Epic of Caterpillar

Chapter 1486

Chapter 1486




The Parasite desperately attempted to fight with everything left he had, as he combined his two mainly used attacks together, [Pyrokinesis] and [Triple Breath] to generate a gigantic and spiraling sea of flames that engulfed both me and Aquamarine into a pure inferno!josei


I pushed forward through [Roll] and [Telekinesis] while gaining momentum. The flames were getting hotter and hotter, and although my exterior was taking time to actually melt, my interior was boiling and I was losing HP at a rapid pace, I felt like my inside body was turning into a caterpillar soup! I hurriedly used more of my MP to unleash the power of ice through the single skill that allowed me to bring it out, the flames were consuming the ice though, and Aquamarine was struggling.

What else can I add? This bastard resist both fire and wind, and even stone even though I lack a skill for that element… Well, how about I fuse Chaos with Ice?

Without thinking it twice, I infused [Chaos Beam] into the [Icicle Spear] and [Liquification] combination, as the water being frozen suddenly turned murky and completely black, gaining a purple and black color, and acquiring a toxic aura equal to the element of chaos! I’ll call this Chaos Ice!


The purple ice quickly grew constantly, consuming the flames without problems as I rolled down into the enormous Parasite, the gigantic spear made out of this purple ice pierced through the giant’s body in an instant!



The Parasite began to struggle, unleashing attacks using [Steel Claws] and [Triple Bite], attempting to tear us apart, but Aquamarine had a great amount of power by himself, and combined with my own Mana and skills, we spread out all the purple ice across the parasite’s body, quickly freezing his flesh. The monster struggled as much as it could, but it was futile, it stopped moving as I noticed that the creature’s HP went down to zero, and stayed in that number, thankfully.

“PHEW… Holding back is a pain, but I managed to defeat this bastard without wasting a lot of my energy and got a lot back by draining his.” I sighed in relief. I could had finished this earlier if it wasn’t because I sensed a stronger presence down a few floors, preparing for such a creature, I opted for other methods that weren’t too draining to the soul, such as using the [Divinity Aura] Skill or the [Dao Summon] Skill.

At the same time, I noticed that Luminous and Fiere were finished as well, the last rhino died after being blasted with fire and a beam of light. With that, the accumulated EXP was quickly given out to everyone in the party that helped in the fight. I hadn’t noticed but White also was healing me in the back, this is why I could go all out easily without worrying too much, although I was in the verge of boiling a lot of times, nonetheless. These weird parasite monsters are a real problem.


[Calculating EXP earned…]

[You gained 545000 EXP!]

[Your Level has increased from Level 30 to Level 32!]

[You gained Stat Points and Skill Points]

[Some Skills have increased in Level!]

[You learned the [Explosive Projectile Body: Lv1] Skill!]

[You acquired the [Beast Slayer: Lv1] Title Skill!]

Oh! I learned two new Skills right off the bat, and I leveled twice. Nice, that’s horribly underwhelming I guess, but it can’t be helped, Demo Lords and their thousands of armies were a real treat for EXP, but monsters, even if this strong, in small groups are not enough EXP, sadly. At the very least I could hope to find more down the dungeon. I have to better concentrate in the new Skills rather than in the small two Levels I got.


[Explosive Projectile Body: Lv1]

Skill Profiency: 0/1000

A Strange Skill that only those insane enough to use their own body parts as projectiles can acquire. By infusing explosive quantities of explosive mana into a limb, detach it and fire it as a projectile against a foe, the explosion causes a large amount of damage based in the magic element infused into the limb and on stats, alongside skill level. A bonus damage of +10% is added with each skill level.


Oh, with this I can actually do what I wanted?! I had to explode dozens of my limbs for that! [Insectoid Leg Creation] is really useful now, I have to keep leveling up so I can launch even more explosive legs in the future and surprise my foes with a ridiculous attack. I bet the chimera didn’t expect that from me, didn’t he? Well, aside from this, there’s another Title Skill


[Beast Slayer: Lv1]

Skill Proficiency: 0/10000

A Skill granted to those that slay beasts, after having slain over a hundred beasts, you can acquire this Skill. As a slayer of beasts, your damage dealt against them increases by +10% with each Skill Level within this Title. You can also learn other Slayer Skills more easily.


And Beast Slayer! I remember my years as a caterpillar in Genesis quite clearly sometimes, collecting the Slayer Skills was always a lot of fun, especially when they stacked together and all… Now I got this Soul Book and they can even Level Up! It means even more bonus damage… Though I have no idea how this dimension/world power levels compare to my own original world back in Genesis, this clearly seems like another dimension, even… Ugh, when I think about it I get slightly depressed. I am putting all my faith in that damn stairs to lead me to Genesis, I just don’t want to lose hope.

“We are finally done? T-That was insane! I never expected a Dungeon monster to be this strong!” Said Elfina. “Just what were those things? They had some weird thingies attached to them.” My clumsy summoner approached me as the dragon and the maid quickly came afterwards, we were an odd group now that I think about it.

“I noticed strange creatures attached to the monsters as well… Luminous-sama, do you know anything about this?” Wondered Fiere.

“I have… never seen something like this, but I have realized that the presence dwelling in the bottom of the Dark Labyrinth has awakened from its slumber, and it is emanating a strong presence… Whatever’s down there, it might… or might not be related to what we saw, let us make haste.” Luminous seemed dead serious about this.




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