Eternal Cultivation of Alchemy

Chapter 1337 Trade

Chapter 1337 Trade


The Dragon Emperor started some small talk asking about how Alex got to be the king, about his family, and what he wanted to do.

Alex replied back, answering as openly about everything that was public knowledge already. He asked a few questions as well, none too intruding, and got some answers back.

He could tell that the Dragon Emperor was very much uninterested in this conversation but was keeping up the act so that he could please him. Well, Alex was doing the same as well, so he didn't mind.

The conversation went through different topics, allowing Alex to understand a little more about what was going on through this continent. Although, it seemed that the Dragon Emperor wasn't interested in his own empire either, and rather left it to the others to take care of.

He was only interested in being the emperor and having the power that came with being the emperor. Alex could understand that somewhat. Being alive for that long, one would be uninterested in a lot of things after a while.

"Is it really true that you've been alive for nearly 10 thousand years," Alex asked the man. 

"Hmm, has it been?" the Emperor thought. "I don't remember if I'm 10 thousand years old or not, but it has certainly been over 9 thousand years, so you can't be considered wrong."

"I'm curious about something. Why have you not broken through to the Immortal realms?" Alex asked. "Do you have a complication with your cultivation base?"

"No," the man said. "I have no problem. I can break through any time I want to."

"Oh! Then… there must be a reason why you still stay here," Alex said. "Is it for your children?"

"No," the Dragon Emperor said, looking toward the ceiling as if he were looking at the stars themselves. "It's because once I leave, I will be back to being the same weak person I was so many years ago."

Alex's eyes narrowed. 

"You're afraid of there being others that are stronger than you?" Alex asked. 

"Aren't you?" the Dragon Emperor asked. "Imagine you spent the majority of your life being the strongest person, only to end up as someone weak again. Don't you fear that?"

"No," Alex said, almost out of instinct before giving it a little thought. "Actually, yes. I do fear being weak. But… that doesn't necessarily mean that I will be weak forever."

"It will be a new land with new opportunities, wouldn't it?" Alex asked. "Surely with your capabilities, it wouldn't take you too long to at the very least not be a bottom feeder."

"Maybe, maybe not," the Emperor said. "The reason I became so strong so quickly was because I had opportunities. Born as the first prince of an empire helps you a lot, you know."

"All of which I won't have when I leave. When I leave, I will be all alone as well. Weak and alone, and there will hardly be a way to improve from that point," he said.

Alex didn't know what to say. Should he even say anything? Was there even a point in trying to convince this man?

"Of course," the Emperor continued. "If I had other ways of my own to improve myself once I went up there, or treasures that would aid me, I could certainly leave, can't I?"

"What do you mean?" Alex asked.

"Pill veins," the Emperor said. "If I was capable of making pill veins, I could be considered an important person. I could make my way into big sects, and be considered one of their talents. That way, I wouldn't have to search for opportunities myself. The others would provide it for me."

Yao Ning stared blindly from the side while Alex fell into a contemplation over the emperor's words.

"Certainly," he said. "That could be possible. Even so, I cannot simply hand over my secrets, Dragon Emperor. I hope you know that much at least."

The Dragon Emperor stared at Alex for a good while before shaking his head. "While I hoped for it, I never expected you to hand over your things on your own," he said. "I will make a proper trade with you."

"Trade what exactly, Emperor?" Alex asked. "As I mentioned before, I have multiple techniques and talents that help me with this. I'm not even sure I can even guarantee that you can form the pill clouds."

"You don't have to worry about much. Just give me exactly what I need. Give me as many things as there are, and I'll trade you for each of them for the value that each of them is worth," the Dragon emperor said.

Alex frowned a bit and looked toward Yao Ning who seemed troubled more than him.

"I… cannot make this decision right now. Would you mind if I discuss it with my elder?" he asked.

"No, no, please go on ahead. After all, your alchemy skills can be considered one of your continent's top secrets. I do not wish to have you make the decision without any thought," the Dragon Emperor said. 

Alex nodded. "I'll do that," he said and stood up to leave.

"Guqing, is the Swan courtyard ready?" the Dragon Emperor called for the old man that Alex had met outside.

"Yes, your majesty," the old man walked in from outside.

"Good," he said and turned toward Alex. "You have had a long journey, so please rest."

"Thank you," Alex said.

"But…" the Dragon Emperor continued. "Please do come up with an answer by the end of the show match that our alchemists will be having in 3 days."

Alex paused for a second. A deadline? He wanted to refuse just one principal to stick it up to someone who was giving him a deadline for something he should be happy to even get.

However, this wasn't the sort of man he could act that way against.

"I will try my best to come to a conclusion by that time," he said and walked away.

He walked away from the room while Yao Ning remained for a second longer, bowing toward the Dragon Emperor before she left as well.

The old man with a head full of white hair that went by the name of Guqing showed them through the palace.

Alex was a bit surprised that given how large the palace was, and given how much upkeep it needed, he hadn't seen anyone at all.

"Senior Guqing," Alex called out to him as they walked.

The old man seemed to freak out when he heard that. "Your majesty! Please do not call this humble servant a 'senior'. I do not deserve that level of respect from a monarch."

"Oh…" Alex was taken aback at his reaction. "It's alright. You are a senior in age. Can you tell me why I haven't seen any servants in this palace? There should be many here, shouldn't there?"

"The servants are here, your Majesty. They simply leave when they are made aware of our presence," the old man said. "They will return back as soon as we are gone from these corridors."

"I see." Alex nodded to himself.

They walked past a small open ground and arrived at a small courtyard that had big words written at the front gate.

Swan Courtyard.

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