Entering Apocalypse in Easy-Mode

Chapter 98 Found It

Chapter 98 Found It

The robot troops keep coming. They seemed to be spawning from nowhere and suddenly appearing at crossroads or in front of them.

The number of robots in one troop is also increasing. At first, they only numbered twenty, then increased until finally one troop was filled with fifty robots of various shapes.

Now, the troops they were facing had five large robots armed with canons and miniguns.

Meanwhile, the small robots that looked like metal human skeletons no longer only used rifles.

They also now wore swords that seemed to be made of condensed light. The color of the sword is also red, like all things that an evil robot should have.

So, now they're getting harder to handle. Because they can do a melee attack.


The sword of one of the robots clashed with the blade of the Elderglass Sword. Even though their swords looked very modern and belonged to a different era than the present human development, they were still inferior to the Elderglass Sword.

Clyde saw no real threat from the sword. He only saw it as a sword with an attractive color. And that's it.

Clyde then kicked the robot in the chest, pushing it backward. Then Clyde dashed with astonishing speed.

In the blink of an eye, he was right in front of the robot. Without waiting for a pause, Clyde thrust the Elderglass Sword into its chest.


The sound when the Elderglass Sword pierced through the supposedly strong metal frame was loud. The metal skeletons of the robots seemed insignificant before the power of Elderglass Sword.

But it's still not enough to kill the robot. Clyde had to cut their limbs to prevent them from moving.

So, he pulled out the Eldgerglass Sword and immediately slashed the robot's limbs. Clyde did it with a movement so fast that the robot couldn't react.

It fell on the ground like the other robots behind Clyde. The robot turned and looked at Clyde with its bright red eyes.

Clyde stomped it right in its face and headed off to the next robot. The target is the large robot in the center of the troop. For the sake of getting the location of the Main Control Tower.

Clyde had done it many times since he found out that the location of the tower was inside the big robot.

Clyde used [Skill: Hacking] which he had maxed out to control the robot and get information without killing it.

As it turned out, the Skill had indeed proven to be very useful. But he still didn't get the location of the tower.

While the others are battling the robot troops that are trying to kill them, Clyde cuts through the robot waves quickly.

He didn't even need to use any skills to do it. Only with the strength of the increased Stats, Clyde can handle them.

When he was in front of the big robot, it immediately noticed his presence and directed all of its arsenals toward him.

Clyde was ready with it, he bit the Elderglass Sword between his teeth and activated his Skill.

[ Burning Hand (Lv.10) is activated! ]

Clyde's hands were burned by the flames. He created two fireballs in his hands and then threw them toward the robot's red eyes.



The two fireballs hit the robot's eyes and blinded it instantly. The robot lost its sight so it couldn't find Clyde.

Meanwhile, Clyde jumps on the heads of other robots to get closer to the big robot. Then he landed on top of the robot's body.

[ Hacking (Lv.10) is activated! ]

To use [Skill: Hacking], Clyde doesn't need to use a computer to hack the robot. He only needed to place his palm against the robot and the skill would work on its own.

[ Hacking completed! ]

[ Say your order! ]

And just like that, Clyde only has to say his order mentally or verbally. What an amazing and practical Skill.

'Show me the location of the Main Control Tower,' Clyde gave a mental order.

After a few seconds, a notification appears in Clyde's vision.

[The location of the Main Control Tower can't be found. ]

Clyde sighed in frustration. He had done this many times, but he still couldn't find it.

'Kill yourself.' It was Clyde's next order.

So the robot complied and shut itself down. It stops moving in that position.

"Clyde! What are you doing?!" Reed called out to him from below, among the robots that were trying to kill him.

"Wait a minute!" Clyde said.

Another big robot is already targeting him. Its eyes were already glowing red and determined Clyde as its target. The distance of the robot was not that far from him.

Because he was already in a high place, Clyde didn't have any trouble getting to the big robot.

He kicked the body part of the large robot that he had shut down until he created a deep dent and jumped toward the robot that was aiming at him.





The shots from the canons hit where Clyde had been standing. But he had disappeared from there so the shots only hit the big robot.



Explosions occurred and the robot rolled to the ground. Immobilizing all the human-sized robots under it.

Meanwhile, Clyde had landed on the head of the big robot that shot him.

[ Hacking (Lv.10) is activated! ]

Just like before, Clyde immediately used [Skill: Hacking] without attacking it. Then he ordered the robot to change its target and shoot at the human-sized robots below.

The barrage of miniguns and canons destroyed the human-sized robots. What Clyde did was very helpful for the other members of the group.

After that, he asked for the location of the Main Control Tower. Clyde was ready to accept another failure. However, what he got turned out to be the result he was looking for.

[ Main Control Tower Location. ]

Below the text appears a map of the city. Then there was a blinking red dot in the eastern part of the city. Under that blinking point is a text that says: 'Main Control Tower'.


Clyde smiled contentedly. Finally, he found the location after several failures.

But because he was too happy, Clyde didn't pay attention to what was around him. When he was off guard, another large robot was already aiming at him and shooting its canons.




Clyde only realized this after hearing the distinctive gunshot from the canon. He immediately jumped to avoid the shot.


Even though he had jumped, Clyde couldn't completely dodge the shot.

He was thrown several meters into the air. And some metal fragments from the robot that was shot hit his head.

Clyde hit the wall of the building and fell on the asphalt. He felt pain in the back of his head.

When Clyde ran his fingers on the back of his head and looked at his palm. He saw that there was blood there.

'Shit, I thought I wouldn't be hurt like this.'

To him, this was the most severe injury he had suffered till now. While fighting the red Wendigo, he only suffered a tear on his coat sleeve.

When Clyde tried to get up, Asqa came straight at him from a direction he didn't know.

"Where did you come from?" Clyde asked confusedly.

"You don't have to worry about that," Asqa said and then started healing even though Clyde didn't ask for it.

With her [Skill: healing] already at Level 10, healing Clyde's wounds wasn't a big problem for her at all.

In the twinkling of an eye, Clyde was no longer feeling the pain.

"Thanks," Clyde said.

Asqa nodded. Then said. "More robots are coming."

Clyde immediately turned his head quickly as if being pulled by an invisible rope.

Meanwhile, Asqa has dashed away leaving him alone to hide again. When Clyde turned around, Asqa had already disappeared.

Clyde snorted. "She can take care of herself now apparently."

Not having to worry about Asqa, Clyde immediately jumped to his feet. For now, he only had to worry about himself.

A dozen robots were running towards him with eyes burning red.

They raised their rifles and started shooting simultaneously.

A barrage of lasers shot out of their rifle muzzles. Clyde tried to dodge by twisting his body.

Fortunately, the protective power of his Dark Night Coat worked well. As long as the shot doesn't hit his head, that will be alright.josei

[ Burning Hand (Lv.10) is activated! ]

Clyde let out a torrent of fire from his hand. Then channeled fire to the Elderglass Sword.

The torrent of fire temporarily blocked the robots' view. So Clyde could lunge closer toward them smoothly.

Once he was in front of them, Clyde started slashing his Elderglass Sword.




Within seconds, Clyde had managed to destroy a dozen robots with the combination of [Skill: Burning Hand] and the Elderglass Sword's slashes.

Now, having found the location of the Main Control Tower, Clyde immediately rushed to destroy the remaining robots so they could go there immediately.


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