
Chapter 222

Chapter 222

Chapter 222: Fine Changes

Undoubtedly, the special fruit that Momo ate was a Provenance Fruit. However, Bai Yi and the rest had been completely in the dark about the existence of such a thing until now. The name hadn’t even appeared for the first time before this. The attribute of this fruit that grew in the unique environment of Wellington was [Death: Soul Attribute]!

It was very similar to Momo’s attribute, just that it was even more complete.

Of course, that didn’t mean that this fruit was only suitable for Momo; in reality, anybody could eat this fruit, just that it was most suitable for Momo. That was why all of them suddenly felt that this fruit was extremely precious when they had discovered it in the beginning for no reason.

The reason why Momo hadn’t felt much after eating the fruit was that Momo’s own attribute was very similar to the attribute of the fruit. However, it would definitely be torturous if somebody else ate it. For those whose special energy had already changed to a particular attribute, their special energy would have been forcefully changed to the soul attribute by the Provenance Fruit. It would be fine if things went smoothly, but if the two types of energies clashed, the person would undoubtedly be tortured to the point of death.

They woke up on the second day. Momo had undergone some changes but they weren’t too obvious, so none of them minded them and continued to head to the other research facilities.

After half a month and checking on four other research facilities, they finally found that something was wrong. Actually, they had sensed something amiss earlier, but the changes had been still very small and they couldn’t be sure. Now, all of them felt a sense of fear when they approached Momo, and subconsciously felt that getting close to Momo was extremely dangerous. This feeling that came naturally from the body was very acute.

Undoubtedly, this kind of change must have been due to the fruit that Momo consumed.

Discovering Momo’s changes, Bai Yi wasn’t in the mood to search the other research facilities anymore and stopped at the no. 39 research facility south of Masterton to study Momo’s changes. This research facility was neither too big nor too small and the facilities were quite good as well. With Yeye’s help and Bai Yi seriously studying biology before, they started to study Momo’s changes in detail.

After half a month of study, Momo’s changes became even greater and they managed to consolidate their findings of Momo’s changes as they related to her initial basic statistics.

The Momo who had just entered LV2:

Total Energy: 7000, Rate of Flow: 130, Maximum Rate of Flow: 700, Normal State Consumption: 2400, Maximum Consumption: 7000, Awareness: 130.

This time, their test was more detailed than the crude one before and they added some other factors.

1. Changes in special energy

First is the total amount of special energy. Momo’s total amount of energy reached a level of roughly 35,000 and the energy characteristics had become completely different from before. It would be accurate to define Momo’s special energy as soul energy now. Initially, Momo’s energy could only exterminate souls, but Bai Yi discovered that Momo could freely control this energy now. The power of extermination was still there, but if Momo was willing she could use this energy to maintain the survival of the soul.

It could be said that whether to live or to die could be decided in a single thought from Momo.josei

Other than that, if previously all of her special energy was provided by the activated cells, that wasn’t the case for Momo’s body now. Based on Momo’s feeling, the activated cells provided roughly 15,000 of soul energy to her, while the remaining 20,000 came from her soul. They still didn’t understand this kind of energy production so far, but it was definitely different from the energy conversion from the activated cells.

Everybody else had experienced these kinds of changes as well, but they had been to a much lesser extent than Momo.

Bai Yi’s total energy wasn’t too different from Momo’s, probably around 35,000 as well; however, 30,000 of that came from his physical body, while only 5,000 came from his soul.

2. Changes in the physical body

Momo’s physical composition, how should one describe this? It basically couldn’t be analyzed. Of course, it wasn’t that it couldn’t be analyzed at all, just that there were many mysterious parts of Momo’s physical compositions that they couldn’t identify with their current knowledge and equipment. However, what they could ascertain was that Momo’s cell structure was already completely different than that of a normal human. Bai Yi even suspected that Momo couldn’t be considered a human now.

However, Bai Yi and the rest weren’t much better than Momo. All of them were changing as well, just that Momo’s changes were the greatest.

For example, if some of Bai Yi’s cells were separated from his body they would automatically float in the air and respire by itself. The cells of the others seemed more normal, but all of them suspected that the more normal they looked, the more abnormal they actually were, and it was just that they couldn’t see it now.

Woolf’s cells now had a metallic color and the molecules inside his cells seemed to gain a few more molecular bonds, strengthening the connection between the molecules. The rest of them had tested them before. So long as these additional molecular bonds weren’t broken, the cells themselves wouldn’t receive any damage. Most importantly, Woolf’s energy could replicate this kind of molecular bonds, strengthening the connections even further. As long as the instantaneous damage he received didn’t exceed the capacity of these molecular bonds, then Woolf wouldn’t receive any damage. Everybody suddenly felt enlightened then, no wonder that Woolf was getting better and better at taking beatings.

