
Chapter 142

Chapter 142

Chapter 142: Sharpei’s Transformation

“Bai Yi, are you thinking of Hong Qi Hua?” Woolf asked dumbly. The moment he opened his mouth, Heloise pinched the flesh on his back. This idiot, why is he bringing up Hong Qi Hua now?

“Oh, nope, this is just purely for the sake of giving the sword a name. Isn’t the sword dark red in color? What’s wrong with the name Red Kiss?” Bai Yi smiled and replied.

“Red Kiss, I studied Chinese a bit too in the past. If we’re just talking about the outer appearance and color, this name is actually quite suitable. Other than that, kiss also represents an intimate contact, so wouldn’t a kiss from a sword imply fatality? Connecting this to the poison hidden inside the sword, it’s definitely beautiful and fatal. So, I think that the name Red Kiss is really not bad for this sword.” Vala evaluated objectively.

Woolf and Heloise both stared blankly at her, Wow you can really connect this to a lot of things, but the meaning behind this sword’s name is definitely not this.

“See, even Vala says so.” Bai Yi placed Red Kiss back into the sheath.

Woolf wasn’t an idiot that liked to step on landmines intentionally. Although he blurted out the question accidentally, he understood what was going on by now. Since Bai Yi wanted to name the sword Red Kiss, then it shall be called Red Kiss. As for the meaning behind the name, what was the point of bothering about it so much?

Bai Yi sheathed Red Kiss and hung it on his waist. Melvin adjusted the length of the sword well to Bai Yi’s height. The handle of the sword could be seen peeking out from under his cloak, causing Bai Yi to look like a swordsman now.

“Is everything else prepared?” Bai Yi asked.

“En, everything is prepared, we can leave at anytime.” Vala nodded.

“Then let’s set off,” Bai Yi said. Everything that they should have done, they had already completed, so they didn’t have to rush anything now. They really had to admit that with the addition of Vala to the team, the planning and organization within the team had really improved drastically. Hearing Bai Yi’s words, the team grabbed the supplies that were already allocated to them and walked out of the small house.

Bai Yi’s team walked toward the entrance of the valley and just happened to see a big group of people sending them off at the mouth of the valley. The leader of this group was naturally Gary. No matter what, he was the owner of this snow valley now. After a series of showing off his gratitude, thanks, tears, unwillingness to let them go, and various other messy farewells, Bai Yi’s team finally left the snow valley with everyone’s hopes on their shoulders. From now on, Bai Yi’s team would travel the whole of New Zealand and circulate the plan for the future of all evolved humans to the rest of the survivors. Before the communication network became rebuilt, Bai Yi’s team would probably have to take on the role of disseminating information and communicating between groups.

The evolved humans had still kept in contact before, but it was very inconvenient. This was partially because of how everyone came from a developed society, so all of them more or less would be able to use some wireless communications like radios.

After Bai Yi’s team left the snow valley, they took out a new map. This map was drawn on top of the original map of New Zealand. On it there, were more than 10 marksthat indicated the locations of the gathering points for evolved humans. In truth, the number of humans in these 10-odd gathering points wouldn’t exceed 100,000 people, while the number of humans that still survived in New Zealand was probably around 1,000,000. These people were of course all struggling to stay alive in the Devil Island now.

New Zealand really wasn’t too big, but since it was called Devil Island now, there weren’t many people who had the capability to travel around this place safely. Even if it was Bai Yi’s team, they wouldn’t dare to say that they could walk around carefreely. If they were just a little careless, they would meet with danger all the same. If Bai Yi’s team really managed to unite all of the evolved humans and reconstruct a safe haven for them, it was easy to imagine just how great their reputation would be.

Precisely because of this, not only Bai Yi’s team, but a few other teams took on this mission as well. Danger and fortune existed side by side. Once the evolved humans really united together, every person in these teams would become true heroes.

However, Bai Yi’s team didn’t have the effort to spare to think about these things. Coming out from the snow valley meant returning to the real Devil Island. They couldn’t afford to be careless or distracted at any moment. Otherwise, they might very well lose their lives.


Wairarapa Snow Valley was located at the Tararua Mountain Range, and it was basically the center of New Zealand. Bai Yi’s team planned to move south, passing by the Cook Straits and heading to the southern half of New Zealand. Then, they would travel starting from the northern edge in an anti-clockwise direction. They would look for gathering points of evolved humans to unite everyone and work together. The other teams all had their own routes to follow as well. Whether they could walk all the way to the end or not depended on not only strength but also luck.

To cross the Cook Straits, they had to use some form of transportation. In the end, Bai Yi’s team decide to visit Ghost City Wellington again, because that place was a city next to the sea. It was also the sea port closest to the Cook Straits.

