Epic of Caterpillar

Chapter 342

Chapter 342: Souls Shall Never Rest in Peace

342 Souls Shall Never Rest in Peace




I'm not going to lie, they got us in the first half… and I was rather irritated, thankfully my wives managed to get through the Vampires on their own for enough time for me to activate my Skills and transform. I also left a giant hole in that muscular bastard that was hindering me before that.

I ended up going overboard, using all of my transformations and armor skills stored in my orbs and became an even greater giant, my power surged tremendously and thanks to my wives teamwork they managed to behead the small Vampire, who was still alive as just a single head, so I had to pulverize her with my tail and then eat her soul right away before she activated anything.

The two Vampires were still alive, and even managed to transform, but seemed very frightened over my appearance. In that time I was very enraged, so I lost my cool for a second, releasing my Aura everywhere, thankfully most civilians evacuated beforehand, the dungeon I was in was also destroyed when I transformed, no matter how hard the walls were.

After rescuing my wives and getting them inside my giant body, I was still rather angry, so I ended up using [Love Connection] to enhance my capabilities even more. This seems to have made the Goddess that was taking care of these Vampires too frightened, so she tried to help them by sending a ray of her Divine Energy to enhance their powers or something.

Well I just destroyed it before it could reach them, I didn't think that it could work, but Divinity Devour could be coupled with my magic, so I had to just add such effects to a giant Chaos-Attribute Sphere and launch it at the arc of light.

After that I got compensated with a wonderful cry of pain, seemingly from that Goddess, whenever she is, she must be having a blast.

Thanks to the ability to disrupt order and thoughts, the Chaos Sphere that had the power of Divinity Devour inside was able not only to completely erase her Divine Energy but also to deal great damage to her mind and body… though I don??t know how that works. I just know that it caused some damage, or a goddess would not be crying in pain like a baby.

Afterward, the Vampires stood still, they could barely talk, seeing their goddess cry in pain over my attack completely broke their minds. I then rushed towards them and released all my anger, pulverizing them into a mush and then ripping apart their souls so they would not be able to appear in my Soul World with their minds intact. Their mushed flesh was saved for dinner.

And just as I finished these two, Hepharios, the former King of Cilane who had become a Vampire, betraying his own race was persecuted and then killed by my Vampires and Jerold. The pieces of his corpse and his blood will also be dinner.


Anyways, whenever this becomes my vassal nation, I will be able to quickly fill in the lost buildings with my Construction System, so there isn't any problem…

My acts frightened everyone, Vampires and Centaurs ended up running away together as if completely forgiving each other… The Vampires then surrendered, there were around thirty survivors. josei

I decided to enslave them for now with my Mirage-Attribute Magic Brainwashing, and then I will convert them into my Vampires later.

About my transformation, when I went back with my wives to the surface, some centaurs, including the twins and Agamocles saw everything. The twins were not frightened, so they explained things more carefully.

Now that the Vampires were done, I decided to explain more of the truth about me with the Resistance members.

After seeing how I could transform into a giant, summon thousands of monsters, bend the earth at my will, brainwash and enslave Vampires and other things, they only sighed saying that they should have expected such thing.

They were incredibly grateful though and didn't seem to mind me being the Empress of a Monster Kingdom, probably because they were just fearful of my power, and questioning me too much would lead to their end.

Hepharios's head… well, the pieces of its head were brought back by my Vampires and Jerold, who had recently become a Vampire due to my grace and a little bit of brainwashing. I don't think that I need to go in detail as it wasn't as important.

Anyways, the entire Cilane Kingdom was noticed about the death of Hepharios and the return of the Twin Princesses, who will take the throne back.

Thanks to the Vampires, most of the troublesome Nobles and Royals were already dead, so only dealing with citizens was easy with the status of the twins. That Hepharios had gone insane enough to kill and drink the blood of his entire family, only to end up dying wasting all his efforts.

His soul was brought to me by one of my Soul Catching Slime Clones, I also ate the souls of his family who seemed to be trapped inside of the Royal Castle due to their anguish and fear. I made them met together in my Soul World.

