Eternal Life

Chapter 1000

Chapter 1000: Poisonous drug king

Chapter 1000 Poisonous Drug King

Stepping into the "Old City of Mang", it is full of shops, restaurants, and wide streets, where monks walk around. A group of prosperous, most of these monks are fairy, can be described as a fairy like a cloud.

Fang Han looked at the past, those shops, restaurants are a space country, from the outside, its appearance is not good, after entering, is a gorgeous world.

There are masters sitting in the town, can not be hard, otherwise, it will encounter strangulation.

The entire "Old Mang" is like a huge hive, a restaurant inside, a shop. They are all one-piece honeycombs, embedded in the depths of time and space, evolved into a kingdom, very mysterious and unfathomable.

A lot of great people breathe out and pass it from inside.

Fang Han converges on his own breath, with a faint smile on his face, but his heart is constantly calculating. He wants to see it. The genius of the Yuhua Gate in Zhongzhou, the ancient city of Mang, is the person who is the messenger of heaven?

Now, he knows a little about the distribution of forces in the heavens. It is basically countless big sects, countless big forces, presenting the princes and the kings, but the kings of these princes are obeying a " heavenly court." Mysterious ancient, and distant "the heavens."

The will of this "the heavenly court", in the very old age, was presided over by the king of the sacred kings, and the giants of the heavenly kings were obeyed, obeying the command of creation. However, after countless robberies, the sacred kings gradually disappeared, and those ancient princes took power.

Heaven, also gradually lost the majesty of the year.josei

However, the present heaven is still very horrible, countless big forces, countless big sects, and send their elite disciples into it, taking some of the power. It is convenient for yourself.

Therefore, only the Zhongzhou Kings School, the genius disciple of Yuhuamen, became the messenger of the heavens.

"Feathering the door", this sect associated with Fang Hanyi's life, can not be ignored.

As early as in the secular, he knew that there was also a feathering gate in the heavens, but unfortunately, the feathering of the ascension has lost contact with the feathering gate of the heavens.

Now, Fang Han is trying to see what the prosperity of the heavenly gate is like. The king of Zhongzhou is a big faction. It seems that the name is very extraordinary.

However, he does not want to meet the talented disciple of the door, saying that he is the head of the lower boundary feathering door. We must wait until the injury is restored, and thoroughly refine the Golden Fairy Law.

"Predecessors, the biggest medicinal materials trade here, called Dashantang, is opened by the people of Dashan School. This martial art school has ten Xuanxian towns. In the Qianshan School of Mangshan, it ranks extremely high, far away from us. Re-education. Their business is very extensive, basically some of the rare medicinal herbs in the heavens have." Chen Yan introduced to Fang Han.

"Yes? Go in and see."

Fang Han stepped to the door of a huge pharmacy. The medicinal hall was marked with two words. "Dashan", the ancient stone gate, is actually a "stone of the gods" mixed with countless immortal **** iron forging, a medicine The gas is coming from the surface, which mixes the taste of at least 100 million kinds of herbs.

"Sure enough, it is a celestial martial art, and it is different from the secular. In the secular, there are not many herbs in the medicine **** valley." Fang Han nodded, and had already calculated it according to the smell, he had to refine the king of "the ancient holy spirit Dan" Most of the medicinal herbs are available.

"This monk, what medicine do you want to buy? Is it alchemy, but also buy medicinal herbs directly?"

As soon as I entered the door, two or three people wearing pharmacist robes came over, and all of them were fairy. Looking at Fang Han, the body was shocked. It seemed to be a slight notice of his cultivation. It was beyond the fairy. Exist, immediately respectful.

What Fang Han is showing now is beyond the cultivation of the fairy, and most people think that he is a god. This kind of cultivation can shock a large part of people.

"I want to buy some of the medicine." Chen Yan quickly handed a page of gold on the hand.

"These herbs......." Several "Dashantang" Tianxian looked at the tens of thousands of materials written on this page of the gold book, all of which showed a shocking color.

