Epic Of The Demonic Sage

Chapter 70 - Getting The Permissions

Chapter 70 - Getting The Permissions

About a day had passed since Lucius had made the plan and had gotten John's approval. John in turn had picked the people who would be coming with them. 

John though wanted to keep the party big, but Lucius managed to convince him otherwise. He didn't want Kiana's gift to be revealed to many people so quickly. While he had managed to upgrade her gift, he didn't know if there would be any side effects later.

So far now, he was taking it like a trial. Once he was sure that there were no untoward effects, he would be able to let others know it as well. Though he would not be letting the secret about how he could upgrade them out.

At least not now… he had other plans on capitalizing on that.

After all, this was done, there was only one thing left- to speak with Count Gabriel and Lita about this.

Gabriel had asked Lucius to stay in the city till he gave the permission thus it was going to be a necessary thing. And Lita was the same. She did not want him to get injured so quickly after recovering either.

Thus Lucius spent the entire afternoon trying to convince Lita about his plan. It took him a lot of effort before Lita gave her permission and sent a letter to Gabriel about it as well. It was actually lieutenant John who ended up becoming the decisive factor.

Had Lucius not chosen to take him with him, Lita would have evener allowed him. Plus John's choice of taking more guards turned out to be helpful for that as well. Kiana who had seen all this was a bit impressed.

She had not seen Asher being so persuasive before. He had gained a certain kind of a 'charm' that he did not have before his injury. She couldn't put her finger on it, but it was as if Asher was a completely new person.

Lucius prepared for the mission while waiting for Count Gabriel's reply. The Count was currently at one of the army bases of the kingdom that was based in the territory. There were some new reports about the Gisir Kingdom which he urgently needed to deal with.

By the time it was dinner time, Gabriels' reply had come and Lucius was ready with everything. Though upon reading the letter he was a bit surprised.

"Oh? He wants me to bring that artifact sword with me?" Lucius read.

He remembered the sword was currently kept in the Count's study under lock and key. The letter mentioned that he would have to ask Lita for the key and that's what he did.

"Father has instructed me to take the sword which was gifted by the king when I go on the mission. Would you please give it to me?" Lucius asked.

"He did? Hmm… it does make sense as it will allow you to defend better. Alright, you can go to the study and take it yourself." Lita replied before taking out a small key from her pouch that was hidden in the seam of her dress.

"Thank you, mother." Lucius replied before taking the key and leaving for the study.

The study of the Count was located up on the second floor of the mansion and was rather large. The only strange thing was that it didn't have any windows and thus was quite dark. Had it not been for the lamp which illuminated, it would have been impossible for Lucius to see anything.

Lucius also noticed that the lamp in the study was a bigger version of the same lamp he had in his bedroom. It was also an artifact. Lucius looked around for the safe and found it to be behind the large desk that had a bunch of documents and books kept on it.

He took a casual look through them finding them to be related to the territories finances and well-being. 

Lucius took out the key and slid it into the safe before turning it to unlock it.  josei


With a click, the metal door opened and Lucius saw the sword kept in the safe. The safe was rather big on the inside than it looked from the outside. The sword wasn't the only weapon that was kept in it either. There was another sword in it along with an Axe.

Surprisingly it had no other things which would usually be kept in a safe. Though Lucius did realize if these were artifacts too then they would probably be worth a lot anyway. Possibly more than their weight in gold.

This was another thing Lucius had discovered in recent times. The value of gold was actually much less if he considered the weight of the gold coins. Each coin weighed a little more than one gram and was relatively pliable which showed its purity.

The sword which Lucius had decided to call the Wind Scar Sword, weighed about a kilogram and was light. But its cost was definitely way more than just a thousand gold coins.

Even the rune crystals of Rock bees which Lucius got were worth over three thousand gold coins not to mention that they were lower ranked beasts than the Wind scar hawk. If he estimated the cost of the sword, Lucius would say that it was easily more than ten thousand gold coins if not more.

Lucius picked up the sword and closed the safe before leaving the study and handing the key back to Lita. 

"Hmm… I should do some practice with the sword before I actually leave for the mission. Wouldn't be good if I mess up during a battle just because I didn't know how to use it." Lucius muttered to himself.

He went to the Training Hall and pulled the Wind Scar sword out of its sheath. The green gem gleamed under the light of the oil lamps and the mirror like surface of the blade reflected Lucius's face and his dark blonde hair.

"Time to test it out…"

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