The souls of hundreds of Vampires were also delicious, I shared them with my wives as they needed to strengthen their souls as well. Afterward, we had a feast in the middle of City 3, inviting all the citizens to eat delicious food.

I made burgers, meatballs, and meatloaf from the two Vampires and Hepharios, their meat was delicious, I made sure to eat most though while sharing it with my wives.

Rimuru made pastries of all kinds, making the poor citizens that had never tasted anything sweet cry in happiness.

My transformation did not seem to affect my precious children in my womb, so I was relieved. Though each transformation drained a lot of calories, so I had to eat a ton of food, the two Vampires were certainly not enough, so I ate dozens of roasted Familiars and then when I was alone, all of the leftover Vampire corpses.

It was a rather cold night, but the atmosphere of the people who seemed relieved about Hepharios and the Vampire's extermination warmed everyone. Jerold, Keenan, Wall, and Mao were together with Caedmon, Cassandra, and the other Vampires, who seemed to have created a team.

Wall, Mao, and Keenan were equipped inside of me when I transformed, and this seemed to have increased the power, but they were drained off their energy as well, so they were eating with crazed expressions.

[Kireina] gained +100 Blood Strength, +40 Strength, +30 Magic, and +20 Charisma] (From drinking the blood of the Trio of Vampires, Hepharios and the leftover fresh corpses)

[Calculating EXP gained…]

[Kireina] gained 24.893.552.666 EXP!] (Shared EXP from the battle in the dungeon + the Vampires)

[LEVEL 065/250?EXP 28.553.248.530/]

[Kireina] learned the following Skills]

[Demon Steel Hair Manipulation Arts; Level 1]

[Telekinetic Manipulation; Level 1]

[Poison Transmutation; Level 1]

[Pure Demon Bloodline; Lineage of Mind Demons]

[Pure Demon Bloodline; Lineage of Warrior Demons]

[Pure Demon Bloodline; Lineage of Snake Demons]

[Tail Transformation; Divine Scarlet Inferno Basilisk's Orichalcum Crimson Tail]

[Muscle Transformation; Divine Blood Emperor Oni's Indestructible Muscles]


[The Skills [Pure Demon Bloodline; Lineage of Mind Demons], [Pure Demon Bloodline; Lineage of Warrior Demons], [Pure Demon Bloodline; Lineage of Snake Demons] have been suppressed and assimilated by the Superior Unique Skill [Abyss Chimeric Lineage; Divine Bloodline of Calamity Bringers; Level 5]!]

[The Levels of the [Abyss Chimeric Lineage; Divine Bloodline of Calamity Bringers; Level 5], [Chaos Attribute Magic; Level 4], [Calamity Abyss Demon Phantasmagoric Living Chimera Tails; Level 1], [Illogical Chimera Physique; Divine and Ancient Flesh and Blood of the Phantasmagorical Existence; Level 1], [Void Phantom Essence Empress Psyche; Level 1], [Demon Overlord of Lust's Corrosive Venomous Abyss Physique; Poisonous Bomb Body; Level 1], [Demon Overlord of Lust Awakened Phantasmagoric Ethereal Existence; World-Defying Aura Domain Creation, Materialization, Manipulation and Assimilation; Level 1], [Heavenly Tyrant Overlord Eight-Armed Indestructible Armor of the Six Chaotic Beasts; Level 1], [Armor Combination; Level 7], [Demon Overlord's Parallel Mind Processing and Brain Share; Level 1], [Divinity Devouring; Level 4], [Inner Realm; Soul World; Level 3], [Love Connection; Level 4], and [Chimera Weaponization Techniques; Level 4] Skills have increased!]


As Kireina rested, her mind was once again inside of her Soul World, where she noticed the three vampires that attacked her and Xanthus.

Xanthus's soul seemed rather intact, but the three Vampires' souls were torn into pieces and then rearranged into horrible-looking beings, they didn't resemble at all their previous souls and only talked incoherencies, scaring Xanthus, whose they were following everywhere.


"Xan… thus… Xaaaaaaaannn…!"

