Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 17 *Hidden*

Chapter 17 *Hidden*

“Fool, what are you doing, attack him!”

Looking at his group of people who were still standing in their positions stupidly, the fat Vampire shouted angrily.

“Damn that Human, he dared to hurt Lord Herbert!”

“Bit him, suck out his blood!”

“Everyone, rush at him together, don’t let him run away!”

The group of small Vampires who finally reacted were also furious and they rushed at Tenraku while yelling.

After taking back his fist, Tenraku sneered slightly.josei

He may have no choice but to leave the large group outside, but he is not afraid of this small group of Vampires.

Bang Bang Bang

Ahhhhhh Om … Oh, oh, oh …Suddenly there was a scream from fist to flesh in the castle. Under the foolish eyes of the little fat vampire, his men were beaten black and blue by Tenraku and they all bowed to the ground and howled one by one!

One of the tenacious little Vampire showed his fierce glance, and desperately tried to rush over to bite Tenraku’s neck. As a result, Tenraku’s fist knocked both small fangs out of his mouth. He was in so much pain that he started to see stars around his head and he cried out on the ground.

“Now, do you still want to suck my blood?”

With a grin on his mouth and squinting eyes, Tenraku walked towards the little fat vampire step by step.

“Devil, Devil, you are a devil!”

“Don’t come here …”

Where there was the arrogant look before, the little fat vampire looked frightened now and he looked at Tenraku as if he were looking at some kind of monster, and then he turned into a bat and escaped.

The other little vampires did the same, and though it was not at all clear how the human beings could be so fierce, they were so beaten by Tenraku that they were scattered in the form of bats.

For a moment the whole castle was quiet. Tenraku looked around and saw that the human beings who had been sucked by the tiny vampires were still on the ground, groaning feebly, and several of them had lost their breath.

But those were not killed by blood-sucking were scared to death and they had almost lost their mind…

Instead of worrying about those humans, Tenraku looked in one direction and said:

“Come out, you two.”

At first, there was no response, and after a long time, the two figures came out nervously from behind the corner of the wall.

To Tenraku’s surprise, it turned out to be two girls.

One of them looked eight or nine years old, petite, with short shoulder-length hair and the nervous face was full of tension looked pretty cute. The other was probably ten years old and had golden-haired hairs, she also has good looks and looked pitiful.

“You guys are Vampire too?” Looking at the two girls, Tenraku said.

“We don’t, don’t suck blood, don’t suck blood.”

Hearing Tenraku’s question, the petite girl quickly waved her hands and replied nervously, seeming to be afraid that Tenraku would beat both of them as he did with the earlier group.

Tenraku’s eyes instantly settled on the two girls. As a Vampire, they don’t suck blood. At first glance, there are two unscrupulous girls.

Just as Tenraku was preparing to say something, he suddenly felt physically and mentally shocked, and an unbelievable expression appeared on his face.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this feeling …

Sacred Gear, these two Vampire Girls actually have Sacred Gear in their bodies!

He was shocked and endlessly ecstatic, but Tenraku quickly calmed himself down, he exhaled deeply and then looked at the two girls sharply, and said:

“What’s your name?”

It was okay before, but looking at Tenraku’s suddenly horrifying look, both girls were scared and finally the older girl replied:

“My name is Valerie, Valerie Tepes, please don’t hurt us.”

“My name Gasper Vladi.” The petite girl also nervously reported her name.

Valerie Tepes, Gasper Vladi, not to mention the girl’s name in front, Tenraku’s mind constantly echoed Gasper Vladi’s name, and then he looked at the “Girl” nervous and pitiful look and Tenraku’s heart collapsed at that moment …

Somewhere in the castle, Tenraku was standing in a ‘room’ and kept looking around, while Valerie and Gasper stood nervously behind Tenraku.

“It’s done pretty well. It will be my room in the future. You will find another place to live again.”

With a nod of satisfaction, Tenraku directly occupied the nest tunnel and did not care whether the girl and the false girl behind him agreed.

“Yes, Tenraku Sama.”

Having been already informed by Tenraku of his name. Valerie and Gasper quickly replied.

The last thing the castle needed was a room, and though it was a bit of a hassle to clean it up, they were kept there with nothing to do all day anyway. As long as Tenraku doesn’t hurt them, the rest is nothing to them.

He pulled up a chair and sat down. Tenraku looked at them both with his mouth slightly raised. Then he said:

“Now, tell me what you know.”

“Vampire’s business, your own business, and this castle’s business, everything you know.”

Not knowing what the other party wants to do, the girl and the pseudo girl are feeling uneasy, but faced with the person in front of them, they also have to yield and they began to tell him everything they know.

Tenraku listened quietly and intervened occasionally to ask some questions. After the two of them recounted the information, he finally figured out the general situation.

Hundreds of years ago, the Vampire World had a huge break due to an event, resulting in Tepes Faction headed by Patriarchy and Carmilla Faction headed by Feminism. These are things that Tenraku himself has heard and after hearing Valerie and Gasper’s story, Tenraku realized that he was in the territory of Tepes Faction.

Gasper is a descendant of the famous Vladi Family in Tepes Faction, and Valerie is a descendant of the Royal Tepes, but they are not purebred Vampires, but a hybrid of Vampire and human.

It’s not just them, including the little fat vampire who was beaten by Tenraku and the other little Vampires, they are all mixed races of various families.

Vampires are a highly racial and extremely bloodline race. They regard humans as food and livestock, and their offspring with humans are also called Hybrids, and their status is optional. And this castle is the place where the Tepes Vampire Clan confine their mixed offsprings!

No matter which world or race, everything and every one has its dirty dark side, not to mention Vampires, an already cold-blooded race, Tenraku didn’t sigh much, and he didn’t plan to change anything. The only thing he thought was how to escape from here.

Dismissing both Valerie and Gasper, Tenraku stood in front of the window and lost in thought.

Although he is a bit powerful and can rule like a king in this castle, it was impossible for him to escape from the territory of any Vampire.

However, it is not hopeless. The key lies in the Sacred Gear in Valerie and Gasper …

To be continued …

Chapter 17 Valerie and Gasper

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