Erotic RPG: I am in the Game world, But My Heroines are Villainesses

Chapter 237 Close Combat Class 3

Chapter 237 Close Combat Class 3

"Unarmed combat." As the instructor finished his words, he stopped for a second to gauge the reaction of his students.

The students exchanged glances, a mix of curiosity and excitement filling the air. Even though most of the youngsters would be inclined to learn the flashy moves that would attract attention or complex moves that would make one invincible, thanks to the charismatic and unique way of his explanation, they were hyped to see how things would unfold.

Instructor Alder stepped forward, his voice resonating with authority as he began to explain the fundamentals. "Unarmed combat is a fundamental skill that forms the basis of close combat. It is crucial to understand the principles of balance, timing, and body mechanics in order to effectively utilize your natural weapons—your hands, fists, elbows, knees, and feet—in combat."

His hands roamed around the holographic body as he slowly started explaining how things would unfold and how one can utilize their body from the fundamentals.

'Wow, he is certainly good.' Callius thought as he observed how the instructor explained things. 'The modern martial artists would be left in a wave if they had listened to his explanations.' He couldn't help but compare the way Alder thought to the modern teachers. 'Certainly, the academy has a good instructor base. At least for active classes.' He thought as his attention was on the man that was showing how things would unfold. 'It looks like I will be able to learn quite a lot in the academy.' His gaze focused on the instructor as greed for learning and improvement could be seen in his eyes.

"Unarmed combat requires discipline, precision, and a deep understanding of your own body. Through consistent practice and attention to detail, you will develop the ability to generate force, evade attacks, and exploit your opponent's weaknesses. Remember, the goal is not to merely overpower your opponent but to outmaneuver and outthink them. Because most of the time, you will never know the strength of your enemy. Therefore, our aim will always be protecting ourselves, not defeating the enemy. No matter what, if one can't stay alive, it doesn't matter if they win or not."

Just like that, the class went on, as the students had already forgotten the things they saw yesterday…..


Of course, inside the world of such a game, there are things that were cliched and bound to happen. 

For instance, when the protagonist gets targeted by the teachers as he looks like someone that does not pay attention to the class…. A cliched event which occurs in order to show the prowess of the main character to the other people inside the class later in time, like he could be first rank even without listening to the class….

As instructor Alder's stern gaze settled upon Arthur, who seemed more interested in the scenery outside the window than the lesson at hand, he decided to play a trick on this young man. The instructor's voice carried a subtle hint of amusement as he addressed the lackadaisical protagonist whose thoughts were wandering on god knows where. "Student Arthur, it appears that your attention has found a more captivating companion beyond these classroom walls. Pray, enlighten us. Can you recall the last thing I imparted?"

As his words echoed in the class, everyone that was listening to the lecture turned their attention to Arthur at the same time.

Arthur, who was suddenly subjected to the gazes of others, was not able to compose himself in time as he was caught off guard. "Uh, well... You were talking about the importance of body mechanics and timing in unarmed combat," He tried to reply with a slight stuttering as Emma, who was just sitting beside him, was trying to show him what he should have said from the book. 

'Fool…. Can't you even read?' I couldn't help but think as I saw how blatant Emma was trying to show the answer. 'The class is not even that boring. Though, I guess you are giving us the entertainment.' As those thoughts filled my head, I just sat there and watched him stuttering with a slight smile.

"Pffft….." A slight laugh echoed inside the classroom, as everyone had a rather mocking smile on their faces. No matter how handsome Arthur was, or how much of a 

"Enough." Though, Instructor Alder had a different opinion about this. "I am disappointed, Arthur Nightlance. It seems getting a high rank boosted your ego a bit too much." His eyes were looking down on Arthur as the instructor's pressure descended upon him. "I suggest you listen to my lecture attentively, as your attitude in class will be reflected in your grades." As his words echoed inside the classroom, his gaze wandered around. "This is the same for all of you." He called upon everyone.

As his gaze was wandering around, it locked with mine. "Student Callius," Instructor Alder's voice resonated with a mix of curiosity and expectation. The classroom fell silent, all eyes now focused on me. Though, it didn't matter if they were listening or not. 

"He failed to mention the important element of balance. You emphasized how balance is fundamental to unarmed combat, allowing for precise movements, efficient strikes, and the ability to adapt in combat situations." As I spoke those words, those who were effectively listening to the class nodded their heads, while the others were rather looking at the reaction of the instructor to see if I was giving the correct answer. 

'This is what differentiates the successful ones from others. The ones that seek for confirmation of others, and the ones that rely on their own knowledge when it comes to making their decisions.' I thought as I scanned the crowd. 'Most of you will stay like those little extras in your life; what a pitiful life you will have.'

Instructor Alder nodded, a flicker of approval gleaming in his eyes. "Correct, Student Callius. Balance is the cornerstone of effective combat. Without it, one's movements become uncoordinated and vulnerable to counterattacks." 


Though before he could even continue his speech, the bell rang, marking the end of the second lesson of our day.

"It seems we won't be able to continue our class any further." Hearing this, Instructor Alder clasped his hand as the hologram showing the body of the human disappeared. "An assignment will be sent to you after today's classes end. The time limit and what it contains will also be inside that message. Have a nice day." 

Saying that he left the class, marking the finish of our second lesson related to combat.

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