"Where is my sister? Aah! Mother, mother!???

"Ugh… P-Please, masters, don't follow me around…"

"Xaaaaaaaannnn…!!!" shouted the rearranged soul of Hendrik, for a moment he tried to bite on Xanthus's face, but souls cannot damage each other in Kireina's Inner Realm.

"H-Hendrik sama… please, calm down… Sigh…"

"Gaaah…! GAAAAH!" roared the rearranged soul of Elisabetta, who once was a composed and mischievous Vampire. Now only certain parts of her soul resembled her past self but were all stick together in strange ways, her cute face was twisted and rearranged, with her eyes in her mouth, teeth in her eye sockets and ears over her hair… her hands were legs as well.

If it weren't for Xanthus's strong mental fortitude, he would have most likely gone insane by now by seeing such horrifying things happening to his masters.

"I hope… I hope that one day my masters can rest in peace…"

At Xanthus's side was Hepharios soul, who was being constantly tormented by the family he mercilessly killed. Just like Ymir, he was repenting and asking for forgiveness, but he only got hate and fear from them, he cried but they wouldn't listen.


"Don't you have a heart, you monster?!"

"How could you kill your little daughter and son! How could you do such a horrible thing! How could you kill me, your older sister?!"

"Paapaa… why did you kill me… I loved you… paapaa…"

"My neck… it hurts… papa, why? Why did you do that? Papa…! It hurts…! It hurts so much…"

"Noo… Please, I'm sorry… I'm sorry… I can't forgive myself… I can't, so please, forgive me! I'm sorry…! I'm sorry… I'm sorry… I'm sorry…" he lamented.

Hepharios was not any different than an insane soul, the torments brought to him by his dead family were horrible to his broken and weak mind, he cried and cried, endlessly.

Seeing how others were having a harsher time than him, Xanthus sighed, he decided to stay with his masters and talk to them. He began talking about stories he was told when he was a child when he was still free in the Blood Demon Village. The souls were still screaming to him, but they somehow became calmer as time went by.

As this happened, a dark sphere was constantly grabbing souls and teleporting them away. But Hepharios, his family, and Xanthus didn't seem to mind at all, as if it were a thing of the background.

Kireina was happy.

"That's good, that's good… I guess the King deserves this after all, and the broken Trio of Vampires as well, and for Xanthus, I don't hold any grudge against him, so I will reincarnate him"

As Kireina had these thoughts, the Sin of Lust appeared before Xanthus and grabbed on it, but the Trio of Vampires stuck to it as well, crying and shouting.

"W-What is this sphere…?! Its… Uaagh!"



"My mother, where is my mother?! My sister! GYAAH!"

And because Hepharios was close by it, he ran towards the sphere, thinking that it was somehow salvation. His family, enraged by him trying to ignore them, also followed.

"You! The sphere! Kill me! Make me disappear! I don't want to exist anymore; I don't want to think anymore! Erase me, erase everythiiiiiiinnnggg!"

"You are not running away! There is nowhere to run for you!"


"Little Brother, you will never be free from this suffering, never!"

The Sin of Lust, who obeyed basic orders, accepted the souls that ran towards it, mixed them all inside of its body as if creating a deadly concoction, and then teleported away…

Kireina felt a big chunk of her Soul Energy being drained.

"They all ended up reincarnating together…?"

As Kireina wondered what would be of them, a small dark sphere appeared before the sleeping Nefertiti… A strangely large and powerful soul was inserted inside of her womb.

Because she was a spirit and could feel such things easily, she woke up.

"Huh? W-What?"

However, the sphere had disappeared already, and the work was done. The soul had silently rested in the small ethereal fetus inside of Nefertiti's body.

Nefertiti, confused, went back to sleep in Kireina's embrace, it was a cold night but the embrace of Kireina was always warm and welcoming.

Kireina decided to sleep and not put much attention in such thoughts that she couldn't figure out an answer for.

In a certain faraway Divine Realm, the figure of a Supreme Goddess seemed troubled…

"Who's reincarnating souls without my permission?"


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