Entertainment World: The Wild God of Gourmet

Chapter 51 - Natural Beer

Chapter 51 - Natural Beer

Next morning, the sun rose from the east, its light casting a thousand beams.

Chen B-Dog opened his bleary eyes. First thing in the morning, he entered his live broadcast room to start another busy day.josei

His live broadcast room had accumulated more than 4 million followers; the transformation ratio of his popularity was extremely high. Before he entered the wilderness, he only had 100 thousand followers at most. Reaching the top of the Anchor’s Golden Pyramid within such a short period of time was really a miracle.

His news had made the headlines of Tencent News for several consecutive days now. Be it the Entertainment page, Societal page or Video page, you could find his trace. He even topped Weibo’s search list for quite a few times, becoming the focus of heated discussions. Including all the major live broadcast websites, there weren’t many left who did not know of his existence. Many people were complaining that Wang Congcong really got lucky. Even after spending a big fortune to recruit anchors from his competitors, Panda had not turned out on top. Nonetheless, such a powerful anchor had fallen into his lap just like that.

Even if his live broadcast, for the most part, was done on the road, it still could not stop the audience’s passion. His popularity kept on increasing and breaking the record of the number of concurrent online users.

Many audiences had even gotten used to waking up early in the morning to watch his live broadcast. Once they received the notification that his live broadcast had started, they rushed into the room immediately.

There was no other reason: everything that Chen B-Dog had been doing was what the city folks who led ordinary lives yearned to do but would never happen. They tied themselves down with their jobs, busied with earning money to pay debts, buying houses and supporting their families. But actually they admired the freedom that those sports geniuses and wilderness experts had. They also idolized those who dared to realize their dreams.

As they were unable to do it, they got more curious about these wild adventures. Even if it was just watching others going on adventures; they would feel a sense of participation. It was much more enjoyable than watching the edited adventurous clip highlights on the internet.

To them, the wilderness was a giant question mark. They were waiting for Chen B-Dog to explore and discover step-by-step and to uncover the most mysterious veil of nature. Nobody knew what was going to happen next.

Humans all have a sense of curiosity, and Chen B-Dog’s life in the wild was really entertaining, with abundant knowledge, proper worldviews, humor, skills, and most importantly, he looked handsome, looked handsome and looked handsome… As long as there was no deliberate prejudice, you would easily accept him and gradually came to adore his live broadcast.

Moreover, the filming technique of Dog Egg was superb. Whether it was high-end cameras or supplementary Oscar-level photography, the 3D picture effects were perfectly displayed. It made people feel as if they had been there personally. It was better than watching those foreign classical documentaries. And he always brought along his own background music. Chen B-Dog did explain before that this was shot by a drone. However, there were still many people who suspected that there was a powerful team sitting in a house and coordinating dispatch whenever necessary.

All these factors contributed to his continually rising popularity.

Today was another special day. The audience had known since yesterday that Chen B-Dog would be coming out from DXAL primitive jungle soon. Nobody wanted to miss that moment.

The audience chit-chatted while watching Chen B-Dog packed his sleeping bag, washed himself up, made a fire to warm the remaining deer milk after adding honey. Then he fed the little Siberian tigers. As for himself, he simply grilled the wolf thigh jerky that was left over from last night.

“Good morning everyone. I am sorry that I started broadcasting half an hour late today because I slept too comfortably last night. That made me wake up half an hour later.” Chen B-Dog apologized to the camera. At the same time, the camera zoomed out to the mountains far away. “If I am not mistaken, over those mountains would be my destination.”

Shouldering his backpack, he gathered the tiger cubs in front of his chest as usual and put out the fire while also not forgetting to close the door of the hut. “All right, we should depart now.”

The nearer he was to the fringe of the forest, the clearer the environment around the forest. It was obviously different from the desolated and primitive central of the forest. Besides, the most obvious change was that patches of birch trees started showing up through the camera lens.

“Look, everyone. The birch trees here are obviously being taken care of by someone.”

“The Evenki tribe has a long history of Birch Bark culture. The white birch barks have great economic and medicinal values. They are rich in botulin, which makes up about 23%~35% of its content, all kinds of fatty acids making up more than 35%, and other substances such as phenolic substances, reducing substances, polysaccharide, protein, resin, and oil.”

