Erotic RPG: I am in the Game world, But My Heroines are Villainesses

Chapter 206 First Lesson 3

Chapter 206 First Lesson 3

"Most of you are new to Academy, so I will be giving you a bunch of explanations."

Starting his words like that, the lecturer with a bulky build started talking about the academy.

He stated his name was Cernais.

A name from North, and considering his bulky build and the scars on his face, it didn't make me surprised, even though he was not a named character inside the game.

Just as the Librarian explained to us, he first started talking about how the currency inside the academy worked.

There was a reason why your outside talents won't matter in this academy.

No matter how rich you are, you can't use your money to obtain Ark Points after all.

Well, at least by normal means.

In any case, after he explained the currency issue, he started talking about the facilities and how they work.

Though he didn't make the talk too long since all those things were also addressed in the orientation sessions.

After his talk, I confirmed that the currency system was still the same as the game.

'10000 points for the first rank, 5000 points for the second, 2500 points for the third rank, 2000 for the fourth, 1500 for the fifth, and 1000 for the rest of the first ten. They will also be given every week. And as for the rest, everyone will get 1000 points every week, which will start from this point on.' (N1) 

I thought, remembering his words.

And as he finished it, a notification came to my ears.


Notice -

Your weekly 1000 points are distributed to your account.

Your total points – 11000 Ark Points

Student Assistant


Seeing the panel, I nodded my head.

"So, this is how it works."

"I heard about that, but isn't 1000 points kind of low?"

"Maybe. We need to see how expensive everything is."

"I see. You are right."

"But, he must be very rich right now."


Well, people were talking amongst themselves while glancing at me from time to time, but at this point, my attention was on the points.

'How to use this?'

After all, there were a lot of things that points could be used for, so I needed to be careful about them no matter how rich I was.


With a loud shout, Cernais gathered everyone's attention again.

"Now, before we start conducting our normal lecture, one last reminder. As you may have already guessed, I am your temporary guiding teacher for this semester in order to make you familiar with the academy.

However, both you and we all know that you are no longer little kids, so most of the time, we will expect you to solve your own problems. Therefore, don't get disappointed if you don't get any help from us regarding your problems. We will be the ones to judge the situation and help if it is necessary.

To add one more thing, your lecture schedules are already sent to you, so you can check them later. 

With this, our first class will come to an end. Next lesson, we will start with the normal curriculum."


As he finished his words, the bell rang, marking the end of the lesson.

After that, he walked out and left the students to themselves.



The moment the Cervais left the class, the young students that were in their most social period of life started talking to each other, of course.

Then, one may ask, what is the most common pattern that could be observed in such communities that were filled with either smart people or people with talents?

The answer would be that everyone is craving attention or everyone is trying to fit into groups.

Since all those kids always got attention from the environment, they had already gotten used to feeling proud, which would make them assume this is the same here as well.

Just like it could be seen.

"You are Emma of the Augustride Family, right?"


"Do you remember me? We have met in the banquet of the fourth princess."

"Ah…. I am sorry, I am not good with faces."

"It is fine. My name is Miriam Black, from the Black Count family."

Of course, when there are two heirs of the highest-ranking nobles of a kingdom, they are bound to get the attention of the crowd.

Well, their radiant aura also played a part in it. Of course, being the protagonists of the game, they were bound to be someone that got attention wherever they went.

In front of the orange-red-haired girl, there was another girl with black hair standing while showering her with questions and forcing her to talk.

However, in the case of Emma, the stiffness on her face was evident, which was enough to show that she was not comfortable with dealing with people like that.

"Please, just call me Emma, and is it okay if I call you Miriam?"

At this point, she decided to become comfortable with the black-haired girl since she didn't like being formal with others. She always strived to be a knight, not someone that would deal with political matters.

"Ah…. of course, you can."

The girl happily answered, though, at that point, Emma's attention was on somewhere else.

Precisely on the boy that was sitting at the desk, which was at the hindermost of the class, with his attention on a book whose contents she was unable to see.

'How did he come here?'

A question that was plaguing her mind for a while.

Even though just recently, all four of them got together and talked about this, they weren't able to come up with a definite answer. 

No matter how much they had wracked their brain, from the things they knew, it was impossible to see how he got this stronger in this short amount of time.

As a person that always messed with Callius, Emma herself knew how weak he was thanks to him not getting blessed, which was a massive counter to his improvement.

But, her senses that she polished while training with her sword were warning her.

Warning her for the fact that Callius was now someone that should not be messed with.

'His posture leaves no opening.'

She knew when she saw a knight. From the way Callius positioned himself, it was obvious that he was ready for any attack that would come at him, even while he was reading.

'Just what did he experience to make him this sharp?'

In the end, one last question remained inside her heart.josei


N1: I know I posted the points he got as 1000 on another day, but I think this is a lot better than that since 100 per week would be too low for the normal students.

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