Eternal Cultivation of Alchemy

Chapter 126

Chapter 126: Free Apartment

Chapter 126: Free Apartment

"You wanna ride that?" Hannah asked hesitantly while looking at a big Ferris wheel in front of her.

"Yeah, Hannah, let's ride that. Alex, you should ride that as well. Have you been on a Ferris wheel that big?" Hannah's friend, Vinny asked.

"No. We occasionally had a small one during the fairs, but those were like half the size of these," Alex said.

"Alright then, come on. It's my treat anyway," said Vinny as she dragged both of them along.

Vinny and Hannah were roommates that rented an apartment together. She had recently completed university, so she was leaving the city next week. So, as a sort of farewell party, she had decided to take Hannah to the amusement park. When she mentioned that she had a cousin in town that might also want to come to one, she had allowed Hannah to invite Alex.

Hannah's other friend that she used to live with had also completed university and had already left. While Hannah still had a few more months of study, so she was now going to be alone.

They got up on the Ferris wheel and started enjoying the experience as the Ferris wheel brought them up high. However, Alex didn't find the height scary at all.

'Is it because I am quite used to flying inside the game?' he wondered. Hannah seemed to be less phased by the height as well. While Vinny on the other hand was having the time of her life. Although he wasn't scared, he still enjoyed the experience of rapidly falling.

After 10 minutes, they came down of the Ferris wheel. Vinny took them to a lot of other sites in the amusement park. By the time they left the amusement park, it was already past 3 pm.

Vinny took the two to a restaurant to get something to eat. There, they started talking once more.

"Where are you at in EC, Alex?" Vinny asked while taking a bite out of her fries.

"EC… Eternal Cultivation? How did you know I played it?" Alex asked with a surprised face.

"Everyone plays it, haha. Besides, I think I remember Hannah mentioning something about it." Vinny said as she laughed.

"Yeah, Alex. You didn't mention last time where you were at. What continent are you in?" Hannah asked.

"Continent?" Alex said with puzzlement. "I don't really know what a continent is, but I'm in a place called Scarlet City in the Crimson Empire."

Hannah thought for a bit and said, "I haven't really heard about any empires called Crimson Empire in the game. Must be a different continent from the East then."

Vinny suddenly spoke as she thought, "Ah, I think I have heard about that Empire in the forums. The players say that none of the NPCs know what continent they are in. But, from their description of the place, it's full of trees and greenery, so I think it's not the northern continent that is completely frozen or the southern continent that is said to be barren for the most part, right? So, It has to be the western continent."

"Oh, the Western continent? I heard that it gets the least amount of players for some reason. Also, the NPCs from there have a very weak cultivation base" Hannah said

"Speaking of that, what cultivation base do you have, Alex?" Vinny asked.

"Oh, I am only at Bone Tempering 8th realm. I should reach Bone tempering 9th realm soon." Alex said.

"Huh?" Hannah exclaimed from the side. "Hasn't it been nearly a month since you started playing? How are you not even in the organ tempering realm yet? Don't you have a good cultivation method or money to buy pills?"

"Oh no, I'm fine on that aspect. My method is good. And also, I am an alchemist so I don't have to worry about pills." Alex said.

"Then why are you so slow?" Hannah asked. She seemed to be unusually frustrated for some reason.

"Oh, people in the game told me that it wasn't good to break through very fast. It destabilizes your cultivation base and as a result, your later realms become weaker, or breaking through gets harder." Alex answered.

"I haven't heard of anything like that," said Vinny. "I don't think the forums have something about it either."

"No, I think he is correct. Breaking through too fast does make you weaker. Now that I think about it, I might have been too fast as well. No wonder I am so weak compared to the other cultivators. I will have to make sure my cultivation base stabilizes now," Hannah said as she pondered a little. josei

They talked about a few other things but nothing important until the conversation shifted towards the capsules that were going to be released soon.

"Ah, I want one right now. It looks so good," said Vinny.

"Yeah. Hey Alex, are you going to get one? Or you can use my helmet instead," said Hannah.

"Oh, no sister. I can't have that. I have earned some money by selling pills. I will use them," said Alex. "Although, I'm not sure if I can even use it in the first place. My dorm might not allow it. If I want a capsule, I will have to leave the dorm."

"Hmm" Vinny hummed as she realized something. Hannah and Alex seemed to suddenly realize it as well. "Woah, you guys can stay together then. That works perfectly, right?" Vinny exclaimed.

Alex thought that was a good idea as well.

"Oh wow. I can't believe I didn't think of that before. I was dreading that I will have to leave the apartment or somehow find other people. But, if you come to live with me, my problems of being alone will be solved."

"Also, it seems you can solve your problem of not being able to play will be solved as well." Hannah said.

"I think that's a fantastic idea, sister. I will talk with the dorm staff tomorrow about my leaving in a week. And I will also call my parents."

Afterward, Hannah and Vinny walked back to their room, while Alex quickly returned back to his dorm room. It was a little late, so he didn't immediately log in. Instead, he called his parents and let them know about the situation. They were happy to hear that he would stay with his cousin.

Soon, he went and had his dinner. Only then did he finally log in for the night.

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