Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System

Chapter 1653 Clash Of Armies

Chapter 1653 Clash Of Armies


"Ah, we sure got a terrible Territory for us, it's all just flammable forests…" Sighed Surtr, looking from his black colored castle.

To make things worse, his walls were especially weaker compared to the other Territories, made completely out of just wood!

For a team that specialized mostly on the usage of the Fire Element, this was disastrous. Their Territory would quickly catch fire and then they would be left with no strategic areas either.

To make things worse, the walls could be easily destroyed, leaving the castle exposed to even more danger.

"If only I could go and touch the walls, I could immediately combine them with Materials I have and reinforce it, but I can't step out of my castle, or I'll be disqualified."

"I guess we'll have to take care of things on our own then, Master Surtr!" Jamar said, resting his long sword over his armor-covered little shoulders.

"Don't worry, it's not like we are defenseless, the shields we were given are very tough," Nadia said.

"That's right! We'll fight and defend the territory, you sit back and relax," Mina smiled.

"You three are taking this way too easily! A whole army of Demons is coming…" Surtr felt frustrated. "Dammit, now I see the challenge in this, as a Participant of the Inheritance, I am left completely unable to do a thing! Was the whole challenge having reliable and strong allies? Well, I do have that but even then, I'm worried…"

"I could probably improve the walls for you, Surtr," Emerald said. "With my abilities, and some materials, I can fuse the Heavenly Winds like I did when I made the divine equipment."

"Emerald… That would be fantastic then!" Surtr nodded. "But even then… If I release my own Divine Realm Divine Monsters, then they're going to burn the whole freaking forest."

"The forest was going to burn against Pandemonium's summons sooner or later anyways," Tyrannus offered his insight. "I would say that you shouldn't worry about it, it's a weakness which we cannot overcome, so simply take it into consideration for the next strategy."

"I guess there's no helping it…" Surtr nodded. "Well- Hm?"

"Surtr! Can you hear me?"

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm Surtr suddenly heard Drake's voice reverberating inside of his head.

"Yes, Master Drake, I can!" Surtr answered happily. "I assume we'll make an alliance?"

"Naturally, we must get the best scores. As long as its either of the two, it's good," Drake nodded. "Just give me whatever Divine Treasure is rewarded, I need that for my Ascendancy Law."

"Of course! Though, seeing my situation right now, I doubt I'll get the highest score…" Surtr sighed. "You have little faith on your friends, don't you? Don't be like this," Drake sighed. "First, let's switch troops."

"Troops?" Surtr wondered.

"You know what I mean, Surtr," Drake smiled. "I'll give you my Ice-Attribute Divine Monsters, and you'll give me your Fire Attribute Divine Monsters."

"T-That's… But how can we…?" Surtr asked.

"Remember the Dungeon Gate I left inside your Divine Realm?" asked Drake. "Oh, that!" Surtr nodded.

Drake had prepared beforehand, to make things easier between different Divine Realms, he had installed Dungeon Teleportation Gates in all the Divine Realms of his allies.


The beasts roared, explosions of frost and demonic flames clashing against one another.


Immediately, Surtr's troops began dying, the demons were overwhelmingly strong.


Pandemonium only felt even more happier as he saw this scene.

"Pathetic, to even think you could go against my army with such feeble little- Huh?"

Yet Death was not the end of these monsters.

"Thank you for killing them so quickly, you fucking idiot."

Drake's powers spread across both territories at once.

An Aura of darkness and death permeated the corpses immediately after.

Their bodies began moving instantly.


Giant graveyards surged everywhere, phantasmal mist began blinding the sight of the demons, and weakening them, they felt their strength slowly being drained.

Several of the Undead Beasts began to combine together, as if that wasn't enough.

Their bodies changed, becoming gigantic, threatening black-colored Dracoliches!

"They… are changing?"

Pandemonium was unable to comprehend what was happening.

Drake only smiled.

"[Death Awakening] and [Divine Dracolich Phantom Graveyard] make for a deadly combo…"

The young Dragon King commanded his powered-up troops, who became several times stronger after death, to clash against the tough, invincible demons.


And the demons began falling back, being both frozen and burned by the phantasmal energies the Undead wielded.

"This is just the beginning, Pandemonium."

Drake was going to flip the game upside down.


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