Erotic RPG: I am in the Game world, But My Heroines are Villainesses

Chapter 324 Her World 3

Chapter 324 Her World 3

"Now, do you understand it, brother? You are 'My World,' and I want to be yours, too."

The moment he heard those words, Callius saw the emotions lingering in her words, eyes, in her very being. He saw the lips approaching him slowly. 

His hands were restrained by her wines. He could have escaped if he wanted, but he didn't. Because if he did it, he knew he would basically hurt Diana, who showed such affection for him.

Even if it was taboo for some, and even in his heart, a small feeling of refusal was there, rejecting such a person who had shown this amount of affection for him was not something he would do…No, rather, he couldn't do it.

Her lips connected his, making a small sound.


Her kiss was soft and tender, a gentle press of her lips against his. It was a gesture that spoke of her deep affection and longing, a declaration of her intense emotions. The touch of her lips sent a shiver down her own spine, a sensation that was both electrifying and comforting.

It was something Diana had been expecting the whole time. A feeling that she had always longed for.

Diana's hands, which had been tracing the contours of his face, moved with delicate grace. Her fingertips grazed his cheek, leaving a trail of warmth in their wake. Her touch was a caress, an exploration of the features she so ardently desired to make her own.

He could see the desire in her eyes. The desire to become one.

As the kiss lingered, a myriad of emotions surged within Callius. Even he felt a mixture of tenderness, understanding, and a growing sense of connection.

It wasn't a kiss born out of a carnal desire of lust; it was a kiss that conveyed a profound bond between two souls.

It was an intense kiss, but not like making out with one's tongue. Diana lost herself in the thrill of sensation on her lips momentarily, living the biggest and liveliest dream she had in her life.

Diana's hands, which had been tracing the contours of his face, began to explore further. With delicate grace, her fingertips traversed his skin, leaving a trail of warmth in their wake. Her touch was a dance of reverence, a silent proclamation of her longing to understand him on a level beyond the surface.

'It is smooth…' She thought.


As she pushed her lips further, her fingers also continued their journey. With each place her fingers touched a sensation like a jolt of recognition pulsed within her. The world around them seemed to fade into the background as her hand settled over his heart. The rhythmic beat beneath her touch resonated with her own heartbeat as if their souls were synchronizing in this shared moment of intimacy.

'How is he this perfect?' Diana couldn't help but think. His silky smooth skin, his incredibly tender muscles which were neither bulky nor too soft, his smooth lips that felt like cherry to bite, his distinct smell that she was addicted to, his crimson eyes that were burning alive, his ragged breath which was showing even he himself was having a hard time containing himself.

'Why everything I do with him feels so good?'

She could see the desire in his eyes right now. The desire that she was also feeling. Her hand trailed on his neck, looking defenseless thanks to the posture he was in.

His hands were tied on the tree behind, and the vibrant colors ranging from green, blue, to purple were shining over the world, showing this world was an ethereal place.josei

However, the most ethereal experience was the small pinky-red hue that enveloped them.



Diana severed the kiss as she looked at her beloved, the one she wanted to give everything but at the same time the one she wanted to take everything. Her breath was ragged thanks to the kiss they shared for a time she didn't know. At some point, she even forgot to breathe from her nose.

"Haaaah…..Haaaaah…..Brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother…." She kept repeating the same word between her ragged breath as she looked over him with insanity.

No matter what, Diana was a human too. A human with desires. Those desires she always tried to suppress. She couldn't even remember the number of times she had fallen to sleep smelling his clothes.

She couldn't remember the number of times she kept with her training in the Elven Kingdom with his picture before him.

She couldn't remember the number of times she had visited the places they went together just not to forget those lingering feelings in her heart.

She could never forget his last touch before everything went downhill for her.

And right now, the thing she desired the most was just before her.

As the vibrant hues of the spiritual realm danced around them, Diana's breath came in ragged bursts, the sound intermingling with the soft whispers of the spirits.

Her gaze never left Callius's form, her eyes fixated on him with an intensity that bordered on obsession.

'I can't hold it in.'


The bright shining pale neck looked delicious as she lowered her mouth, and then, without warning, Diana's lips parted to reveal her slightly elongated canines.

Her breathing was heavy, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of anticipation and fervor. Her lips descended towards his neck, her teeth grazing his skin in a tantalizing manner.


And she slightly sucked his neck, feeling his skin directly on her lips. It was addicting, such addicting that she couldn't hold her feelings in.I think you should take a look at



Diana's breathing was ragged as she left his neck. Her eyes looked at his face for a second. Callius, too, looked like he was enjoying it.

He also had a ragged breath; his body was tense, and a small blush was on his cheeks. Most and foremost, his gaze was lovely.

"Haaaah…..Haaaah….More, give me more. Brother, brother, brother, brother."


Then her demeanor shifted, and the bite she delivered was sharper, more intense. Callius felt a slight sting as her teeth broke his skin, a mixture of pain and pleasure coursing through his veins.

It was the same feeling when the fairies around him tried to feed from his mana. He didn't know how his body was breached this easily, but he thought it was because of the spiritual realm.

Her lips pressed against the wound, and he could feel her inhaling deeply, her body trembling with a mixture of need and desire.

The sensation was electrifying, a fusion of pleasure and danger that pulsed through his veins. Diana's actions were fueled by a primal longing, an unquenchable thirst that seemed to override her rationality. Her breath was warm against his skin, her heartbeat echoing in his ears as if it matched the rhythm of his own.

He could feel the wetness of Diana's saliva on his body. She was aroused, clearly wanting to go further.

Her teeth bit him; he could feel something spilling out from the bite. But it was not his blood, but a crimson-colored ethereal thing.


It was his mana. Her lips were moving with an intensity that mirrored her inner turmoil. It was an act of possession, a claim that transcended the physical realm and delved into the depths of their connection.


And then, just as abruptly as it had begun, Diana pulled away. Her lips were stained with his crimson mana making it look like blood, her eyes wild and frenzied.


The moment hung in the air, heavy with the weight of their shared experience. She stared at him, her chest heaving as she seemed to regain a semblance of control.

Her hand touched his heart; she could feel it was breathing rapidly like her own. A small smile bloomed on her face as she confirmed their feelings were mutual, but at the same time, she knew it was because this was how his body needed to react.

Her gaze shifted to Callius, his expression one of heat. The intensity that had colored her actions was mirrored in his eyes, but there was something else there, too.

A feeling only Diana could see, only she could feel.

A small feeling of rejection.

Diana understood. The feelings she had desired from him, the emotions she had sought to elicit, were not the ones she saw in his eyes, at least not now.

She knew it would be like that; that was what she was expecting.

"Brother," she whispered, her voice carrying a small regret. "I... I wanted your heart to be with me, but this is not the way." Her fingers lingered over his chest, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath her touch. "I know you have yet to expect it in your heart; I can see it."

Her hand lingered around his heart.

"This heart is yet to be mine." She spoke. "And I will wait until it becomes mine. Until no rejection remains in your heart until you completely accept me."

Diana's gaze met his, and she could see the understanding there, a shared awareness of the complex emotions that had driven them to this point. She looked at him with a smile as their foreheads touched.

"I love you, and I will always be." She said as a small smirk appeared on her face feeling the small flinch on Callius' body.

"And, be aware of the things that are about to come. You know me the best, brother. Just like you, I, too, won't ever stop until I get the things I want.


And with a small kiss, she finished her words as she released his restraints...


This marks the end of Diana's sub-arc. Hope you liked it.


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