Entering Apocalypse in Easy-Mode

Chapter 145 The Expedition Party

Chapter 145 The Expedition Party

It was quite a big tree, at least one meter in diameter, and had dense leaves growing on many branches.

Clyde arrived at where the tree was in the blink of an eye. His speed shocked everyone there as if everything he was accomplishing before wasn't enough. Clyde was doing something new again.

Clyde of course ignored them and immediately strike the tree. He punched the big tree trunk and lightning sparks instantly spread throughout the tree.

Clyde's one punch destroys a big chunk of the tree trunk. Clyde heard a loud crack. When he looked up Clyde saw the big tree starting to fall.

He quickly step out of there and let the tree fall over where he had been standing before.

"Okay. This power is still pretty good."

Clyde nodded with a satisfied expression while looking all over his body.

Even though he somehow felt that this power wasn't as strong as before, if he could topple such a large tree with just one punch then no one would know the difference.

Clyde does everything with his lightning powers. He fired lightning bolts in all directions and destroyed areas around him.

Then he also creates lightning balls and throws them in seemingly random directions to test the level of damage he can deal.

Everyone who was training there even took a step back reflexively because they were afraid that Clyde's lightning would strike them suddenly.

But of course that won't happen. Although Clyde threw his attacks in seemingly random directions, he aimed them at an empty space.

However, the vibes that he gives seem to indicate that he can let his lightning strike them anytime.

After several hours Clyde finally decided to finish his training. He already felt he could put his lightning power to good use.

'After this, all I have to do is ask Samuel about the expedition they're on.'

There was a dangerous glint in Clyde's eyes when he thought that. He can't waste any more time.

Maybe he wasn't strong enough yet to challenge a Celestial. Nevertheless, he wanted to at least see a picture of their domain and start gathering strength for himself.

Clyde turned towards the portal and ignored everyone's stares at him.

Clyde knew he was on a higher level than them by the shocked looks and what he heard around him. So it's only natural that Clyde feels they are insignificant to him at this time.


The people he had to meet immediately were the senior members of this fortress.


They tried to run from with all their might. But no matter how fast they ran, they could still feel the presence of Lesser Cerberus behind them.

"Fuck! Why are they so fast!" A man with long hair said angrily. A fairly large bow that is usually his most reliable partner now feels like a burden.

"Don't look back!" a woman screamed while continuing to swing her legs to run. Just as she had said, the woman didn't even look back.

There were five members at the party. Two males and three females with different abilities and races. The thing that made the party survive until now was because of the right composition that made it easier for their teamwork.

Samuel is one of the two males at the party. He served as the frontline fighter in the party. And this time he predicted that they couldn't fight the monster in a head-on battle. Because of that, he suggested that they run first.

A Lesser Cerberus is a guardian beast in God Hades' Domain. Yes, right now they were on an expedition in God Hades' Domain to find some information about the God's troops remaining in this place.

The conflict in the Far East forced the Celestials to send their armies to deal with the threat. A threat the party couldn't find out no matter how hard they looked.

Something that could make the Celestials tense up was of course not a trivial matter.

They, the residents of Shivagadh Fortress want to find out about it and use it for their benefit. Because of that, they increased the intensity of the expeditions they had been doing recently.

However, all this is still not fruitful. Even now they were being chased by a Lesser Cerberus before actually gaining anything.

The domain of God Hades is an arid sandy land full of skeletons of dead creatures strewn about. The sky here is always dark without stars like the most dark night on Earth.

There were only a few blazing fires scattered around that could provide light. But that's not enough for them to see things well. Because of that, they need a rare ability that is so difficult to awaken. It was an ability called Dark Vision.

"Let's go there!" Samuel pointed at a place that looked like a cave in front of them with his spear.

"Why?" the male who carries a bow on his back - Leyan - asked. He was an Elf and right now he was so panicked that he couldn't think properly.

"We can attack it in there," Samuel said.

They immediately followed his suggestion and rushed to the cave. The Lesser Cerberus chased after them with three pairs of bloodthirsty eyes. Poisonous saliva dripped from its open mouth as it galloped.

The expedition party entered the cave with little difficulty due to the narrow entrance. The Lesser Cerberus crashed into the cave entrance moments later.

Its jaws opened and closed quickly but the black-headed dog monster just tore the air. It couldn't go any deeper so it could only bark in annoyance.

"Now!" Samuel said.

Leyan immediately drew his bow and an arrow that was twice the size of a normal arrow appeared on the bow.

Leyan released his arrow almost instantly after the arrow was created.



The arrow stuck in one of the eyes on one of the Lesser Cerberus' heads that were sticking out.

It let out wailing sounds of pain from all three of its heads.

"Again!" the female human healer shouted.

"I know!" Leyan shouted back annoyingly. He immediately drew his bowstring again.


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