Esper Harem in the Apocalypse

Chapter 890 Interrogated

Chapter 890 Interrogated

Rias straddled Rudy, a victorious smile playing on her lips as she looked down at him. "Rudy," she said, her voice laced with a mixture of triumph and determination. "I wanted to make you confess, to expose the truth of your actions. But it wouldn't be fair if I only punished Jane when we both bear responsibility."

Rudy's eyes widened in realization, a mixture of surprise and regret crossing his face. He had fallen right into Rias' trap, unaware of her true intentions. He tried to speak, to explain himself, but the words caught in his throat. historical

Rias leaned in closer, her gaze unwavering. "You see, Rudy, I've been gathering evidence against you for a long time. Your crimes cannot go unpunished, not just for the sake of Jane, but for all those you have harmed."

"Wait, who did I harm?"

"Me." Rias continued, her voice firm and resolute. "You will face the consequences of your choices, Rudy. I will ensure that justice is served, not just for Jane, but for everyone who has suffered because of your actions."

"I mean… you are not wrong, but you phrased it as if I did something terrible."

Rias rose from the bed, her expression a mix of determination and sorrow. "It's time for you to face the truth, Rudy."

"You are… scaring me. I would have pissed my pants if I was a normal human." Rudy raised his brows and pondered, "I wonder if I would have still done the same if I was a normal human.

That would be stupid, to be honest. I would be risking my life. Imagining getting killed by the angry harem members. Not a bad death, but still a lame one."

Rudy tried to lighten the heavy atmosphere with a joke, hoping to ease the tension.

Rias, however, remained unfazed, her expression unchanged. She had anticipated Rudy's attempt to diffuse the situation with humor. "Jokes won't absolve you of your actions, Rudy," she replied, her voice firm. "This is a serious matter, and it requires genuine reflection and accountability."

Rudy took a moment to reflect on his thoughts.

'I don't understand why this is a serious topic for her. Rias and I met in 1989, so she should have already known that I would have a harem in the future. I even mentioned that Jane would be a part of it.

So why is she so upset? It has been months. When she woke up from her slumber and revealed that she caught Jane and me, I was scared at that time… obviously.

I hadn't time traveled, and I didn't know what Rias knew.. Still, I was glad that she let me off the hook easily and focused her revenge on Jane. But who would have thought that I was a means of use for her?

I wasn't let off the hook. I was used to trap Jane. Regardless, I understand Rias' feelings and I am not complaining about why she is doing all this. But this is extreme.

I will admit everything and learn what Rias is planning. I will play along until I think she is in the wrong.'

Rudy's smile faded, realizing that his attempt at levity had fallen flat. He nodded solemnly, understanding that his actions carried consequences that couldn't be dismissed with a simple joke. "You're right, Rias," he said, his voice tinged with a mixture of regret and acceptance. "I need to face the gravity of what I've done and take responsibility."

As Rudy lay on the bed, his question hung in the air, his curiosity evident in his eyes. "Rias, now that you have me pinned down, what is your plan?"

Rias paused for a moment, her gaze unwavering as she considered her response. "My plan…" she began, her voice steady, "I am not stupid. I won't tell you anything."

Rudy's brows furrowed as he absorbed her words. "I understand that," he replied, his voice sincere. "But what exactly do you want me to do? I will learn your plan, anyway.

You know that I can easily push you away, right? I can free myself without even moving my fingers and run away. I can teleport. I can take control over you if I want to."

As Rias admitted her confusion and uncertainty, a heavy silence filled the air. She remained on top of Rudy, her body pressed against his, her breaths shallow and uneven. The weight of her words hung between them, the intensity of her emotions palpable.

Rudy's expression softened with empathy, his hand gently caressing Rias' back. He spoke in a soothing voice, "It's okay, Rias. Sometimes, we find ourselves at crossroads, unsure of our next steps.

Life always leaves you at that point where you wonder where it will take you next."

Rias released a sigh, her fingers nervously tracing patterns on Rudy's chest. "But I thought I had it all figured out," she whispered, her voice tinged with frustration. "I was so certain about my path, my purpose. And now... I'm filled with doubt."

Rudy's eyes held a comforting warmth as he looked into Rias' eyes. "Perhaps I can help you if you tell me the true reason for your actions," he said softly.

Rias bit her lip, her gaze searching his face for answers she couldn't find within herself. "I fear making the wrong choices," she confessed, her voice trembling. "I don't want to hurt anyone, especially not you."

Rudy's hand gently cupped Rias' cheek, his touch soothing and reassuring.

"I know," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "Now tell me."

Rias expressed her heartfelt emotions, her voice carried a mixture of longing and vulnerability. Rudy listened attentively, his eyes filled with empathy.

"I wanted to be your number one," Rias began, her voice laced with a hint of sadness. "I was the first non-human girl to fall in love with you. I waited for eighteen long years, believing that one day, you would see me as someone special."


"Why did you make me fall in love with you and made me wait for eighteen years if you were going to fuck my twin sister first?" she sobbed with teary eyes.

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