Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 492 A Golden Sea

Chapter 492 A Golden Sea

Chapter 492 A Golden Sea


After chanting these words, the Summoner Supreme Puppet’s body suddenly exploded.

This explosion left nothing from the Summoner but millions of pieces of her body, which was quickly devoured by the portal.


Whatever the Summoner wanted to do with her sacrifice must have worked, as the portal began to shake after devouring her body.

The formerly empty hole on the portal’s surface started to change, with a golden, shimmering mirror appearing on its place.

This mirror, which appeared to have both the properties of liquid and solid, started to ripple like a disturbed sea surface.

Those experts in portals including Golden Alex began to scoff upon seeing these ripples, as they thought that the portal was back to its unstable state. After all, seeing ripples on a portal was an indication of instability on the portal’s spatial coordinates!

These people however were wrong, as these new ripples were nothing like the ripples before.

These ripples were here not because they were too unstable. These ripples were here, because there was someone passing through the portal right now!

"Hula hula hula~"

A human leg, which was covered with golden pants and golden shoes, could be seen coming out of the portal’s body.

The ripples on the portal’s body was produced by the passage of this leg, with each movement of the leg creating enough force to disturb the portal.

As this leg made its appearance, the whole Four Moons World shook, with the whole sky turning into a shade of dazzling gold.

All the conflicts that were happening in the whole world went into a standstill at this point, as everyone’s attention gravitated towards the golden leg.

The surviving Generals and Supreme Puppets all teared up upon seeing this leg, with their tears decorating their faces as they continued on doing their tasks.

The inhabitants of the Four Moons World suddenly had an urge to kneel as the leg appeared, with their minds filled with thought of devotion and hope.

Black Alex only let out a snort at the sight of the golden leg, with his eyes narrowing on what looked like to be sheer irritation.

As for Alex and his other allies, they were all staring at the leg with interest too, although their gazes were not filled with the devotion that the Generals and this world’s inhabitant’s had.

"Took you long enough, old man." Golden Alex muttered, with his eyes twitching as he took in the glorious coloring of the golden pant leg. "I’ve been waiting for you to come already! Do you even know how hungry I am right now?"

As if to respond to Golden Alex’s comment, the golden leg slightly paused for a second like it was taunting him. Before Golden Alex could make sense of this pause, the leg suddenly shot forward, dragging the body that was connected to it!


As this leg fully made its way through the portal, the other leg began to cross too, which was then followed by the torso and the two arms. The portal just continued its rippling as these objects crossed, with each following ripple much stronger than the one before.

The last thing to pass through the portal was the head, which looked human-like just like the other body parts.


Head, arms, torso, and legs. All of these body parts, which just passed through the portal, were obviously connected to one another.

This connection makes it obvious that someone just passed through the portal, and judging by the way that everyone reacted, the person who just arrived was undeniablty an extremely important individual.

As for who thsi person was, there was no need to make any guesses. Just one look at this person’s face was enough to reveal his identity, and Alex of course was familiar with it!

Who else could this new arrival be but Emperor Litch?

"I was just sleeping until now, and this is what I see when my servants rudely woke me up? Sigh, you should have timed yourselves better..." Emperor Litch said as he went straight to talking. He seemed to be not worried about all the battles happening around him, as he just continued talking in a bored tone.

Judging by the yawn that he emitted as he talked, he seemed to be telling the truth. He must have indeed been sleeping, although nobody was quite sure on why he had the gall to say it here.

After all, one of his Supreme Puppets just sacrificed herself to summon him, and him saying that he have been rudely woken up is not a good thing to mention at this time....

Whether Ray or the other Supreme Puppet was angered by these words were unknown, as these two were currently kneeling.

Alex and Golden Alex were of course pissed, and they did nothing to hide the glare that they are now pouring in full blast towards the Emperor.

"Hmm, so aside from Alex, there’s a number of other renegades that needs some disciplining." The Emperor said as he cricked his neck. "So, how many enemies are there? There- Wait, why are there four versions of Alex here? Are they also clones? Why is there a World Tree roosting on this world? Why are the Cosmic Guards here? And why am I seeing a World Soul possessing this world?"

The previously lethargic tone from Emperor Litch turned into an alert one, as he seemed to have realized the current situation. Gone was the bored look on the Emperor’s face, as he was now more preoccupied on making sense of what just happened.

"Ray, what the hell did you just allow to happen? Didn’t I tell you to make sure that things won’t escalate here?"

"Forgive me, Emperor! I tried my best, but our enemies were just too sly for me!" Ray the Supreme Puppet exclaimed as he lowered his kneeling stance. "I am happy receiving any punishment from you, as this is my fault!"

"Tsk, useless miscreant. I told you a simple instruction, and you still did not follow it? Tsk, I shall punish you, but what will be for later..."

"Thank you Emperor for your kindness! You really are the greatest of them all!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I really am the greatest. There’s no need for you to say it...." Even when Emperor LItch said these words with a disappointed face, the amused tone on his voice made it obvious that he was enjoying the praises.

The nervousness that Emperor Litch had earlier were also gone at this point, making it appear that the Emperor had already recovered from his shock.

Whatever panic that he had earlier cannot be seen anymore, making the Emperor return to his extremely glorious look.

This of course ticked Golden Alex, who could only watch in jealousy as all the praises meant for a Conqueror were being poured on Emperor Litch alone.

"So you’re still wearing my handsome face? Tsk, tsk, tsk. I knew that your soul is terribly damaged now, but you still held on to my appearance? How deplorable!" Golden Alex shouted towards Empeor LItch. "I don’t like you wearing my face! It just makes me sick!" josei

"...Oh, right. You’re actually there. Fancy meeting you here." Emperor Litch said nonchalantly as he swiveled his head towards Golden Alex. "Did you say that you don’t like me wearing your face? Well if you want it back, then you should take it back from me."


"Oh what’s this? A palm made up of the Laws of the Abyss? Interesting..." Emperor Litch said as he ignored Golden Alex. He was now looking at the palm attack unleashed by Black Alex, who was about to hit him and his Supreme Puppets. "Hmm, if it was used on me outside my territory, then I might be killed by it. But here? Heh, tis palm is nothing but a plaything to me!"


With a sound akin to an explosion, all the Conqueror’s Aura contained inside Emperor Litch’s body displayed itself to everyone, covering the whole sky with a dazzling golden glow.

Nobody in the whole world could tear their gaze away from the Emperor, as the mere appearance of his Conqueror’s Aura was enough to enchant almost everyone.

"F**k, what the hell is this? How could this be... this powerful?" Golden Alex could only have a slack-jawed expression on his face as he felt the full force of the released Conqueror’s Aura. His cocky expression was reduced to confusion as he felt himself swimming in a golden sea.

Compared to this sea, Golden Alex felt like he was an insignificant person, someone who had no use in life.

"What the f**k.... Even with all the territories that he conquered, the Conqueror’s Aura inside Emperor Litch should not be this strong!" Golden Alex and Alex thought to themselves as they did their best to not be pushed out by the released aura. This attempt proved to be futile, as the two quickly found themselves swept around like a boat capsized on a stormy sea.

"Why is Emperor LItch’s Conqueror’s Aura this strong? It feels like... he was just as strong as the Great TimeMaster!"

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