger attacks reach the highest level.

Alex looked beside him, and he saw Alina slashing with her sword merrily, while Queen Mother casually summoned Plant Golems which proceeded to pummel the chick.

"Hahaha! Burn and be my food!" The mad scientist cackled as she threw bottle and bottles of differently colored concoctions towards Duplicator. The bottles exploded on impact, covering the chick with the chemicals contained inside it.

"Chirp, chirp!" But even with the attacks landing on its body, Duplicator ignored them all, as it still continued on following Ambrosia.

"...." To Alex’s dismay, he saw that even if Ambrosia sustained some injuries from their attacks, it was still able to walk properly, as if the injuries were just nothing on it.

"So this is how tough a Class SSS Threat huh." Alex muttered to himself as Duplicator did not do anything to dodge their attacks. "If we want to defeat it, then we must continue on attacking it!"

"Chirp, chirp!" After a minute of barrage, Duplicator’s patience seems to have reached its limits.

It started to squawk angrily at Ambrosia’s direction, as if it was telling Ambrosia to come back to it.

Naturally, Tetra did not bring Ambrosia back.

"Chirp, chirp!" This response seems to have angered Duplicator, as its fluffy feathers all stood up from its end, with its beak starting to glow.

"Everyone, Duplicator is about to use its copied ability. This is our chance now!" Foresight shouted as a light beam shout out of Duplicator’s beak, shooting into the sky with great intensity.

"Chirp, chirp!" Once the sky beam appeared, Alex saw a rainbow-colored light covering everyone’s body.

"Woah!" Alex heard shouts of delight from the crowd, and with his emotion sense, Alex could see that everyone of them were all elated.

"Our powers... really became strong!" Some of the Superhumans said as they tested out their attacks, and this time, their attacks looked significantly stronger than before.

"Everyone, enjoy the power-ups that you received now." Foresight said under the cheering of the crowd. "From what I can see, the buffs given out by Duplicator will be permanent, so you will get to keep your power-ups today!"

"What?" After hearing what Foresight said, Alex’s eyes widened as he felt excited too.

If the positive buff from Duplicator was permanent, then every benefit that Alex will receive right now will stay with him.

That sounds like an extremely good deal, and Alex of course will not refuse something like that.

"Wait, what boost did I get anyway?" Alex muttered to himself as he inspected his body.

What Alex saw made him almost curse out in surprise.

"What the f**king hell?"

To Alex’s shock, he did not just receive minor buffs from Duplicator.

What he got were actually extremely powerful buffs!

The first thing that Alex saw was that he actually broke through Grade 5 and Grade 6 Abyss Energy consecutively!

Alex’s Abyss Energy Grade, which was at Grade 4 before, has now reached Grade 6 under the buff from Duplicator! This meant that Alex got more Abyss Spells for himself, and he will surely not waste that.

Alex also felt that his Human and Tentacle Form both got stronger too! Alex could feel that his tentacles were definitely tougher, so tough that Alex knew that he can easily crush diamond with his tentacles right now!

But that was not the only boost that Alex got.

Alex looked at his Esper Ability, and the boost that he got there was also good. josei

"...." By looking at his Mental Power, Alex saw that his Mental Power is now at Tier 950, which meant that he has a Range of 950 Meters!

Not only that, but his Esper Power Abiilty itself evolved slightly too!

Aside from EM sparks, Alex could sense something else with his Esper Ability.

Alex could sense some kind of waves all around him, with these waves looking entirely different from the normal waves that Alex had seen before.

Alex could sense these countless waves as they bounced, sloshed, and rippled out of different objects.

Alex squinted his eyes as he focused on these waves, realizing that they are not just normal waves.

These waves are travelling through the space itself, and from the looks of it, Alex was the only one that can see these waves.

After more observations, Alex realized that these waves were coming out of everyone around him, and it seems like the more massive an object was, the more of these waves come out of that object.

To his surprise, Alex realized that he can actually manipulate these waves, as he felt his Esper Ability urging him to go and manipulate these waves.

After he had this feeling, Alex decided to manifest thousands of these waves in front of him.

He observed these waves rippling out of his body, with each wave jostling each object near him.

"Could it be..." By this point, Alex already had a slight inkling on what these waves could be, but in order to make sure that his guess was right, he decided to test his newfound power.

He gathered around 10,000 of these waves, and he then used it to push up a nearby building.

Alex felt a slight pressure in his head as he saw that 10,000 waves were unable to raise the building.

He bit his lips as he summoned 100,000 waves to push the building up.

"Creak..." The building let out a creaking sound as Alex successfully raised it.

"Hahaha! I actually got this power!" Alex started laughing boisterously as his action with the building made him realize what the waves actually represent.

"Those waves... they are Gravity Waves! And it seems like I can manipulate them now!" Alex thought to himself merrily as he dispelled the waves that he had gathered below the building.

"Crash!" The building let out a heavy sound as it reached the ground, but Alex made sure that none of its debris will reach them.

"..." After he let the building down, Alex stared at his hands once more, as he realized what had just happened.

"I...can control Gravity now...." Alex muttered to himself as he observed all the Gravity Waves echoing around him. "My Esper Abilty... it was actually improved by Duplicator too!"

Alex could not believe it.

His Abyss Grade just went from Grade 4 to Grade 6.

