Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 1949 Prowess

Chapter 1949 Prowess

Chapter 1949 Prowess

Though she generally went with the flow, consequences be damned, Yuri was understandably miffed by the sudden appearance of the two Spirits of the 13 Month Series. Talking was the last thing on her mind right now, so, before either could explain the reason for their appearance, she manifested her Arms Inventory, grabbing their hilts and subsequently tossing them full force as she shouted, "Don’t even think about getting in the way...!" josei

Unfortunately, while she was able to toss the duo with enough force to effectively disintegrate the ceiling, there was little she could do to prevent them from coming back of their own accord. Each of the 13 Month Series was fully sapient, and, though they seldom took action, they were fully capable of maneuvering about independently. This was especially easy in regions of high-density Shinsu, so, shortly after the duo’s departure, both streaked back like bolts of green and black lightning.

Just as Yuri was about to blow a fuse, Vahn grabbed the black-haired beauty from behind, holding her in his embrace as he whispered, "Relax. Regardless of their reason for appearing, it’s not going to prevent me from ravishing you properly..."

To punctuate his words, Vahn licked the back of Yuri’s ear, his right hand moving to her left breast as his left breached the fabric of her panties and tights. This earned him a disbelieving look from the Green April, but, considering what might happen if he failed to pacify the disgruntled Saiyaness, Vahn didn’t mind being a little shameless...

With Yuri momentarily docile, Vahn took a moment to ask, "So? What did you want to say?" before lowering his head to tenderly suckle on the exposed part of her neck. This, combined with his other efforts, caused Yuri’s jaw to noticeably quiver, but, at the same time, it also afforded the Green April the chance to angrily grumble, "How did our fates end up in the hands of this womanizer...?" before immediately following it up with pointedly revealing, "The Power of Blood granted to Princesses of Jahad is a double-edged sword. Though it has the ability to demonstrably increase their power and potential, all their efforts will be in vain the moment they lose their virginity. All the power they had stockpiled over the years will be transferred to their partner. That monkey over there should be well aware of this fact. After all, she and that shitty midget bastard were both nearby when my previous owner ended up kicking the bucket."

Supporting her sister’s statement, the Black March’s dragon-like eyes began releasing a luminscent golden glow, her expression serious as she added, "If gorilla-girl over here gives up her virginity, the majority of her power will be transferred to you. Following that, every time you have sex, a fragment of that power will be transferred to your partner. This might sound like a convenient way to increase your strength, but, in reality, it is one of the many methods the King employs to keep traitors under his thumb. The moment you become afflicted with the King’s Power of Blood, you will no longer be able to oppose him..."

Having wondered what the duo might reveal, Vahn nearly burst into laughter when he heard them mention such a ’small’ issue with such severity. Curses were the thing he feared the least, and, given his ability to isolate and suppress the effects of Magia Erebea in Eva’s body, it was laughable to hear someone allude to the possibility that Jahad’s curse was beyond his means to influence...

Noticing the clear amusement in Vahn’s countenance, even the Black March couldn’t help feeling a little offended by his apparent disregard. She was genuinely worried about him, not just because he had promised to save them, so, seeing him smiling almost indifferently, her hair and dress began to flare violently as she balled her hands into fists and roared, "This is a serious matter, you smug little shit! The only reason Jahad hasn’t been making a fuss about your involvement with the Princesses is that it will remove you as a threat. I might not care about what happens to that damn gorilla, but it will become a big fucking problem if you end up risking everything just because you wanted to get your dick wet...!"

Taken aback by the Black March’s words, Vahn’s actions stopped long enough for Yuri to come to her senses and threaten, "Once this is over with, I’m going to smear your blade with grease before tossing you through a sand dune..."

Unamused by Yuri’s remark, the physical body of the Black March spun to aim itself just below her heart before the tip extended like a black bolt of lightning. This was an attack that Yuri could easily react to, but, long before such action was warranted, a second version of Vahn appeared out of thin air, grasping the obsidian black blade with his bare hand, stating, "That’s enough." in a firm tone.

Though she wanted to voice a complaint, the familiar and pleasant energy flowing into the Black March’s body caused her to fall silent. She had her suspicions regarding the reasons, but, whenever Vahn wielded her, she couldn’t help but obey his words. It was like she had become an extension of his body, and, for a brief moment, she even felt as though she had become ’whole’ again.

Exhaling a sigh of relief, Vahn grasped the shrunken version of the Black March by her hilt before extending his hand towards the Green April. This caused the latter to glare at him, but, despite her hostile exterior and abrasive manner of speaking, she was actually the more sensitive of the two 13 Month Series. In other words, she was basically a tsundere, so, as long as you were a little firm with her, she would become begrudgingly compliant.

With the two Spirits now hovering obediently at his back, Vahn responded with an approving nod before turning to the duo seated atop the bed and explaining, "I’m gonna take these two for some routine maintenance and explain the situation for them. Have fun."