Chen B-Dog tore off a piece of soft white birch bark and showed it to his audience through the camera. The audience could clearly see a lot of fibers in the bark of birch trees.

“Among the birch species, the barks of white birch are especially soft. Normally, the Evenki people will peel the barks in the spring. They will also peel the bark from the trees that have been cut. Then, they will shred and dry the bark. They use birch barks to make ropes, build walls and so on. When we reach the Evenki village, we can see their white houses are built from pine rods, white birch barks and deerskin, which the Evenki people referred to as ‘golomo’.”

“In the summer, they will wrap the houses with birch barks only. Whilst in winter, they will put on a layer of deerskin.”

“The birch barks not only have the functions mentioned above. At the same time, it has played a substantial role in medicinal use. It is useful to clear heat, eliminate dampness, and detox. Besides, it can be used for acute tonsillitis, bronchitis, enteritis, dysentery, hepatitis and pneumonia, and externally used on burning and scalding, boils and carbuncles, etc. Hence, never look down on a birch bark.”

The audience responded in the usual lively way.

“Amazing, only you will know so much stuff.”

“My speed of searching on Baidu can’t keep up with Lord B-Dog’s speed of reading lines. How can his brain store so many things?”

“I am a Biology student at Tsinghua. I feel like Lord B-Dog is smarter than our professor.”

Suddenly, Chen B-Dog took out his hunting knife and said, “As the water bottle has been hogged by the tiger cubs, I cannot drink water properly and so I have been in a state of mild water shortage. I cannot eat the snow directly as that will give me oral ulcers. Luckily, Mother Nature has provided us with many methods of fetching water. Now I will teach you a very magical method. Watch carefully…”

He cut a hole at the bottom of a birch tree with a knife. Then he found some hollow grass pipes and inserted them into the wound of birch tree while the other end pointed to the bottle lid. Not long after, the audience began to see a light yellow transparent liquid flow into the bottle lid along the grass pipes.

Chen B-Dog smiled and said, “Someone might have guessed it. That’s right. I am extracting the sap of the birch tree, which is what’s commonly referred to as Birch Sap Harvest.”

“Natural birch sap is currently recognized as a nutritious physiological active water around the world. It is birch trees’ source of life. According to scientific evidence, birch sap contains more than 20 kinds of amino acids, 24 kinds of inorganic elements, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin C, polysaccharide, reducing sugar and etc., which is why birch sap also have the health function of anti-fatigue and anti-aging. It is one of the most promising functional beverages in the twenty-first century.”

“In China, only the wild white birch trees in DXAL primeval forest can be extracted to get the sap. Hence, not many people have heard of this beverage before. In the United States, Canada and Czech, they have the tradition of Birch Sap Harvest every year.”

“All right, this birch tree contains quite the amount of sap. Let me taste it first.”

The bottle quickly filled up, and he tasted a small zip of it at first. Then he nodded with satisfaction and said, “This light yellow transparent liquid might look weird, but it tastes fresh and has a scent of pine. It’s a little sweet and is very delicious.”

“You don’t have to be worried that this birch tree will wither after the extraction. Non-excessive extraction has very little effect on the birch tree. For one tree with a diameter of more than 20 cm, 20 kilograms of sap can be extracted for each day and it can be done for 10 to 20 years. The annual sap yield of a birch tree can be 31 to 150 kilograms, with every hectare producing 20 to 60 tons of sap. Isn’t this surprising?”

The taste of birch sap was probably too good or perhaps he was just really thirsty, Chen B-Dog drank several cups in a row before he was willing to stop.

The audience would very much like to try it as well. Many of them were asking where they could buy it.

Chen B-Dog wiped his mouth, stood up and said, “Birch sap is not only a natural beverage; it has unique medicinal effects. It is beneficial to human health as it helps in fatigue prevention and coughing. Hence, it was called “Natural Beer” and “Forest Beverage” by the Europeans. Unfortunately, the level of exploitation and utilization of white birch sap is obviously not high in China. So I’m afraid it’s impossible for you to get this kind of drink in the supermarket.”

“What a pity, I have no chance to drink it.”

“I drank that before. It tastes really good.”

“Why do I suddenly feel like birch juice drinks will become famous soon?”

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