Erotic RPG: I am in the Game world, But My Heroines are Villainesses

Chapter 259 Bullying 2

Chapter 259 Bullying 2


A situation that makes our human minds reset to default. 

And it is the best thing to make someone attached or addicted to you, using this time period of vulnerability.

In times of crisis, our human nature compels us to seek comfort, to find someone who can help us navigate the treacherous waters and guide us to safety. 

No matter how resilient and strong we may be, the human mind is inherently wired to seek support from others in times of distress. This is because we are social creatures until to very end. This is how we have evolved since humans alone would never be able to survive in the wilderness filled with predators. Our strength always relied on groups. 

Imagine being trapped in a labyrinth of uncertainty, your mind consumed by fear and uncertainty. 

The weight of the world rests heavily upon your shoulders, threatening to crush your spirit. And then, like a beacon of light, someone emerges from the shadows, extending a hand to pull you out of the darkness.

At that moment, a connection is forged, a bond that transcends the boundaries of mere acquaintanceship. The one who offers support becomes an anchor, a source of strength and comfort. Their presence becomes a lifeline, offering a renewed sense of hope and security.

That is also the reason why the friendships that are forged under hardships are strongest.

This is what we call 'Crisis Bonding' or 'Trauma Bonding.' 

And, every 'Crisis' is also an opportunity. 

Those were my thoughts as I was watching Lirienne getting bullied by the girls surrounding her. Grabbing the same sphere that I had used at that time, I turned the lens to the scene and started recording….

'The artifact I gave her to change her face won't lose its effect with such weak attacks.' I thought, seeing the ringleader girl pulling the hair of Lirienne.

The torment got more intense as time went on, and the insults got sharper and sharper. The malicious intent on the air was evident.

"Hey…. I investigated your background…." The ringleader girl said as she wore a cruel smile on her face. "It seems you are not a noble blood?" 


As she smashed Lirienne's face to the ground, she kept speaking. Laughter erupted from the surroundings as the girls watching the scene had all satisfied expressions.

"You're nothing but a commoner, a lowborn. How dare you raise your face in front of me and speak with such insolence?"


As these words echoed, the ringleader slapped Lirienne on her cheeks with a strong force, making her stumble upon the ground.

"Yes…" "Lowborn like you shouldn't be allowed into the same academy as us…." "Filthy commoner… Just bow your head…."

Instantly, the girls behind the ringleader bootlicked her as they supported her with their words.

'Hmm… It seems there is more to this bullying…. They should belong to the elitist faction….' I analyzed hearing their words.

Lirienne's body trembled with pain, her face bloodied and bruised. However, I could see her characteristic eyes filled with hatred from there.

In a sense, this girl named Lirienne was far from normal. He is someone close to abomination, someone that did no longer has any attachment to something in this world.

Her family did no longer exist in her heart. She did not have someone that she would call in such a word, nor something she had attached to. The only thing that remained in her heart was the feeling of vengeance she had over her 'sister' who abandoned her.

'Someone that I am raising to be a monster.' My gaze lowered upon her eyes as I saw the overflowing hatred. 'The more you hate, the stronger you will get….'

Her mouth was closed, as she did not respond to the words of bullies. It was only her eyes that were glaring at them with a ferocious gaze.

The ringleader's smile faltered as an angry expression was slowly take place on her face. "YOU! HOW DARE YOU GLARE AT ME LIKE THAT!" She screamed as she lowered her hand, once again punching Lirienne in her face.

At this point, the beautiful curves on Lirienne's face and the smooth texture of her skin could no longer be seen as it was filled with blood.

The girl kept shouting with venom as her eyes were filled with a ferocious aura.

Each word was punctuated by another strike, raining down upon Lirienne's battered body. The onslaught of physical pain matched the onslaught of verbal abuse, a relentless assault aimed at breaking her spirit.

However, Lirienne just watched. Even her body ached… Even her face was tattered… She just watched and did not respond. It was only her eyes that didn't lose the hate inside them. 

The ringleader's voice grew more deranged, her anger fueling a twisted pleasure in her torment. "Cry, you pathetic little worm! Beg for mercy! I want to see you grovel at my feet, humiliated. Just like your lowborn mother!"

The bully wanted to see Lirienne beg. Beg as the other ones have done. To satisfy her ego.

'What a pathetic display…. Abusing drugs and making the person vulnerable to satisfy your own ego…. At least, achieve what you want with your own strength….'

In a sense, the reason for such bullying often stemmed from the bully's own unresolved issues and their own struggles for attention and recognition. It was a twisted cycle of perpetuating pain to momentarily fill the void within themselves. 

ƥαṇdαs ηθνε| Of course, that does not justify the act of bullying itself. And it also does not mean everyone with such pasts will become bullies.

In the end, everyone does look into the abyss at least once. But, when it looks back, it is always the villains that blink.

However, human cruelty shows no bounds until the very end.

As the ringleader kept smashing, the Lirienne just remained unresponsive. And that made her pride hurt.


Resulting in a drawn blade. A drawn small dagger from her belt. A crimson-colored one.

'It is an artifact.' The mana swirling inside it hinted at the danger it posed.


The ringleader's laughter filled the air, a chilling sound that would send shivers down everyone's spine. 

She taunted Lirienne, her voice laced with malicious glee. "Oh, what's the matter, little worm? Scared now?"

Her eyes gleamed with a manic intensity as she brandished the dagger, its blade reflecting the coldness of her heart. "I'm going to teach you a lesson you'll never forget. A lesson in pain and suffering! A lesson which is superior!"

The blade approached the face of Lirienne as the fire mana was ignited.

'Well, that is enough for now.' I thought, deciding to step in….


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