Esper Harem in the Apocalypse

Chapter 944 Unspoken Intentions

Chapter 944 Unspoken Intentions

George's mind was in turmoil as he drove home. The bracelet he'd retrieved from the attack site lay on the passenger seat, a constant reminder of the enigma that was Rudy. Thoughts swirled in his head, a mix of anger, confusion, and a thirst for revenge.

As he navigated the streets, he couldn't help but ponder how Rudy had acquired such incredible powers. It was as if he had become a force of nature, capable of tearing through the clandestine facility with ease. George had spent his life in pursuit of mythical beings and their powers, but nothing in his experience could account for what he'd witnessed.

"Why didn't I know about this before?" George muttered to himself, his knuckles white as they gripped the steering wheel. "How could Rudy have hidden such abilities?"

It was a question that gnawed at him. If Rudy possessed these extraordinary powers, why had he never used them before? Why had he remained hidden for so long, seemingly content with a life that masked his true potential?

As he pulled into his driveway, George's thoughts raced. He decided to keep the bracelet with him as evidence, just in case. His office bag, slung over his shoulder, was a convenient cover for his late return from work.

George unlocked the front door and stepped into the darkness of his home. He moved with the confidence of someone who knew every inch of his surroundings. Passing through the living room, he headed to the kitchen, intent on quenching his thirst.

Just as he opened the refrigerator door and retrieved a bottle of water, a voice, dripping with a sense of foreboding, echoed through the darkness.

"Hey, George."

George froze, the bottle of water halfway to his lips. He knew that voice. It was Rudy's, and it carried with it an unsettling certainty that George's world was about to be upended.

Startled, George questioned Rudy, his voice filled with a mix of surprise and suspicion, "Rudy, what on earth are you doing in my house at this hour, sitting here in the dark?"

Rudy, unfazed by the inquiry, replied calmly, "I came to ensure Alice made it home safely before her curfew. She was worried about being alone, so I promised to wait with her until you returned."

George's eyebrows furrowed with concern as he glanced around the dimly lit living room. "Where is Alice now?"

Rudy maintained his composure. "She's sound asleep in her room. It's just the two of us here in the living room."

The room fell into a tense silence as George struggled to make sense of the situation. He couldn't help but feel that something was amiss, and the unexpected presence of Rudy in his home at this late hour raised a multitude of questions in his mind. Rudy's calm demeanor only added to the enigma, leaving George to grapple with the unknown intentions of his uninvited guest.

George took a deep breath and decided to compose himself. He walked to a platform where he had a coffee maker, figuring that a cup of coffee might help him think more clearly. "Would you like some coffee, Rudy?" he asked, doing his best to keep the conversation casual.

Rudy nodded appreciatively. "Sure, I'd love some. I prefer it brewed strong, black, with just a touch of sugar."

As George busied himself with the coffee maker, grinding the beans and starting the brew, he engaged in small talk to maintain the façade of a normal, friendly interaction. "So, Rudy, how's everything going on your end? Keeping busy, I assume?"

Rudy, too, kept his responses light and unassuming. "Oh, you know how it is. Always something to do, someone to see."

The seconds ticked by, and George couldn't help but feel the weight of the situation pressing on him. On the surface, he appeared calm and collected, but underneath, he was battling with a difficult decision. He knew the risks of attacking Rudy. If he made a move and failed, it could expose his own identity as one of the clandestine facility's elites. But if he didn't act, he might be placing his own safety, and Alice's, in jeopardy.

The coffee machine beeped, signaling that the brew was ready. George poured the dark, steaming liquid into two mugs, one of them customized to Rudy's taste. He turned around, handing Rudy a mug, his eyes locked onto Rudy's every move.

As Rudy accepted the coffee with a gracious smile, the room was filled with an uneasy silence. Both men were acutely aware of the tension hanging in the air, and they continued to tread carefully, each contemplating their next move.

In the midst of their seemingly casual conversation, George remained standing in front of Rudy, casually leaning on the platform where the coffee maker rested. He wanted to maintain a façade of normalcy, despite the turmoil brewing within him.

"So, Rudy," George began, his tone relaxed, "how are your exam preparations going? And how's Alice doing academically in school?"

Rudy took a thoughtful sip of his coffee before responding, "Well, my exams are coming along fine, thanks for asking. And Alice? She's a bright student, always at the top of her class." historical

The words exchanged between them appeared mundane, the kind of small talk one might expect between a father and his daughter's close friend. But underneath the surface, the atmosphere was charged with unspoken tension.

With a sip of his coffee, Rudy decided to venture into deeper territory. "You know, George, I've been thinking about Alice's future. What are your thoughts on letting her move out once she finishes high school and enrolls in a university in another city?"

George's expression remained stoic for a few seconds, his gaze locked onto Rudy's, neither of them blinking. It was a pivotal moment in their conversation, a topic that carried significant weight.

Finally, George broke the silence. "I've always said I want what's best for Alice. If she decides that moving to another city for her education is what's best for her, I won't stand in her way."

Their eyes remained locked, a silent battle of wills taking place beneath the surface. It was a contest of unspoken desires and hidden motives. And then, in a sudden, unexpected turn of events, Rudy placed his empty coffee cup down and stood up.

His index finger rose, glowing with a mysterious energy. With a mere thought, he manifested a magic ball, causing it to expand in size before his eyes. The ball was a vibrant display of ethereal colors, but then, as Rudy concentrated, it transformed into something far more ominous – a violent black matter ball, its size reduced to that of a mere pinpoint.

George watched in a mixture of awe and horror as the surreal scene unfolded before him. It was a stark reminder of the extraordinary powers Rudy possessed, powers that defied explanation and comprehension. The unspoken tension in the room had escalated into an unspoken threat, and George couldn't help but wonder what Rudy's intentions were.

'What's going on? Why is he revealaing his powers to me? Moreover, what is he planning? He shouldn't know who I am, so the possibility of him attacking me is little to none. Perhaps, he is trying to see my reaction? This insolent…. Is he trying to test me?'

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