Erotic RPG: I am in the Game world, But My Heroines are Villainesses

Chapter 187 After The Exam

Chapter 187 After The Exam

"Students. Welcome to the Ark."

Hearing the voice in my head, I started looking around.

A stage that could be seen all around.

There a woman could be seen.

With a fast skim through the area, I saw the number of people that were present was highly lowered.

"Individuals who have recently overcome significant challenges, those who possess exceptional talents, and those who have exerted greater effort than their peers are all deserving of recognition.

I, your vice headmaster, Seraphina Riftwind, welcome you to the world's number-one academy. Ark."

The same woman whose voice had just echoed in everyone's ears said this time, not using the sound magic she had used before.


And as a response, young people that filled the ground shouted with vigorous expressions, letting the feeling they had been holding for this long.


And the howl went on for a little longer, and she had waited as well.

Until the silence enveloped the hall again.

"Now. Even though I know you have just finished your entrance exam, and you are tired mentally, please bear with the administration process for a little longer. Those who are there after passing the exam and don't want to register to the academy, please exit from the door that will now open behind the hall."


And as she finished her words, suddenly, a gate opened right behind the crowd.

A gate that looked slightly ominous.

That was to be expected since there are those here just to take the entrance exam and compete with others even though they are not going to enter the academy.

And just as I had said, a bunch of people slowly walked towards the gate just appeared and left the meeting ground.

Before they left, all of them left the bracelets in their hands in the box nearby.


Though, of course, not everyone was happy with such an act.

Since there were those who took pride in entering the academy.

"Now, I am assuming that now everyone in this place right now wants to administrate the academy."

Vice-head Seraphine said while scanning the crowd and seeing everyone was standing still; she nodded her head in response.

"Then, everyone, now we will activate the bracelets that were given to you before the exam started, and you will be officially registered as students of the academy. But please let us have access to your blessings before."

She said while signaling the bracelet on her arms.

Well, since everyone's blessings were only visible to them aside from people with [Appraisal] type of skills, the academy needed the permission of the users to get the data used.

"Of course, we had already signed the mana contract in order to protect the information you are sharing with us, so rest assured you can do it without thinking too much."

She said and finished her words with that.

'Heh, a bunch of nonsense. If they knew those traitors inside, nobody would allow them to access their blessings.'

I thought, remembering the certain scenario in the game.

Though, of course, I didn't say anything about it.

<Ding! The host's permission is required to give access to the data with your blessing. Do you confirm, host?>

The system sounded in my head.

'Yes. Allow it, though show the data we have discussed beforehand.'

<Understood, host.>

And the moment I allowed the data to be accessed, another panel, this time with a different prompt, appeared right beside me.


Name – Callius

Age – 15 

Class – Magus

School Rank – 1

Ark Points - 1000

Knight Rank- Two-star

Mage Rank – Four-star

Attributes – Fire


-  Strength –  2.1

-  Speed – 2.4

-  Stamina – 2.1

-  Perception – 4.3

-  Magic – 4.7


This time the panel that was shown by the bracelet had different writings inside.

Since this time, it has had access to blessings, and those blessings would show the parameters of each person on them.

This would also be the case for me if I didn't have a system or hadn't been awakened by a different type of blessing system.

"Whoa! It really shows our stats."

Of course, other people didn't know how that worked, so most people were surprised.

"Now, you will get a notification about your dormitory. Dormitories will be assigned according to your rank, and everybody will be teleported to their dormitories right away with my signal. The belongings that you left before the exam started will be in your rooms. Any questions so far?"

She said while waving her hand like it was nothing important.

Though, some hands were raised.

"You may speak?"

"What will happen if we have left our belongings outside?"

A girl with yellow hair asked.

"Those who hadn't brought their belongings with them, you don't need to be worried. Academy will fulfill your needs. You can get those before the entrance ceremony that will happen tomorrow; you will be given to go outside once."

She answered while looking at the girl and nodded her head, seeing the girl nod as well.


"Any other questions?"

She asked.

And a boy raised his hand this time.

"When the Entrance Ceremony will start, and where will it happen?"

Of course, such a question was bound to be asked.

"The information will be given to you via your bracelets. Please wait for the announcements to come. Any other questions?"

"How are we going to meet with our friends with whom we have come together?"

Another girl asked. However, this one reminded me of a character that we often saw in the high-school.

Pick me…..

"That is a nice question, but you need to figure that out yourself. In any case, we will announce the rankings, and the information regarding to your dormitories and other things will also be given to you via your bracelets."

She said, signaling the bracelet again.

"Now, I will teleport you to your rooms."

Before anyone other could ask questions, she said and waved her hand while mumbling something.

And following that, I felt the same sensation of space changing around me, and then the familiar feeling of getting teleported followed.

Only to open my eyes in a high luxury room…..

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