Esper Harem in the Apocalypse

Chapter 226 Virgil

Chapter 226 Virgil

Rudy was walking in the hallway with quiet steps. He was wearing fantasy-like clothes that were in full red with golden embroidery in the middle, collar, and sleeves. He was wearing weary black pants that were tight around the legs but loose around the thighs. His neck was being covered by the big collar, while the sleeves were full, but Rudy had folded them into half as he didn't like to wear tight clothes.,

He was given black sneaker-like shoes too, but they were close to what one would imagine in a fantasy world.

Rudy walked to the end of the hallway and turned right to enter the balcony where Virgil was waiting for him.

The palace itself was on a mountain, so naturally, it was high ground. But the royal chambers were at the top of the palace, where only royal members were allowed to stay. Below that were the chambers for high vampires and then the mid vampires. But most of the mid and low vampires lived in their own houses in the city.

When Rudy reached the balcony, he found Virgil looking down at the beautiful view of the city. His hands were locked on the back, and he had a neutral expression on his face.

'Not going to lie, his presence does give off a kingly vibe. And I am surprised that I can feel it too. So it seems I was right. My powers can connect to the vampire world.'

Rudy now had a hope to be able to free Angelica from his body.

"I am surprised you found me here," Virgil said without turning to Rudy. "I waited for you at the dining table. Thought we would have a talk while eating, but you didn't show up, and I had to eat alone, which is, again, nothing new.

"You were easy to find," Rudy said in a sarcastic manner.

He was lying.

Rudy searched for Virgil in the entire palace, but because of his super-speed, he was able to search through the royal chambers in a few minutes. Most of the places were empty, and Rudy found it strange, but then he remembered the party last night and came to the conclusion they all must be sleeping after staying awake for the entire eight.

Sleep was an important routine of daily life, and it was a must. There was no being in the world who wouldn't like sleeping. Spending the entire day at work and coming home exhausted would naturally make one sleepy.

Thus, functions and parties that happens often renders one unable to sleep.

While Rudy felt like a genius after solving his own mystery, another mystery landed on his mind. And that was when he finally found Virgil.

Rudy looked up to see a half blue moon, a full red moon, and a 1/3rd white moon. However, even though it was morning, there was no sun. The sky was colored red and slightly close to orange and pink.

The scenery reminded Rudy of the sunset in the human world, which looked awfully familiar to what he was witnessing right now.

"Since this is a vampire world, I doubt there is a sun here," Rudy said while looking at Virgil.

"...." However, Virgil stayed silent and enjoyed the scenery.

"You seem awfully calm for someone who was caught on the bed with a family member," Virgil remarked.

"I have no reason to worry about anything. Nor do I care what you think, honestly. When we met last night, you seemed like a chill dude, but you turned out to be a pushover," he sighed and leaned on the ledge of the balcony without any fear of falling off.

"I am not sure what you are talking about, but the feeling is mutual. I don't care what you think. You are standing in my world, my palace, so you can't do what you want."

The expression on Virgil's face remained calm, but the tone of his voice described something else. historical

They both glared into each other's eyes but didn't bother to do anything.

"Let's talk it out," Virgil sighed and said, "I will go first."

'What happened to 'I don't care', huh?' Rudy uttered inwardly.

"You know why I called you here, or rather, why I wanted to have a talk with you." After a brief pause, Virgil furrowed his brows and said, "What you did with Jane is highly unacceptable. I thought you loved Rias and came here to save her. But you slept with her sister."


"No matter what you say or how you try to justify your action, you should know it better than anyone that it's just an excuse. Now, tell me, Rudy. How am I supposed to believe if you truly loved Rias or not?"

"What you said is undoubtedly true. But I would like to add that I slept with Jane because I wanted to. I could have slept with anyone, literally anyone. But I chose Jane, not because she is Rias' sister, because I wanted her."

Virgil raised his brow and asked, "Are you perhaps trying to say that you have fallen in love with Jane?"

"Yes, and I will make her happy. I take full responsibility for Rias and Jane. And you already know what I am capable of, so don't try to stop me."

"No matter how strong you are, you are still a human in the end. The vampires would never allow it since it's the biggest crime," Virgil said with a distant look on his face.

"Can't you just remove the rule? You are the Vampire Monarch, right? You should be able to do anything you want. You can make the rules and break them. Why should it matter?"

"You seem to misunderstand one thing. I may be the Vampire Monarch, but I don't possess the power to create the rules."

"They are not created by me in the first place," he added.

"Then who made them? Your ancestors?"

"Not quite right. If anything, these rules are created by someone greater than everything. They are created by our Lord."

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