Esper Harem in the Apocalypse

Chapter 953 Gruesome Act of a Father

Chapter 953 Gruesome Act of a Father

In that tense moment, the space outside Alice's room crackled with an eerie energy. George, his hands trembling with a mix of fear and determination, pointed them menacingly towards Alice's door. His voice quivered as he issued a dire warning to Rudy.

"Don't you dare take another step, Rudy," George growled, his eyes locked onto Rudy's. "I have an energy beam ready, and I won't hesitate to use it if you make any move."

He went on to describe the horrifying consequences of his energy beam. His words were chilling, painting a gruesome picture of what would happen if that deadly force touched a normal human. The graphic imagery he used made it clear that he wasn't bluffing.

The gravity of his threat was palpable. As if to emphasize the devastating power he held, George continued in a voice laden with dread, "You have no idea what this energy beam can do. If it touches a normal human, it's instant and agonizing death. Their flesh will sear and sizzle, peeling away from their very bones. Internal organs will liquefy, turning them into a grotesque, gooey mess. Even their bones won't survive; they'll crumble into ashes."

"And let's not forget, Rudy," George hissed, his voice strained, "that the same fate awaits Alice if you don't grant me what I need. All of this, everything I've done, is for the greater good of humanity. Spare me, Rudy, and let me create a better world."

The threat hung heavily in the air, a stark reminder of the power George held in his trembling hands. He pinned the responsibility for Alice's fate squarely on Rudy's shoulders.

Amid the heavy silence, Rudy's expression remained eerily stoic, his eyes locked on the door behind which lay Alice. He followed the trembling trajectory of George's hand as it pointed the lethal energy beam directly at her door. In a hushed tone that sent shivers down the spine, Rudy posed a chilling question, "You would kill your own daughter to save yourself?"

George's reply was chilling, his voice quavering as he denied that this was about self-preservation. "No, no, you misunderstand," George stammered, his gaze darting between Rudy and the door. "This isn't about me, it's about... it's for the greater good. Sacrifices must be made for the future of humanity."

George's response was as unsettling as the situation itself. He vehemently denied that his actions were driven by self-preservation. Instead, he painted them as a grim sacrifice for the greater good. His voice quavered as he argued that his death would pave the way for Rudy to bring about an apocalypse that would spell doom for all of humanity. He justified his actions by labeling Alice as a necessary sacrifice in his quest to create his dream world, for the betterment of all.

Rudy's voice remained cold and composed as he issued a haunting challenge, "Then do it, George. Unleash your energy beam upon her. Let's see if you can live with the consequences of your actions."

In the tense standoff, George found himself bewildered by Rudy's reaction. He had anticipated a different response, one where Rudy might beg him to spare Alice's life, driven by their deep affection for each other. After all, he knew how much Alice loved Rudy and how inseparable their bond was.

George believed that by threatening Alice's life, he would force Rudy to back down, to yield to his demands. But instead, Rudy issued an audacious challenge, defying George to carry out the very act he had threatened.

As George hesitated, searching for any sign of concern, for a flicker of hesitation, but found none. He began to doubt his own strategy. Had he miscalculated? Did Rudy truly believe George was bluffing, that he would never go through with it?

Anxiety gnawed at him as he contemplated his next move. He had viewed Alice as a mere tool, a means to an end, but the situation had taken an unexpected turn.

With a loud and anguished groan, George unleashed the deadly energy beam into Alice's room. The beam tore through the door and everything in its path, obliterating whatever lay within. The room was consumed in a cataclysmic explosion, leaving nothing but smoldering ruins. historical

George's gambit had irrevocably changed the course of their conflict, and the consequences of his actions hung heavy in the air like an ominous cloud.

George, having unleashed the devastating energy beam, felt utterly spent. His powers had been pushed to their limits, and it took a toll on him. He fell to his knees, gasping for breath, his trembling hands supporting him as he looked upon the obliterated space where Alice's room had once stood.

Exhausted, he turned his gaze toward Rudy, expecting to find his adversary equally devastated. George had hoped to see Rudy shocked, speechless, perhaps even broken by the gruesome death of his beloved Alice.

He had hoped that by sacrificing Alice, he could break Rudy's spirit, force him to yield to his demands. But what he saw left him utterly baffled.

But to George's profound bewilderment, he was met with a sight he hadn't anticipated. Rudy was not in shock or despair; instead, he was smirking. It was a sinister, triumphant smile that stretched across Rudy's face, sending chills down George's spine.

His eyes glinted with an unsettling mix of amusement and malevolence, as if the destruction of Alice's room had triggered something within him.

"You... you heartless monster," George stammered, his voice wavering, struggling to comprehend Rudy's reaction.

Rudy's smirk only widened, and he chuckled darkly. "George, you truly have no idea what you've done, do you?"

"What do you mean?" George asked with a confused look on his face. "I just killed Alice. I know you loved her! I have videos of you and her kissing and making out in her room… on her bed!"

"That's creepy pervert behavior right there."

"How can you still smile…?! Were you just playing with Alice's feelings?"

Rudy shrugged his shoulders and said, "I just just wanted to pass some time. Alice was naive and gullible. It didn't even take me a single effort to seduce her, you know?" Rudy's smirk grew wider.

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