Entering Apocalypse in Easy-Mode

Chapter 183 Ending The Fight

Chapter 183 Ending The Fight

Asqa had been moving closer to the main fight since she found out that Clyde and Alessio had left their positions.

Asqa still feels shocked. She felt that Alessio was the first to decide to leave the fight. Almost as if he avoided Clyde.

She already knew that Clyde was strong but he must have been through a lot of things before he got here. So he was supposed to be weaker than the last time she remembered. 

After all, he was betrayed by Rodney and his friends to the point where she thought he was dead.

Asqa doesn't know how he ended up here and is even still able to fight on equal ground with Alessio who has activated the blessing of Archangel Uriel that boosts his strength. 

But she decided not to think about it too much for now. After all, she wouldn't be able to get an answer until she heard it from Clyde herself the next time they met.

When she got to where the main fight took place, the battle between Clyde and her party had already started. Asqa peeked from one of the buildings and made herself hidden as best as she can.

'He can keep up with the two of them. What's more, Colmano also used his blessing?!'

What Asqa saw made her dumbfounded. Colmano and Alessio are both already very powerful when they haven't even used those blessings. Yet, Clyde seems to be able to keep up with their strength and speed when they use the blessing. 

Asqa sees that Clyde is still using the power of lightning which allows him to move extremely fast. His destructive power is also extraordinary when using that lightning, Asqa saw how he used it on the Selection Stage before.

Right now, Asqa is in doubt. She was at a party sent by Archangel Uriel, so she should have helped members of one of her party.

However, if she does, then she will corner Clyde, the person who saved her life in the first place when all this started.

Asqa bit her lower lip. 'What should I do?'

She glanced again at the battle. The fiery flames that could scorch everything it touched in an instant clashed with brilliant bluish-white lightning. Creating an amazing spectacle of two parties who want to destroy each other.

Asqa, who has not been able to make a decision quickly decides to observe the fight first for now. And let her heart decide the path she should choose.


'Who is this guy?!'

Cuzia was watching from a corner when she saw Alessio and Colmano fighting Clyde. Her eyes widened staring at the course of the fight in front of her.

Alessio and Colmano - the two who were evidently stronger than her in their party - were fighting on equal terms with that mysterious man.

She had not expected that it would be possible. Especially when Alessio and Colmano have used their blessings which boost their strength many times over.

Cuzia was looking for the time when she could get into the fight to kill the man faster. But she couldn't find the right opening to enter.

Their fight created explosive destructive power. If she forced her way into it then Cuzia could see how she would end up. She would only die or at least be seriously injured.

So Cuzia immediately canceled her intention to join their fight. Her eyes shifted to the other party that came with the man. In her eyes, they looked even weaker than her.

Cuzia put out the fire that was blazing around her body and started sneaking toward Samuel and his party.






Clyde could see buildings collapsing one by one when he passed them. The power of the two men who were his enemies was strong enough to be able to do damage like this. 

However, the person who created the most damage to their surroundings was that big man with his great battle ax.

Clyde saw that he was always fighting with a wide grin on his face. Like a madman who enjoys a deadly fight.

His movements are always excessive as well. As if he didn't think about where his battle ax would land and just swung it as hard as he could.

Clyde felt he could fight the man more easily than this tall, lean man wielding a flaming sword. 

Unlike the big man, he fought with a serious expression. Every swing of his sword was directed correctly, making Clyde have to put in extra concentration to overcome it.

Clyde was starting to have a hard time. His stats which had already risen to level 30 were still enough to fight the two of them simultaneously. But he could only fight to a draw with the two of them.

And he needs more than just a draw to be able to finish this fight. Moreover, he still had Stats points left.

Clyde channeled more Mana around his body and made his lightning bigger. Alessio who realized this immediately put on extra alert and pulled Colmano back.


Lightning flashed towards the both of them. However, Alessio was able to act quickly by grabbing Colmano and creating a wall of fire in front of them. So that the lightning doesn't hit them.

Alessio landed on the ground with Colmano beside him. Colmano still looked eager to lunge again but Alessio immediately held him before he dashed.

They both panted, feeling the fatigue start to come to their bodies.

Clyde looked no better too. The bluish-white lightning around his body seemed to have shrunk. Alessio took it as a sign that Clyde was weakening.

'Good. A little more and we'll be able to kill-'

Before Alessio could finish his thoughts, Clyde was right in front of him.


Colmano, who realized that a little faster than Alessio, moved his body forward.


Clyde's lightning-covered sword plunged into Colmano's stomach. Clyde channeled his Mana and magnified the lightning flowing on his sword.josei



Colmano screamed loudly like a beast in unspeakable pain. His face was looking up with bloodshot eyes that seemed like they might explode at any moment.


Alessio was dazed for a moment when he saw Clyde already in front of him. He came back to his senses when he heard Colmano's scream.

He gritted his teeth then moved sideways swinging his flaming sword at Clyde.

However, the sword only slashed through empty air as Clyde disappeared from his place with the same astonishing speed as before.

Clyde grinned. He only needed a few seconds to concentrate on using his remaining Stats Points to increase his level of Strength and Agility.

Alessio's eyes widened realizing that Clyde was already in front of them again. Clyde glared at Alessio and swung his sword.


But Alessio was still able to raise his fiery sword in time to block Clyde's swing. A warrior's instinct that had been trained through years of fighting experience made his reflexes move his hand first before he even realized it.

"Urgh..." Alessio gritted his teeth and let out a painful groan. The pressure he felt on his sword increased several times when he received Clyde's slash. 

'What is happening? Why did he become this strong in such a short time?!'

Alessio looked up and saw Clyde's face which looked calm. It was as if he hadn't even put his full effort behind the swing.

Unexpectedly, a kick hit Alessio's stomach and threw him backward. He hit several buildings and only stopped after hitting the last building.

Blood was pouring out of his mouth and he felt several organs in his stomach being crushed. Alessio looked up only to see a shoe sole in front of his face.


Clyde kicked Alessio in the face and stomped him on the ground. Alessio tries to revolt by pointing his fiery sword at Clyde and intends to summon his fiery serpent.

However, Clyde slashed his sword at his raised hand.


Alessio's hand and his flaming sword fell to the ground, separated from his body by Clyde's slash. Alessio let out a muffled painful scream from his mouth that was now under Clyde's shoe.

Clyde raised his sword to stab Alessio's heart so he could kill him quickly. However, he felt the presence of someone approaching from behind him.

So Clyde cancel it and turned his body.


A dagger that was about to stab into his neck stopped in front of his sword. Clyde saw Cuzia who was gritting her teeth full of anger.

Cuzia pulled her dagger and then slashed the dagger in her other hand.


But Clyde was still able to move fast enough to fend off the dagger. He then swung his fist towards her face.

Cuzia moved her face to the side, letting the fist graze her cheek. Then she caught Clyde's hand and twisted it as hard as she could.

However, Clyde released a powerful surge of lightning that instantly stung Cuzia with a painful strike.


Wailing full of pain came out of Cuzia's mouth. Clyde let the lightning continue to stun her for a few seconds before finally shaking her aside.

Cuzia fell to the ground with a violently convulsing body. Not wanting to waste any more time, Clyde thrust his sword into Alessio's chest.


And then he poured lightning into his sword. Alessio's body was convulsing from the violent shock of the lightning and started to become charred.

Clyde drew his sword as soon as he was sure his enemy was dead. Then he walked over to Cuzia who was staring at his coming with eyes wide with terror.


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