As for the others, Alodia’s cells had signs of crystallizing while Melvin’s cells reached more than 200 degrees Celsius. Sharpei’s cells seemed just like cancer cells, showing a tendency to invade and encroach on other things, but their enhancement ability hadn’t changed.

Apparently, the changes in the physical bodies of each person allowed them to endure the existence of the differing special energies in their bodies.

3. Changes in the soul

This couldn’t be observed by any instrument, so they had to rely on their own senses to feel this. The changes in Momo’s soul was the most special, and her original words had been that “The soul seems to control the body.”

People would normally think that this was just a normal statement, but Bai Yi and the rest didn’t think so. From birth, a normal human could only feel their physical bodies and use their five senses to interact with the world. When Momo said that the soul controlled the body, she meant that the soul had already superseded the body in its role of interacting with the outside world. As for how this worked exactly, they, unfortunately, had no clue because such a concept didn’t exist at all in their memories.

However, what all of them could sense was that when their special energy became able to pervade their souls and their souls were able to produce special energy, then all of their souls became very firm and strong.

Of course, Momo’s soul was definitely the strongest one of out of all their souls right now. Furthermore, a kind of energy field had appeared around Momo, a field that had a feeling similar to the Underworld yet possessing a kind of vitality to it. They discovered that in Momo’s energy field, other souls could actually stay in it and not get eroded by the main world.

Heloise, Mavis, and Vala were overjoyed for a long time after finding out. This meant that they could stay in the outside world at will now. However, Momo’s energy field wasn’t too big, just around a two meters radius around here, so they could probably only come out for a while to chat with the others when Momo stopped.

However, their necks felt cold when they thought that there were ghosts following them all the time.

4. Changes in awareness

Based on Yeye’s data, awareness was an emergent property of the activity of the brain and the soul. It was a type of biological phenomena and couldn’t exist independently. However, Bai Yi discovered that his awareness had signs of exceeding this condition and seemed to be able to exist independently.

That was the feeling that Bai Yi had when he entered a meditative level of rest. It could be said that every time Bai Yi slept, his state of sleep would at least be deep level sleep, but for the levels of sleep above that like the meditative state or womb sleep, Bai Yi couldn’t enter those stages at will. During one of his experiences of meditative sleep, Bai Yi mysteriously felt his awareness seemingly exceeding the limitations of his body and soul to exist independently for a short while. The feeling was very hard to describe, it was as if he was looking down on his body from a supreme position in a third-person view.

Of course, when Bai Yi mentioned this incident Woolf immediately asserted that Bai Yi was definitely dreaming. Woolf even spoke some nonsense about how the so-called third person view was just the point of view when playing a 3D game. Bai Yi didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, he really did have that feeling then but it was really too different from that of playing a game.

None of the others had this experience, but Bai Yi still insisted on his view that his awareness had signs of existing independently.

Just like how Momo had the greatest changes in her soul, Bai Yi felt that the area that he changed the most in was his awareness; thus, he felt this one step ahead of others.

The reality was indeed so. After that incident where his awareness existed independently for a while, Bai Yi felt the strength, precision, and toughness of his awareness had all increased by a large degree.

5. Changes in the absolute life field

The absolute life field is a unique type of field that only appeared after a life form entered LV2. Through the absolute life field, evolved life forms could manipulate the special energy in their bodies. The strength of the absolute life field determined the amount of special energy that each person could control at a point in time.

Due to the consumption of the Great Stink Bomb Fruit, all of their absolute life fields were strengthened by quite a lot. However, the one with the greatest change was still Momo. Her absolute life field was at least twice as strong as the others. For example, Momo could control 7,000 of her soul energy in an instant. The amount of power displayed at that moment completely astounded all of them. Furthermore, Bai Yi suspected that if not for her level of awareness limiting her strength, she might even be able to use all the energy in her body at once.

These were all the internal changes that they managed to consolidate after doing detailed tests.

The external changes were much simpler. Momo’s energy had completely become a dark transparent color, and its color was gradually becoming darker. When she released this energy, it would look just like a quietly burning flame, but it wouldn’t have the slightest warmth to it and wouldn’t cause any harm to objects.

Not just lifeless objects, but even if they were living things, this kind of flame wouldn’t cause any damage to them as long as Momo didn’t wish to harm them. This kind of flame, on the contrary, could be placed within their soul. The good thing about this strange flame was that it would slowly burn within the soul and create a purification effect similar to the Soul Release Tree. Of course, the purification effect was still very small, but Momo was still in the middle of changing so the future was highly anticipated.

This kind of flame was named the Soul Purifying Flame by Momo!

Normally, the Soul Purifying Flame would be beneficial to the soul, but if Momo changed her mind then, unfortunately, the flame would burn the soul to nothingness.

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