Entering Apocalypse in Easy-Mode

Chapter 26 Next Step

Chapter 26 Next Step

While Leon's group and his party were happy, Clyde's group and the Regressors' group were feeling anxious about what was coming next.

It was almost noon. In their area, the zombies had disappeared and the greenish smoke had also thinned.

After they destroyed the Zombie Spawners, the threat to their area disappeared. But the biggest threat is still not over.

They still haven't fought the Boss. Therefore, today can be said to still be quite long. They couldn't feel relieved yet.

"When is the Boss showing up yet?" Clyde asked because he was getting impatient.

"The Boss will only appear when most of the zombies are gone, or when the time is right," Rodney - the leader of the Regressors answered.

"Hmm..." Clyde mumbled. It was obvious that he had something on his mind now.

Everyone present seemed to know what Clyde was thinking after spending some time with him.

"How about we end this quickly?" Clyde finally said his suggestion.

"I knew you would say that," Sonya responded.

Clyde turned to her. He saw the worried look on Sonya's face.

"Well, if you don't want to do it you don't have to."

Clyde gave them a choice. He guessed that now they wouldn't want to venture out to get into any bigger trouble.

After all, they have leveled up a lot. And their bodies were also injured. So there's no point in them putting themselves in any more danger.

"If I'm being honest, I don't want to go out there anymore," Eric said expressing his heart.

He could be said to be the one who carried the most burdens among others. Beside Clyde of course.

Eric was at the forefront and he was the one pushing the zombies away.

He is also the one who gets hit by the zombies more than the others. So it was only natural that even with his big body, Eric was the most tired of them.

Clyde himself was not too tired after he rested for a few minutes. So he's ready for action again.

Clyde just nodded. Then he stood up and picked up the Elderglass Sword.

"You guys have leveled up quite a lot. So it's time for you to rest without worrying about anything," Clyde said.

"You're really going to face the zombies again, Clyde?" Asqa asked.


"But why?"

"So that this can all end as soon as possible."

Clyde gave an answer that touched their hearts.

Was he as tormented by this apocalypse as they were? So he wants to end this immediately so that everything returns to how it was before?


They saw Clyde walking towards the outside of the motel.

His broad back was wrapped in a long black robe. He seemed to be the hope for them all.

Clyde exited the motel and headed north.

'This way I can get the [Title] without attracting their attention.'

As he walked, Clyde grinned. With his current strength, he was confident that he would be able to destroy Zombie Spawners again.

Even if he has to do it by facing hundreds or maybe thousands of zombies that already evolved.

Clyde was now Level 55. His strength had skyrocketed after he distributed his Stat Points and Skill Points.

The surge of power flowed within his body. He felt invincible.

Of course, Clyde didn't distribute all those Stat Points and Skill Points. All of that is limited to Level 10.

Meanwhile, he still has a lot of points left. Clyde didn't know what to do about it.

Was Level 10 the limit of Stats? But why was he still able to store Stats and Skill Points?

Clyde decided to put that aside for now and focus on what was in front of him.

He would get a hint about it later from the system that was running this apocalypse.

Clyde also knew from the online literature he read that there would be some kind of event that would slap him in the face, and humbled him real quick if he became an arrogant character.

So Clyde calmed himself down and focused on remaining vigilant.

He couldn't allow himself to get carried away and make mistakes.

He's come this far. Then he better finish it properly.

Greenish smoke still rising. That means there's still a zombie mess to clean up.

So Clyde ran in that direction. His stats that had reached Level 10 brought a very significant change to his body.

Clyde ran until he saw his surroundings as a blur. But he was still able to easily control his body.

It is like a cheat in a video game. He reached this level of strength in just a short amount of time.

Clyde put his foot on the roof of a car and stomped hard. So that he can shoot as far as tens of kilometers ahead.

Clyde did that a few more times until he finally arrived at the area where the green smoke was still dense.

His [Toxic Resistance] skill was already Level 10. So Clyde was confident that he would be fine.

He stepped into the green smoke.

Instantly, the zombies lurking in the green smoke area became aware of his presence.

Clyde could hear their disturbing growls and screams.

He drew the Elderglas Is Sword from its scabbard.

"Now, where is the zombie spawner?"

Clyde stepped up and spread his eyes around. But within this thick green smoke, it was too hard to see anything.


Suddenly a zombie with a strange shape came toward Clyde.

It lunged on all four. Its entire body was covered in spikes that seemed to have come from its enlarged bones and pierced through the flesh.

The zombies were the size of trucks and charged with terrifying ferocity.

Clyde raised the Elderglass Sword.


The transparent blade blocked the zombie's head. Even though he was hit by a zombie the size of a truck, Clyde didn't budge at all.

Clyde grinned at how light the zombie impact was. He grew more and more confident in his strength.

Then Clyde kicked the zombie until it flew away.

He put the Elderglass Sword back into its scabbard because he felt that this battle was enough for him to fight with his bare hands.


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