After nearly half a month, their group finally arrived at the ghost city again. The newcomers to this ghost city were all a little afraid, as this city was still quite infamous in the world outside. The ex-capital of New Zealand had turned into a ghost city with a very serious case of paranormal activity. However, with Bai Yi leading them into the city and seeing those ghosts with their own eyes, they realized that these ghosts didn’t seem to be so scary anymore.

On the other hand, the newcomers didn’t expect that Bai Yi’s team actually had a member that fell in this place. Although Bai Yi did not talk about the battle that happened here, they still tried to ask about the past from Woolf and Heloise. After they learned the history of everything that had happened here, all of them couldn’t help but sigh; this was really an era where human nature was revealed brutally. At the same time, they also felt some respect and admiration for Mavis’ optimism. Even after turning into a ghost, Mavis didn’t seem to be affected much. On the contrary, she seemed to enjoy this kind of life as a ghost very much.

“Looking for a ship to cross the Cook Straits?” Mavis asked.

“That’s right, we want to go to the southern half of New Zealand and tell everyone about the plan for the future that we made,” Bai Yi nodded and told Mavis about their experiences over this period of time.josei

Mavis nodded her head and observed Bai Yi. After he had finally thought things through, he had a slight change to his mentality and aura once again. He became even more outstanding than before. In addition, although she wasn’t familiar with the few new teammates, they seemed quite reliable from the looks of it. “I can ask the other ghosts for help. However, it’s incomparably dangerous to cross the straits, so you guys better be fully prepared,” Mavis said.

“En, of course!” Bai Yi nodded.

In just the battle at the internal lake with Yu Han in Wellington, there was already some unlucky guy from Yu Han’s team that got dragged into the water and devoured by some aquatic monster. Only heaven knew what would they encounter, as they steered the boat past the straits. One must know that the number of animals in the sea was many times that on land. If they weren’t well prepared, the most likely outcome was that some monster would pull their boat along with them into the depths of the sea.

Mavis went to find the other ghosts for help. Meanwhile, Bai Yi’s team rested and made preparations at the side.

“Daddy, Sharpei wants to go to the city center.” Momo looked for Bai Yi.

“Oh, really? Let’s go together then.” Bai Yi was slightly surprised and nodded. Recently, Sharpei always seemed to be quite discontented, but he didn’t seem to be sick either. Bai Yi knew that Sharpei’s changes were definitely linked to Wellington’s special environment, but he really couldn’t figure out any of the details. His choice to return to Wellington was in part to try and figure out the reason behind Sharpei’s change.

Going deep into the city caused the few newcomers to feel very uneasy, as it was already ‘thrilling’ enough to meet the few ghosts at the perimeter. Now, they had to face the hundreds of thousands of vengeful spirits at the city center?

However, no matter what, Bai Yi was still the team leader. At times like this, as long as the team leader didn’t make any ridiculous decisions, the team members wouldn’t defy them. In addition, though they were afraid, another part of them was very curious. Ghosts and vengeful spirits, just how mysterious was this ghost city?

However, mystery came from the unknown. They traveled with Bai Yi’s team, heard their explanations, and on top of that, Momo could see ghosts very clearly. With all these factors combined, they realized that ghosts weren’t all that.

However, at this time Bai Yi wasn’t in the mood to care about their feelings, as he was carefully observing the changes in Sharpei. After entering the center of Wellington, a layer of dark mist seemed to envelop Sharpei’s body. If their guesses weren’t wrong, then this dark mist was the atmosphere created by Wellington’s special environment. If they really had to use a phrase to explain this mist, then they could only call it ‘underworld aura’!

When they entered the city center, the 4 newcomers were also shocked by enormous number of corpses stacked into a hill in front of them. At this time, Sharpei walked over and with a few leaps, he came to the roots of the Soul Release Tree at the center. He opened his mouth wide, biting and devouring the corpses at the roots of the giant tree.

The newcomers got a shock again and even jumped in fright.

Just when the few of them wanted to do something, Bai Yi stretched out his hand to stop them from moving. After all, they had just recently joined the team and they didn’t have that much trust in their team members. For example, Woolf and Heloise didn’t seem shaken at all, as both of them believed that Sharpei would never hurt them no matter what he turned into.

For 3 whole days, Sharpei’s stomach was like a bottomless pit. Sharpei continuously devoured the corpses at the city center. At this time Sharpei’s blood soaked body seemed even more sinister. As he stood on top of the corpse hill, he looked just like a real brutal beast that walked out from the underworld. After frenziedly devouring corpses for 3 days, Sharpei finally seemed to be full and crawled below the Soul Release Tree and fell into a deep sleep.

“This is…deep-level sleep!”

Bai Yi checked on Sharpei’s state and said in shock. Sharpei’s state of deep-level sleep now was even better than the deep-level sleep his hypnosis induced. This probably reached the rumoured ‘Womb Sleep’ state. Looking at the dark mist slowly flowing around Sharpei’s body, even the dumbest person would know that Sharpei was in the middle of a transformation.


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