Esper Harem in the Apocalypse

Chapter 229 Blue Moon

Chapter 229 Blue Moon

"So, do you have any questions to ask? If not, I will leave. A king has many duties," Virgil said in a calm voice.

"I understand that. But there is one thing I want you to know. Also, I want to hear your opinions on my relationship with Jane too."

"I would never acknowledge your relationship with Jane or Rias. A vampire can't fall in love with a human," Virgil asserted with an emotionless voice.

"I guess we can never get along then."

"It's against the rules. And now you know why I am so strict about them. If you break the rules, the Lord will punish not only Rias, Jane, and you, but the lives of your other loved ones will also be in danger. He will take away everything you love and leave you hopeless."

After a brief pause, he muttered, "And believe me, losing your loved ones is the second cruelest thing you would ever experience. You might hate me, but I am saying this for you and their sake."

Virgil's voice sounded so sad, and the distant smile on his face made it obvious that something very grievous had happened between him and his human wife.

"If losing a loved one is the second cruelest. What's the first one?" Rudy asked with a curious yet calm look on his face.

"Something… somewhere… which you would experience only once, and you will never get a chance to experience it again." After a brief pause, he continued, "Some might consider it as the least cruel thing, but every alive being fears that. They know it's coming for them, but they can't do anything but simply wait for the time to come."

"Well… then I have experienced that once already," Rudy muttered.

"Hmm?" Virgil turned to Rudy while speaking, You know I am talking about death…. Right?"

Rudy simply forced a smile at Virgil without saying anything.

"...." Virgil's eyes widened more than they ever had in his entire life. His mind stopped working, and his body froze for a few seconds before gulping down nervously with a pale face.

"But I do think the latter one is the cruelest."

"I also want you to know that whatever I say and do, including acknowledging your relationship with Jane and Rias, I do it as a king and a vampire. As their grandfather, I couldn't wish for more."

"...!" Rudy was surprised to hear that. He had almost given up on convincing Virgil about his relationship with Jane and Rias. And take them with him to the human world after 15 days.

"You are strong, and you can protect Jane and Rias from the possible dangers they might face in the future," he added.

"So you are saying you are okay with that, right?"

Virgil nodded without saying anything as his words could be taken as the king's words.

"Well, that's a relief." Rudy sighed, but after a few seconds, he frowned his face and uttered, "Now to the main topic."


"It's about Jane and how she was treated for her whole life."

"Ah… you don't have to mention that. I carry that guilt with me, and I will carry it until the day I die."

"That's not the problem. How… and why the fuck was she treated like that? She is a princess, for fuck's sake."

"..." Virgil fell silent after seeing the furious look on Rudy's face. He knew that speaking anything unreasonable could be foolish.

"Just because she was born under the blue moon! What type of nonsense is that?!" historical

Virgil looked up in the sky and uttered, "There are three moons in this world. Red, blue, and white, as you may know."

"I do…"

"The white moon is the same as the one in the human world. It takes 15 days for it to be a full moon. The Red moon takes one year. Hence, we call it the New Year. But the blue moon takes ten years, and that day is considered a bad day. Our ancestors believed that anything born on that day was cursed and would be the reason behind the calamities ensuing in the vampire world."

"The full blue moon lasts for a week, and so does the red moon. During the red moon week, all the vampires rejoice and celebrate. But during the blue moon week, no one dares to even get out of their houses," he added.

"Rias and Jane are twins, but Rias was born under the red moon, while Jane was born under the blue moon." Virgil clenched his fists and continued with a painful expression on his face:

"As I already mentioned in the chamber of the valley about how my daughter left the vampire world and married a human. Rias and Jane were born in between both worlds. After giving birth to them, she dropped them off on my throne without anyone noticing. And when I found them on my throne, I was surprised at first, but it didn't take me a second guess to realize who they were."

"So what? Just because your ancestors believed in some stupid shit, Jane had to suffer?!" Rudy yelled. "Was it also in one of the rules created by your so-called lord?!"


"Hah?!" Rudy's face twitched in anger. He slammed his hand on the ledge of the balcony, and it shattered into pieces.

"But what my ancestors believed was true."

"What did they do when the beings were born under the blue moon?" Rudy asked with a curious and furious look on his face.

"Most of the time, the elder vampires would try to sustain and decrease the birth time using sealing magic and let the blue moon week pass before removing the seal. That's the only thing we could do to protect those innocent souls," Virgil asserted.

"But it wasn't possible with my daughter since she was in the human world. At first, I believed that both Jane and Rias had been born under the blue moon, but only Jane showed the effects of a cursed child."

"Are you referring to her white hair?"

"Indeed. They sometimes turn silver depending on the mood." Virgil nodded.

"You didn't answer my question. What do they do with the beings born under the blue moon?" Rudy asked with a judging look on his face.

"They… kill them…"

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