Esper Harem in the Apocalypse

Chapter 936 Harem’s Reaction

Chapter 936 Harem’s Reaction

Turning his attention to Rias, Jane, and Niti, Rudy's gaze softened with genuine concern. His eyes met theirs, his expression one of gentle inquiry as he asked, "How are you all feeling after our session? I hope I didn't push you too hard."

Rias, Jane, and Niti exchanged quick glances, their faces tinted with a hint of embarrassment. Despite their initial shyness, they soon found their voices and settled into the plush chairs, each finding a comfortable spot from which to engage in the conversation.

Jane, the confident vampire, cleared her throat and gave Rudy a playful smirk. "Well, I must admit, I didn't expect to be quite so thoroughly exhausted. But it's a good kind of soreness, you know?"

Niti's cheeks turned a delicate shade of pink as she shyly echoed Rias' sentiment. "Yes, I agree. It was a challenging and scary session , but I appreciate the effort you put into it."

Rias chimed in with a chuckle. "I thought I was in good shape, but you certainly pushed our limits, Rudy. I can already feel the pain and the pleasure I didn't even know existed ."

Rudy's smile widened as he listened to their responses. His interactions with each member of his harem were unique and special, and he appreciated the honesty and openness they shared with him.

"I'm glad to hear that you all enjoyed it ," he said, his tone warm and encouraging. "Remember, the goal is always to make you feel good to your full potential while also ensuring your well-being. If any of you ever feel overwhelmed, please don't hesitate to let me know."

As the conversation continued to flow, Rudy engaged with Rias, Jane, and Niti, discussing their progress, exchanging lighthearted banter, and offering his insights. The embarrassment from their earlier fatigue gradually transformed into a sense of camaraderie and connection, a testament to the trust they had in Rudy and the unique dynamics of their relationships.

Amidst the laughter and shared stories, Rudy's role as the leader of the harem was not one of dominance, but of guidance, understanding, and genuine care. Each member of the harem found themselves contributing their own thoughts and experiences, enriching the shared space with the diversity of their personalities and backgrounds.

The lively conversation with his harem members, Rias suddenly leaned forward, her brows furrowing as if she remembered something important. "Wait a minute, Rudy. Didn't you mention something about wanting me to cook for you when you got back?"

Rudy chuckled, his gaze warm as he met Rias's concerned eyes. "Yes, I did mention that, Rias. But don't worry about it. I actually had dinner while I was out with Maria."

Rias's expression shifted from concern to relief, her lips curving into a sheepish smile. "Oh, thank goodness! I completely forgot about it after I woke up from my nap. I'm sorry for not keeping my promise."

Rudy's grin widened, his voice laced with understanding. "No need to apologize, Rias. I appreciate your willingness to cook for me, but my stomach is full for now."

Rias sighed audibly, her shoulders relaxing as she settled back into her seat. "Well, that's a relief. I didn't want to leave you hungry after a long day."

Amid the ongoing conversation, Rudy's harem members exchanged knowing glances, their expressions tinged with amusement. Rias, noticing their behavior, furrowed her brows and leaned in, her curiosity piqued. "What's going on? Why are you all looking at me like that?"

Lilim let out a playful giggle, her gaze fixed on Rias. "Well, Rias, we couldn't help but notice a certain change in your behavior recently."

Rias's cheeks turned a shade pinker as she shifted in her seat, feeling slightly self-conscious under the scrutiny. "Change? What do you mean?"

Jane leaned forward, a mischievous grin playing on her lips. "Oh, you know what we mean, Rias. Your demeanor seems to shift after spending a night with Rudy."

Rias's eyes widened in surprise, her gaze darting from one harem member to another. "What? That's not true!"

Angelica joined in, her tone light but teasing. "Oh, come on, Rias. We're your sisters, and we can tell when something's different."

Rias turned to Rudy, her voice a mixture of surprise and disbelief. "Rudy, is this really a thing?"

Rudy chuckled, his eyes crinkling with amusement. "It's not that you change drastically, Rias. It's just that when we're together, you tend to show a side that's a bit more vulnerable, a bit more open."

Rias's cheeks flushed deeper, her gaze dropping slightly. "I...I didn't realize..."

Lilim's voice was gentle as she continued, "It's a good thing, Rias. It means you're comfortable around him, and you can let your guard down."

Rias glanced at Rudy once more, a mixture of emotions swirling in her eyes. "I guess... I guess that's true."

The other harem members nodded in agreement, their smiles warm and reassuring. The atmosphere was lighthearted and teasing, but beneath it lay a genuine camaraderie and understanding that defined their unique relationships with each other and with Rudy. historical

The girls of Rudy's harem had gathered in the opulent living room of the castle, their curiosity piqued as they wondered why Rudy had called them together so suddenly. Their gazes turned expectantly to him, their expressions a mixture of anticipation and curiosity.

"Rudy, is there a reason you've gathered us like this?" Angelica, always the perceptive one, voiced the collective question on their minds.

Rudy looked around at each of them, his expression a mix of seriousness and a hint of apology. "I'm not sure if Maria has had the chance to tell you all herself, or if she even wants to share the news just yet," he began in a calm voice. "But I feel that I should tell you, even without her permission, because you are all a part of this...of our lives."

The girls exchanged glances, sensing the gravity of the situation. Lilim spoke up, her tone gentle yet concerned. "Rudy, you don't have to force this. If Maria wants to share something, we can wait until she's ready."

Rias, ever the empathetic one, chimed in, "Yes, Rudy, we're a family here. We'll support her no matter what."

Rudy appreciated their understanding and the way they valued Maria's feelings. He nodded, taking a moment to gather his thoughts. "I appreciate your consideration, but I've made my decision. Maria and I are deeply connected, and I believe in being honest with all of you."

The room fell silent as the girls braced themselves for the news Rudy was about to reveal. Rudy took a deep breath, his eyes scanning each of their faces. The suspense hung heavy in the air, and then he spoke, his voice steady and resolute.

"Maria is pregnant with my child."

The announcement hung in the air, sinking in slowly as the implications of his words settled over them. There was a moment of stunned silence, then various reactions rippled through the group. Some girls gasped in surprise, while others exchanged excited glances. Some were simply shocked into speechlessness.

Rudy let the news sink in, his gaze never wavering. "I know this is big news, and it's going to change things for all of us," he continued, his voice filled with sincerity. "But I want you all to know that you are important to me, and this harem is my family. We'll face this together, just like we have faced everything else."

The room remained still as his words hung in the air, the weight of the news settling over them. Rudy had opened up to them, sharing a deeply personal aspect of his life, and they knew that whatever lay ahead, they would face it as a united, loving family.

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