Erotic RPG: I am in the Game world, But My Heroines are Villainesses

Chapter 340 Behind The Streets 5

Chapter 340 Behind The Streets 5


As Xander fell to the ground with a sound of thud, he left the world…..

"Good luck in the hell…."

And I had a smile on my face, looking at my product. A villain who killed people in the most vile ways, a being that is even lower than demons….Such people didn't deserve to die immediately.

They needed to be crushed down, their belief crumbling…


And after a second, the person who controlled the cage of blood left this world; of course, the spell was canceled, and the blood fell to the ground.


Following that, I immediately imbued my Aura into my foot and bolted towards the rooftops, not giving any time to those who were standing on top of it.

Swiftly, I closed the distance between us, my footwork precise and calculated. The element of surprise was on my side, and I intended to make the most of it. Their expressions shifted from confusion to alarm as I attacked with unrelenting ferocity.


My blade sliced through the air, aiming for the first masked assailant's arm. His eyes widened in shock, but his reflexes were quick enough to pull back just in time, narrowly avoiding a fatal strike.


But, of course, that didn't mean the man was not wounded. No, it was the complete opposite. Blood was oozing from the place where his arm was supposed to be.


Following that, the sound of his arm falling to the ground could be heard.



Just as he was about to shout, I immediately threw a lighting bolt I had practiced to him, aiming at his nerves underneath his jaw.

It was a move I practiced for situations like this, where I needed to make sure no sounds left the mouths of people whom I attacked. A simple lightning bolt is enough to alert the nerves, which would trigger the muscles connecting jaw to the neck to clench, rendering the unable to speak.


The second attacker had managed to draw his weapon in response, meeting my strike with a clang of metal against metal. His surprise was evident, and his stance was shaky, indicating that he was not as skilled as he might have appeared.

"What?" he sputtered, his voice laced with disbelief and frustration.

'Two demon followers, their dark mana is oozing.' I had already concluded that from the start of the fight using my eye, but seeing their rank; it seemed they were more in the part of utility.josei

'Mostly, their goal is to make sure no guards or other people disturb them.'

Since I intentionally leaked my aura as a 3-star to guards, they thought I was not a threat; therefore, they didn't even let guards stop me.


With a swift maneuver, I feigned an attack toward the second assailant's torso, prompting him to shift his stance defensively. Seizing the opportunity, I pivoted on my foot and delivered a powerful kick to his midsection, knocking him off balance.


He stumbled backward, his mask askew, and I capitalized on his momentary vulnerability. My blade arced through the air, finding its mark on his arm, causing him to cry out in pain as blood spurted from the wound.


Repeating the same technique again, I rendered him unable to speak.


The first assailant attempted to rejoin the fray, but his wounded arm hindered his movements. With a quick flick of my wrist, I disarmed him, sending his weapon clattering to the ground.

As I moved to subdue him, the wounded assailant's eyes widened with desperation. He struggled to move, to fight back against the debilitating effects of my lightning-inflicted paralysis, but his efforts were in vain.I think you should take a look at


Once again, I targeted his nerves, leaving him unable to utter a word or make any coherent movements. He slumped to the ground, his body convulsing sporadically.

Turning my attention to the other assailant, I saw that he was in a similar state of paralysis. His mask lay discarded nearby, revealing a face contorted in pain and anger. He was still conscious, but his ability to communicate or resist was severely restricted.

Taking a moment to catch my breath, I assessed the situation. The two demon followers lay on the ground before me, their expressions a mixture of fear, rage, and helplessness. I knew that their silence was not a permanent state; eventually, the effects of my lightning-induced paralysis would wear off.

'I should put them unconscious. The guards have already started suspecting me.'

"I won't kill you," I stated, my voice cold and firm. "But I won't let you escape either."

I retrieved a length of sturdy rope from my spatial ring and swiftly bound their wrists and ankles, ensuring that their mobility was restricted. I needed answers, and these two were my best chance of unraveling the truth behind the darkness that had infiltrated the city.

I had a guess about who they were, but I still needed answers.

'What is the reason they are here?'

As I finished securing them, I noticed their eyes flicker with a renewed sense of desperation. They were trapped, their power nullified, and the realization seemed to fill them with a mix of dread and fury.


With a calculated decision, I moved my lightning mana that would render them unconscious, temporarily stifling their ability to communicate with their superiors. It was a move that I would use in the game, using some artifacts or Emma to conjure lightning.

It's a certified idea that was pretty common.

But as the lighting mana took effect, something unexpected occurred.


The air around the two demon followers grew thick with a palpable aura of malevolence, a dark magic that seeped into their bodies. Their convulsions intensified, and their faces twisted in agonized expressions.

'This! NO!'

Realizing what was about to happen, I activated my [All Seeing Eye] only to see the dark mana thread that was connecting them disappear.

'Tch. I was careless.'

A tilting realization dawned upon me – my attempt to render them unconscious had triggered a latent spell, one fueled by the very darkness they had embraced.

'I thought since it was a move that was common in the game, they wouldn't have prepared for it.'

The dark magic within them reacted violently to the spell I had cast, transforming the unconsciousness I had intended into a twisted death sentence. It was probably a precaution for those that were caught.


I watched as their bodies spasmed uncontrollably, the veins on their necks and faces bulging with the strain.

Their mouths foamed with an unnatural darkness, and their eyes rolled back into their heads. It was a gruesome and horrifying scene, one that I had not anticipated but the one I had seen before.

'This is the same spell that made that woman die.' Remembering where I had seen this scene before, I looked into the bodies and saw the same signs.

The foam was pouring out from their bodies; their life was sucked as the aspects could no longer be discerned.

"Anyway….Dealing with Xander is enough for now….This will reduce my burden in the future."

With that thought, I jumped from the roof, activating my aura as I started running at a rapid speed, getting out of the crime scene.

'Aside from my lightning and my sword, they can't identify me right now.'

I was not sure if that bastard was here or not, but even if he was, I was already prepared for it.

Just like that, I reached my home which I hadn't visited since I entered the academy, and rested there.


Until I got a call from Aliya…

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