Erotic RPG: I am in the Game world, But My Heroines are Villainesses

Chapter 249 Ambush 4

Chapter 249 Ambush 4

<Ding! The quest [Hypocrites] completed.>

<Ding! Rewards are being distributed.>

Within the dimly lit training room, the air was heavy with an eerie stillness, broken only by the soft hum of residual energy. A young man stood in the center of the room, his gaze fixed upon the motionless bodies scattered before him like discarded dolls. The only difference being the dolls were moving slightly from time to time like a broken recorded one.

His crimson eyes gazed upon those lying; he hummed with coldness. "This is what you get without using your brain. There is a reason why it is here." He spoke as he approached those while grabbing a vial from his spatial ring.

'It is good that I brought that here.' Callius studied the vial, his mind flickering with memories of the battles that had led to this moment. 'I knew something like this would be bound to happen.' As he grabbed the vial filled with the black liquid, he approached the body of the leader.

The moment the liquid touched his tongue, a surge of energy coursed through the leader's body. Convulsions intensified, accompanied by a heightened strength that resonated within him. Callius observed the effects with a mixture of anticipation and caution. The intended transformation was underway.

"Now, the others," Callius murmured, his voice laden with a sense of purpose. He repeated the process for each fallen figure, dropping a tear of the black liquid into their mouths, ensuring no one was left without its touch. The bodies, once convulsing on the ground, became vessels of change.

He patiently waited, his eyes fixed upon the leader, who gradually opened his eyes. They were no longer recognizable, swallowed by an abyss of pure blackness. Callius couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction, knowing his plan was unfolding as intended. His gaze shifted to the others, their eyes too transformed, reflecting the absence of their former selves.

"It is working as intended," Callius murmured softly, his voice a whisper lost in the air. The bodies that had once been scattered on the ground now stood, a darkened presence emanating from their very beings. 

"Now," Callius spoke, his voice reverberating within the minds of the figures before him. Their blank gazes met his as they stood, devoid of any conscious awareness. "You have successfully completed your mission without encountering any obstacles," he continued. The words echoed deep within their psyche, forging a narrative that would shape their perception of reality.

Silently, the figures nodded in unison, their movements akin to marionettes guided by an unseen hand. Their minds, now under the influence of Callius' manipulation, accepted his words as truth. "Very well," he affirmed, satisfaction lacing his tone. "You may now return to your respective rooms."

As his command settled within their altered consciousness, the figures turned and began walking toward the room's entrance. The pulsations of their bodies were returned to normal as they no longer showed any signs of abnormality.

The hues of their eyes returned to their natural state, though the brilliance and depth that once resided within them had been extinguished, as they had still yet to wake up completely. The light of their true selves was veiled behind a fabricated narrative, as the liquid did its work as intended.

Just as the five figures left the room, Callius, with a cold smile on his face, began walking towards a wall adorned with an array of magical wards. Though, in the midst of them was something that didn't normally belong there. 

His eyes gleamed with anticipation as he reached out and plucked a spherical device, pulsating with latent power, from among them. Gripping it firmly, he injected his mana into the sphere, activating its recording capabilities.

'Let's see if it worked or not.'

As the sphere absorbed his mana, a radiant glow enveloped its surface, illuminating the room. In the blink of an eye, a holographic scene materialized before Callius, revealing the events he had meticulously captured. It was a playback of the pivotal moment when the five individuals had entered the room.

"It is him."

"Who are you?"


Their voices echoed within the chamber, blending with the holographic images to create an immersive experience as he had heard the same dialogue before. 

"Good, it is working." Seeing the recording of the events that happened right there, his smile crept up. 'Then, I will leave everything to you, Aliya.' He thought as he grabbed another sphere magical device from his spatial ring.

The sphere he had used in order to contact Aliya in the past, though now it had already been developed to the same extent that the restrictions were lifted already.

"Callius! Are you okay?" A slightly worried voice resonated through the sphere, connecting him to Aliya, the only one he could have trusted for this task.

"I am fine. Don't worry," he reassured her, his voice laced with warmth and amusement. He knew Aliya's concern stemmed from her genuine care for his well-being. "No injuries to report, in case you were wondering," he teased playfully, fully aware of her tendency to fret over him.

"…." Aliya let out a sigh, her exasperation is palpable even through the magical connection. "Of course, you're not injured," she replied, her tone filled with mock annoyance. However, she quickly regained her composure, shifting back to the task at hand. "Then, I assume you obtained the recording?"

"I did," Callius confirmed, his voice tinged with satisfaction. The successful acquisition of the recording was a crucial step toward their shared objective.

"In that case, we can proceed with our plan, right?" Aliya inquired, her voice now carrying a note of urgency.

"Yes, indeed," Callius replied, his tone serious and focused. "Meet me at the designated location we discussed. But are you certain you'll be able to complete everything by tomorrow?" He knew the vision he had envisioned required meticulous execution and meticulousness, and he wanted to ensure Aliya was fully prepared.

Aliya's voice brimmed with determination. "I will get it done, Callius. Trust me," she affirmed. "I had already contacted the father and arranged a bunch of personnel for this. The permission from the academy is also finished." As she added saying the details, she made Callius remember why she was a villainess.

"Very well," Callius acknowledged, his voice holding a hint of admiration. "Remember, timing is crucial. We must act swiftly and decisively."  josei

"I understand," Aliya replied, her voice resolute. "I won't let you down."

Just like that, Callius severed the connection as he headed toward the location they had discussed…..

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