Epic of Caterpillar

Chapter 1480

Chapter 1480




The Dark Labyrinth, a strange dungeon that has been existing within the Mainland for thousands of years. Some had said that it originated from the miasma left behind by the giant corpses of the Gods, which can even be seen when you travel across the massive super-continent. Since the day I was summoned here when I walked outside of the castle where I was summoned that I saw a massive skeleton in the distance, with the mild appearance of a dragon. I suppose this might had been some relative of Luminous… But he’s way too small compared to these absolute titans, whose very carcasses makes up entire mountain ranges and probably create immense ecosystems where many living creatures survive.

Nonetheless, I still knew very little about the dungeon, and that was annoyingly concerning for someone as curious as myself. And here we were as I wondered such things, walking across the Dark Labyrinth’s third floor, we had yet to find any meaningfully strong creature, as everything we have beaten was just small lizards, rats, frogs, and flying fish that tasted good when burned to a crisp using Fireball. At least I am having a feast, as they let me gorge anything we eat. Ah, man, I miss my [Devour] Skill, it is absolutely not present in the Skill Library and I don’t know if I will ever get it back at all! Well, at the very least I am having fun. If I carry back this new Soul Book System, I’ll try to merge it with Andromeda’s System and see what comes out of it, although if this System allows for the power of collecting EXP even as godly existence, then I might as well keep its basic functions.

Even if the memories of a life on Earth aren’t mine, I really enjoy everything I learned from this random guy whose name I might never get the opportunity to know. The memories of an avid classic JRPG games fanatic really makes me want to keep this whole LitRPG System forever. I already missed how it poofed away when I turned into a Living Deity, so I might as well do everything I can to keep it. Amongst the things that I like about this new adventure (not so many), one of the things I love is that I can finally level up and have cool evolutions again… And well, the whole feel like I am in a new world is interesting, even though I’ve been trying my best to not grow any more interested or attached in Runeterra as I can, I’ve already grown slightly attached to it after the adventures I’ve lived… Even if it has only been a week since I was summoned. It has certainly been an unforgivable week.

Anyways, our party was made up of Elfina, Fiere, Luminous, and I. The four of us made up a mighty team, well, mostly Luminous and I, who were the cavalry while the other guys are more like… support. I guess Fiere fire magic is nice, although Elfina can only conjure low level healing spells and hasn’t done anything more… unless I were to lend her my spears, which I’ve actually done, in that case she becomes strong enough to defeat low-rank monsters. Just like right now.



A Dungeon Monkey suddenly fell down into the ground, its head was pierced by Black’s blade as Elfina swiftly finished it off. Dungeon Monkeys were gorilla-sized monkeys with black fur that often-wielded clubs and other weapons found inside the dungeon. As we were in the third floor out of the ten there is, monsters are finally beginning to become slightly stronger, although they’re still nothing against me, the dungeon is big and they come in large quantities, so EXP is still EXP.


[Calculating EXP earned]

[You earned 47200 EXP]

[Black] has leveled up from Level 5 to Level 7!]

[Black] learned the [Intuition: Lv1] Skill!]

[White] has leveled up from Level 5 to Level 7!]

[White] learned the [First Aid: Lv1] Skill!]

[Aquamarine] has leveled up from Level 4 to Level 6!]

[Aquamarine] learned the [Mana Sense: Lv1] Skill!]

[Elfina] has leveled up from Level 26 to Level 28!]

[Elfina] learned the [Enhance Summon: Lv1] Skill!]

[Elfina] learned the [Swift Spear Attack: Lv1] Skill!]

The party was getting stronger, the three Ego Weapons had already leveled quite nicely, and even Aquamarine who at the start was rather shy about fighting ended using his [Weaponization] Skill to turn into a beautiful blue dagger which he could make himself float by coating himself with water through Liquification and fly without my [Telekinesis] Skill supporting him. His Water Bullets are quite strong, and his precise stabbing and small and nimble weapon body made him quite mighty.

Meanwhile, the ret had leveled a bit more than him, and after using their talents for a while, learned new Skills. Black is quite good at sensing enemies approaching and parrying their attacks using his spear body, while White has been acting as healer and supporter, hence learning First Aids. Aquamarine uses Mana Sense to sense danger, so he learned this one skill rather quickly.

Oh right, and Elfina, she had finally learned new Skills after a while. She learned an intriguing one at Enhance Summon, and then one related to her using the spears for a while, Swift Spear Attack, by activating it, she is able to deliver a swift piercing spear attack without need for much concentration.

“A-Amazing, I learned two Skills already? This dungeon diving has really been worth it!” Elfina said happily. “N-Not only I got one related to spears but I can finally enhance you, Kireina!” She said happily, as I spied into her Status and saw what the new skill was all about.

“Oho, let me see you~” I said, as Elfina sensed my eyes creeping down into the depths of her own Soul Book and looking at her stats, it was something that people could notice at times.

“Eek! D-Don’t look at my Soul Book like this…!” She cried. But it was futile! I was already looking all over it, mwahahaha!


[Enhance Summon: Lv1]

Skill Proficiency: 0/1000

A Skill learned only by those of the [Summoner] Class that have successfully summoned a familiar and have developed a good relationship with them while also defeating many foes together. This Skill grants the ability to enhance a target familiar summoned by the summoner and enhance their stats directly by a small percentage of +10% with each skill level. Each enhancement for a certain stat takes an amount of sizable MP from the conjurer.

Available Enhancement Spells:

Lv1: [Enhance Strength] [Enhance Agility] [Enhance Vitality]


Oho! I see, so it is like that…

“J-Just stop looking!!!”

Elfina was way too overly sensitive.




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