Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 2084

Chapter 2084: Expectations: Calm Before the Storm

Chapter 2084: Expectations: Calm Before the Storm

With less than a few hours remaining until the start of the Gift Game, Vahn found himself seated in the library of the No Names. Jin had used a specialized Communication Stone to request a meeting, so, while his main body headed to the location of the Gift Game, another version of himself split off with Black Rabbit to see what the youth wanted to discuss.

"Vahn...thank you for coming on such short notice. I'm happy to see you as well, Black Rabbit."

While Vahn returned a simple smile, Black Rabbit adopted a slightly apologetic expression as she said, "Sorry, Jin. I know I haven't been around as often as I should..."

Shaking his head, Jin said, "I'm not upset or anything. Quite the contrary, actually. I used to worry all the time that you were wasting your life trying to support us. Seeing you happy has removed one of my greatest burdens. I suppose that is yet another thing I should be thanking Vahn for..."

"Master Jin..."

Though she felt even guiltier after hearing Jin's words, Black Rabbit also felt a considerable amount of relief. She had been spending a lot of time with Fenrir and Usalia as of late so she was afraid the No Names might start hating her. Instead, everyone seemed more lively than ever as they worked hard to support each others' happiness.

Since she was sitting next to him, Vahn took the opportunity to caress Black Rabbit's head as he asked, "So? What's up? Why have you called me? I'm guessing it has something to do with the impending Gift Game?"

Nodding his head, Jin appeared to hesitate for a brief moment before saying, "I have no doubt you will be able to emerge victoriously in the coming game. To that end...I wanted to ask you to return Leticia to us. This is her home...it's not right to treat her as some kind of prize to be won or lost in a game..."

Furrowing his brows in response to Jin's words, Vahn rose from the table without responding to the youth's request. He actually agreed with Jin's view. However, it didn't take into consideration where they were or what their relationship was. This wasn't just any other realm. It was the Divine Realm. It wasn't an exaggeration to say that 'everything' was a prize to be won or lost in a Gift Game.


Seeing Vahn depart, Black Rabbit's ears began to twitch nervously as her gaze shifted between his back and the downcast expression on Jin's face. She wasn't sure whose side she should be taking in this particular situation as Moon Rabbits were basically hardwired to observe and obey the Laws of the Little Garden. In other words, she understood that Jin was wrong by making such a request, but, at the same time, both he and Leticia were her friends...

Stopping just before the door, Vahn looked over his shoulder, his tone and expression severe as he said, "I am disappointed in you, Jin..."

Flinching in response to Vahn's words, Jin balled his hands into fists beneath the table as he hung his head in shame. This was quite the pitiable sight to behold. Unfortunately, Vahn had no intention of sparing the youth as he added, "Tell me. If I were to return Leticia to you...could you even protect her? You're aware that this was a plot perpetrated by the very same group that led your Community to ruin. Even your previous leaders, some of the most powerful people in the Little Garden, failed to protect themselves. If the Ouroboros Demon Lord Alliance returns to claim her; tell me, how do you intend to keep everyone safe?"

Unable to respond to Vahn's words, Jin remained absolutely silent as he processed everything the former had said. This allowed Vahn the opportunity to exhale an exasperated sigh, his expression and tone softening as he stated, "I didn't tell you to take her from me because I regarded Leticia as some kind of possession. The simple fact of the matter is that everyone is safer while Leticia is in my care. Now, stop moping. If you've got time to sit around lamenting your strength, you have time to improve it."

With that said, Vahn tossed yet another grimoire over to Jin. What made this one unique was that it had been hand-written by Eva. The title was a direct insult to anyone reading it, but it was easily the most comprehensive magical text related to the magic system from her world.

Staring at the title, Jin's brows furrowed ever so slightly as he read, "How to be a Proper Magus for Dummies..."

Waving his hand in dismissal, Vahn said, "Don't mind the title. The Author is a bit eccentric. Now, if there's nothing else, I have a game to win. See you around, kiddo."

Since he had already sent a telepathic message asking Black Rabbit to help cheer the young Magus up, Vahn's vessel promptly ceased to exist the moment he stepped out of the library. He really did have better things to do right now, so, while a non-existent version of himself focused on gathering information, the 'main' Vahn was enjoying coffee and snacks alongside Fenrir and Hime at the same Inumimi Cafe he had discovered previously...




Seeing Vahn seated alongside a different set of beauties than before, an approving smile appeared across the face of Sigurd. His elder sister, Ragna, had inherited a Gift that allowed her to summon a ruby-eyed raven that could link its perspective to a mirror. Vahn was the only anomaly participating in the Gift Game so Sigurd had been keeping a close eye on him as his people gathered any and all information pertaining to the Sage Dragon's Hearth.

"That man seems to possess a particular fondness for beautiful women. Unfortunately for him, none of his women can compare to the beauty of my two sisters. Isn't that right, Ragna~?"

Staring up at her little brother, Ragna snorted through her nose before releasing his penis from her mouth with a 'pop'. Then, after quickly arranging her disorderly hair, she straddled his waist with an annoyed yet hungry expression on her face as she answered, "If our Father caught us doing this, he would wring your neck like a chicken..."