Hearing Vahn mention the phrase "maintenance", a red hue suffused through the faces of the two Spirits and into the tips of their pointed, elven-like, ears. This earned them an amused smile from Yuri, but, before she could say anything at the duo’s expense, a surprised yelp emanated from her throat as Vahn sent a pleasurable jolt into the tiny bud hidden within the confines of her remarkably moist panties.

By the time Yuri recovered from the sudden shock, Vahn 2.0 had already disappeared with the Black March and Green April in tow. This actually made her a little annoyed, not because Vahn was doing other things while preparing to do her, but because a part of her had wanted both versions to stick around. Six-hundred-and-eighteen-years had given her plenty of time to fantasize about all sorts of things, so, now that the opportunity had presented itself, there was a lot of things she wanted to try before her ’peers’ managed to sink their teeth into Vahn. She might not be able to secure her place at the pinnacle of the Aldrnari Empire’s hierarchy, but, at the very least, she could distinguish herself among the women originating from the Tower...

With this in mind, an excited glimmer radiated from the depths of Yuri’s ruby-red eyes as she seized Vahn’s wrist and asked, "How much longer do you intend to keep me waiting...?"

Taking advantage of the fact that Yuri was half-seated in his lap, Vahn bucked his hips, forcing her to abruptly stagger forward as he transitioned to his knees. Much to Yuri’s surprise, this resulted in a surprisingly smooth transition to her hands and knees, her butt pointed towards Vahn. In the very next instant, a numbing sensation spread throughout her entire body as Vahn firmly seized the base of her tail and answered, "About three more seconds..."

As he had already suppressed the Power of Blood during their foreplay, Vahn punctuated his words by ripping the fabric of Yuri’s tights, pulling aside her panties, and instantly penetrating her depths. This caused her entire body to tense up, but, just like every other battle maniac he had ever had sex with, the trembling of her body had less to do with pain than the drastic increase in her excitement.

Demonstrating this peculiarity to the fullest, a peal of unnerving laughter could be heard emanating from Yuri’s throat as she quickly adapted to the pain and started shaking her butt as if to feel even more from his intrusion. Then, unable to control herself any longer, a violent red aura began to emit from Yuri’s body as she shouted, "What are you waiting for!? Instructions...!?"

Responding to Yuri’s taunt, Vahn activated one of the special abilities of the newly purchased bed, a rather dazzling barrier that prevented sounds, energy, and pretty much everything else from going beyond the four golden bedposts. This included Yuri’s phenomenal aura, and, though it caused the density of Shinsu within the barrier to drastically increase, Vahn was able to absorb the majority into his Realm as their tumultuous battle for dominance began. Fortunately, while Yuri was actually quite a bit stronger than him under normal circumstances, defeating him within the confines of the Little Garden was virtually impossible for someone stuck at the bottleneck between Tiers 4 and 5...

Though she wasn’t offering any meaningful resistance, Yuri was both excited and surprised by the fact that Vahn was basically able to manhandle her. She had tried turning the tables on him a few times, but, like a master practitioner of the ancient art of Aiki, all of her efforts resulted in her being put into even more compromising positions. He was using her own strength against her, and, as a result, she currently found her forehead rhythmically impacting the bed’s barrier as Vahn’s motions violently shook her body.

Refusing to go down without a fight, Yuri attempted to stop his movements by flexing her compact abdominal muscles. This actually worked for a short while, but, the moment she attempted to twist her body to the side and mount him in turn, Vahn redirected her momentum by forcing her into a sideways split and subsequently binding her ankle with a golden chain. This caused her face to turn beet red in an instant, not simply because she was in an incredibly awkward position, but because it allowed Vahn to hit her sweet spot while using her thigh as a hold. At the same time, she could feel his fingers press a few sensitive areas near her inner thigh and buttocks, each resulting in a tingling numbness that drastically reduced her muscle control while simultaneously increasing the amount of pleasure she was experiencing.

Unable to break free from the seemingly immovable chain, Yuri attempted to use it as leverage to twist her body around and kick Vahn in the chest. Unfortunately, this was a moment that Vahn had been waiting for, his eyes gaining a golden luster as the impact from her kick seemed to disappear into his body. Then, in an instant, her leg was forced up in a similar manner to the first, suspending her in place with her back against the barrier rather than on the bed.

Realizing her position, a startlingly red blush developed across Yuri’s face as she averted her eyes from Vahn’s wolfish smile and muttered, "Using items is cheating..."

Chuckling in response to the woman’s insincere pout, Vahn ran his hands along the exterior of her thighs, threads of rainbow-hued energy flowing from his fingertips he softly muttered, "If those are your honest feelings, I don’t mind releasing you and starting over from scratch..."

With her face becoming even redder, Yuri promptly snorted in response to Vahn’s words before reaching around her unbelievably plump thighs and prying open her own insides. Then, with her eyes still averted to the side, she ’begrudgingly’ suggested, "Just get on with it..." as several drops of pinkish liquid departed her steamy depths, trailing her intergluteal cleft before falling to the pure white bedding below...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: ’A small bite of worldbuilding~’,’How nice of Vahn to help Yuri overcome the weakness of her tail (O w O)...’,’Alls fair in love and war...’)

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