His Mental Power reached 950 just now.

And his Esper Ability now allowed Alex to control Gravitational Waves.

And he got all of this from Duplicator’s copied ability!

"This is not just a normal buff, this is a permanent power boost!" Alex shouted as he realized that Duplicator’s ability really was as dangerous as Foresight said.

"Alex... did you feel your power changing too?" Alina muttered to Alex as she approached him. "Did your... Esper Ability improve too?"

"Yes, now, I can manipulate gravity now." Alex replied as he suddenly felt excitement for Alina. "Wait, Alina, don’t tell me..."

"It seems like the buff that came from Duplicator has pushed my Esper Ability to fully evolve." Alina replied as the space around her began to ripple erratically. "Right now, my Esper Ability has changed to Strong Space Manipulation!"

"Hahaha! This is really great!" Alex shouted in glee as he saw Alina reaching her full potential as an Esper. He felt genuinely glad for her, seeing that she just achieved what he had strived to reach before. "So, are you as strong as your sister now?"

"No, not yet." Alina replied as she shook her head. "Most of my sister’s powerful attacks needed massive amounts of Mental Power, which sadly I do not have now. But I already have some techniques that I can use that will make our fights easier."

"Good, good." Alex muttered to himself as he resisted the urge to pat Alina’s head.

Even if Alina was not yet as strong as her sister now, there is no doubt that Alina will reach the near omnipotent strength that her sister had in the future.

All that they have to do is just wait, and waiting is something that they can do.

Alex then looked at Queen Mother, who gave them a pleased smile. From the looks of it, Queen Mother has benefited greatly too.

As for Lauren herself, she still seemed to be in a shocked state, as if what she was seeing was not real.

"My power... it actually improved!" Lauren shouted to Alex as she began to jump excitedly in her spot. "I... I got stronger now!"

"Yes, yes, we know that already." Alex replied as he ruffled Lauren’s hair. "But we should celebrate later. For now, we still have a target to beat."

"Everyone, continue attacking!" Foresight shouted to all of them, prompting the pleased crowd to resume their assault.

"Foresight... she must have foreseen this power boost from happening... But why did she allow this to happen? Is she planning to do something with the power boost?" Alex muttered to himself as he continued attacking Duplicator, who by this point, looked extremely confused by what happened.

"I am sure that Foresight has an agenda by allowing Duplicator to permanently boost us. But what could it be?" Alex murmured as he felt more and more confused by Foresight’s goal. "Well, I will think of that once we defeat this chick."

"Chirp, chirp!" The poor chick looked extremely shocked as it received far stronger attacks than before, with its body starting to sustain heavy injuries.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp!" Blood began to spill out of the chick’s body, as it began to limp forward.

This appearance of Duplicator seems to have egged the crowd on, as they began blasting her with more and more attacks.

"Die, you little freak!"

"Even if you made me more powerful, you are still a monster! You should die now!"

"Die, die, die!"

These were the words uttered by the Superhumans near Alex, and from the looks of it, they will not stop attacking until the chick is dead.


Alex started to feel pity for the chick, who looked extremely battered by now.

Duplicator’s body was already slumping on the ground, with it barely moving at all.

The chick was using its tiny wings to pull itself forward, towards the direction of the faraway Ambrosia.

"Chirp chirp..." By this point, Duplicator’s chirps began sound more like a whine, as its desperate movements began to slow down.

Alex, who by this point, had already stopped attacking, could not help but feel bothered by what he was seeing.

"...Should we really kill this chick?" That was what Alex thought to himself as he saw Duplicator who was about to reach its last breath.

Alex then looked around him once more, feeling somewhat bothered by what he saw.

What he could only see where thousands of blood-thirsty Superhumans ganging down on one helpless giant chick.

It was not a good sight to see, and even if the chick was a Class SSS Threat, Alex found it hard to see the giant chick reaching its last breath.


Alex’s mind then began to whirr as he started to concoct a crazy plan.

"Yes... if I do it like that, I can do this and also finish the Main Mission." Alex muttered to himself, ignoring the sounds of battle. "Yes, yes, that could work."

"Oi hooman, whatever you are thinking now, just snap out of it!" Asteria suddenly said to Alex as if she saw what Alex was thinking about. "That bird is a monster, and for it to die here is just right."

"...But Alina and I were both monsters too, right?" Alex said as he shifted back to his whole tentacle form, startling everyone nearby him.

"Alex, don’t you dare-" Asteria’s words were cut off as Alex stared at the mad scientist, who was looking back at Alex with a cheeky grin on her face.

"Took you long enough to make an action." The mad scientist replied as she approached the tentacle form Alex. "So, will we really do this?"

"Oh yes, we will." Alex replied as he and the mad scientist stared at the dying body of Duplicator.

"No..." Both Asteria and the mad scientist’s Guide moaned in despair as Alex and the mad scientist shook hands with each other.

"This could be the first time that I fully agree with you, and I am glad it will be in a situation like this." The mad scientist said as she tightened her grip on Alex’s hand. "Now I feel happy that I made a truce with you!"

"Let’s not waste any more time here." Alex said as he looked at Alina and Queen Mother, who seemed to have guessed what Alex was about to do.

Alex gave both of his Companions a smile as he said,

"Let’s go, we are about to save someone here!"

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