Smiling in amusement, Sigurd grabbed his sister's plump yet toned posterior as he said, "Isn't that why we left the South and threw our lot in with demons? That old fool wouldn't recognize true love if it smacked him in the face like a brick..."

Returning a smile of her own, Ragna began to move her hips in a figure-eight motion as she teased, "If only you didn't have to sacrifice your muscles in the process. You look even more feminine than I do these days..."

Exhaling a sigh, horns began to protrude from Sigurd's forehead as he muttered, "Don't remind me. My skin crawls every time Gyda stares at me with that disappointed look on her face..."

Nodding her head in understanding, Ragna linked her arms around Sigurd's neck, her abdominal muscles tightening as she asked, "Can you really blame her? You were the big brother she looked up to. Now, despite all the power you've gained, you're even shorter than she is. That girl has had a muscle fetish ever since she was a brat..."

With his body becoming even leaner as he transformed, Sigurd had to fight hard against the urge to release a second sigh. Though he pretended to care about them both equally, the truth of the matter was that he preferred his little sister's voluminous body over the firm and muscular physique of his elder sister. She would still spread her legs whenever he demanded it, but, compared to how clingy she had been prior to their escape from the South, there was an ever-increasingly feeling of distance between them.

Feeling frustrated, Sigurd pulled Ranga's body close so that he could bite her nipple with his razor-sharp teeth. This caused Ragna's brows to twitch, but, despite a fair amount of blood flowing from the wound around her nipple, her movements became markedly more vigorous. She had received training as a Berserker ever since she was a child so blood had always excited her...




With no upper limit placed on the number of people who could participate, thousands of people representing more than a hundred Communities had gathered to compete in the Gift Game hosted by the Leviathan's Tail Community. There was even a Caster's Desk present as many high-profile Gift Games were broadcast throughout the entirety of the Little Garden. This was the primary reason for many burgeoning Communities to participate. They wanted to draw the attention of sponsors from lower-digit Communities. After all, so long as they could join a larger organization, it would be a lot harder for opportunistic individuals to target them...

Demonstrating little regard for the massive crowd of people, Vahn continued to lounge on a bench using Hime's lap as a pillow. Lying across his chest was Fenrir in her shrunken puppy form, so, while others were stressed out about the impending Gift Game, he was enjoying the relative calm before the storm. Hime and Fenrir had very soothing presences due to their natural affinity with Water, Ice, and Yin Elemental Energies so it was very relaxing to have the former caress his head while gingerly tracing his fingers through the cool and soft fur of the latter...

"My Lord...people are staring..."

Despite humming in acknowledgment, Vahn made no effort to rise from Hime's inordinately soft thighs. It was only when the temperature began to steadily increase that he issued a light chuckle and teasingly inquired, "Are you embarrassed to be seen with me~?"

Though she wanted to say no, the Laws of the Little Garden prevented Gods from willfully telling a lie. Hime's only options were to remain silent or answer truthfully. Since she didn't want to ignore him, this meant gathering her courage before meekly replying, "A little..."

Returning a smile, Vahn grabbed Fenrir before sitting up, placing her in his lap, and saying, "Sorry. I guess I got a little carried away."

Shaking her head, Hime did her best to clear the misunderstanding by saying, "My Lord hasn't done anything wrong. While it is certainly embarrassing to be seen, it makes my heart swell to know you find comfort in my presence. It's just...I don't want anyone other than my Lord staring at my body..."

Ever since Vahn had commended her beauty, Hime had developed the habit of wearing garments that showed considerably more skin than she was generally comfortable with. This wasn't an issue when they were alone, but, when there were other people present, it took a considerable amount of willpower not to lash out at them for daring to covet her beauty. She was, after all, a Water God and a Lesser Dragon. They, quite literally, had no right to look at her like that.

Nodding his head in understanding, Vahn extended his hand to caress Hime's head as he said, "No worries. After this, you shouldn't have to participate in any Gift Games for quite some time. Even if you decided to just laze about the workshop or become the guardian goddess of our hot springs, I wouldn't particularly mind..."

Though other Water Gods might have been insulted by such a proposal, Hime's ears flushed red as she seriously considered it. The only real duty she had at the present was cleaning and maintaining the bath so her lifestyle wouldn't really change all that much. Rather, she could bless the water and provide all kinds of benefits to the current and future members of their Community...

"If that's what my Lord desires...I'll consider it..."

Chuckling in response to Hime's words, Vahn brought his mouth closer to her pointed ears before whispering, "Careful with your words...if you keep being this adorable, I might not be able to hold myself back..."

Punctuating his words, Vahn bit the very tip of Hime's elf-like ears. This caused her body to become ramrod straight, but, despite the surrounding temperature becoming rather balmy, she managed to appear relatively calm as she restrained a surprised yelp...



. josei

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Jin still has a lot of growing to do...','I always knew Alabama was in the South...','Vahn can't resist teasing taciturn girls with long ears xD...')

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