"These herbs are very rare. We have to deploy them in the Great Hall. Please also go to the VIP room to sit down." Now, a fairy will invite Fang Han and Chen Yan to the VIP room, and several of them will take it. The medicine is going inside. Obviously it is a big business and needs to be reported.

Fang Han and Chen Yan came to the VIP room and saw an amazing scene.

The VIP room is a huge platform with a throne on the top, and outside the platform is a vast space. In that vast space, there are countless huge planets floating like a universe.

These planets are much larger than the worldly planets, not naturally derived, but shaped by human power.

On those planets, many of the immortals, the elixir, are seen, and they look like giant medicines. It’s a big deal.

At a glance, the planet is endless. There are some tastes of the creator.

However, standing on this platform, you can only watch, and can not enter the universe to get herbs, fairy beasts and other treasures.

Because in the void, countless powerful symbols, banned, and the fairy tales are flashing, blocking the people who dare to go to the thunder pool.

"Hey, this is the means to shape the universe? In the rumors, when you cultivate to the realm of the gods, you can have this means." Chen Yanzhen snarled.

"This is not a big deal." Fang Han smiled softly: "This universe has been shaped a little smaller. The understanding of some rules is still not very profound. Some rules of this universe are incompatible with the rules of heaven. If anyone Destruction can be destroyed immediately."

His words spread out slightly, seemingly spread far away, and seemed to be in the ear.

"Hey! The universe that the old man worked so hard to create, and display the heavens and the earth. Law, actually you are said to be nothing, boy, your tone is very big...."

A voice, passed over, the virtual micro-microwave movement, transmitted in the space of this VIP room, a great pressure, the pressure against the cold.

Chen Yan slammed, almost smashed down, her eyes filled with fear, that is the power of Xuan Xian, she knows clearly.

A mysterious fairy, even if it was besieged by thousands of immortals, was also slaughtered and cleaned. The two are not a rank.

However, in the following, Fang Han’s sleeves glanced, and she immediately disappeared as all the pressures of the spring breeze.

I saw that an old man stepped out from the void and came to Fang Han to find a seated throne. He looked up and down Fang Han: "When did you send such a person? Master? What is Xuandu’s old?"

"what is your name?"

Fang Hanyi's finger, the universe that was blocked by Fuxi, moved a bit. There are countless stars in it, and there is a feeling of peristalsis. It is faintly visible to see the infinite beasts, and the living creatures are running like a disaster.

"You! Actually can shake my art of heaven!" The old man's eyes moved, his fingers followed the rhythm of Fang Han, and a large fairy font "An" suddenly appeared in the air, and all the vibrations disappeared immediately.

The party was cold and cold, but it was no longer hands-on.

"What? You are not saying that you can incite the universe I created?" The old man sneered and said: "The old man's surname Ji Mingfeng. About you heard about my name."

"Poisonous drug Wang Jifeng!"

Chen Yan was shocked and almost fainted in the past: "He once made a move, poisoned all the masters of the three sects, and even included three mysteries in the same realm!"

"Small girl is good, but I still know some things that the old man used to do. The old man's Taoism, since it is called a poisonous hand, can poison everyone, claiming to be a drug king, and can save all people." The poisonous drug Wang Jifeng sat, Like the emperor who controls life and death, watching Fang Han: "You are the guest of my great church, so the old man will not say anything to you. But if this is a good hall, if you still have such words and deeds, then the old man will Absolutely can't hold you. Ok, now let's talk about business. The medicinal herbs you want, I am afraid to refine a legendary Wang Pinxian, but Wang Pinxian, you need Jinxian big giant to be able to refine. Your cultivation is impossible, and it is impossible to refine. But if we do business, as long as you are out of the Yuan, we will dare to sell, a price...."

"Wait....." Fang Han gestured.

"How?" The poisonous hand medicine Wang Jifeng's face was cold, and there was a bit of awkwardness in his look. "Do you want to do business?"

"Of course I want to do business, but I am quite proficient in some poisonous techniques. I can hear the name of your poisonous drug king. I can’t help but itch. How about gambling? How can I gamble if you win? Give it to me, if I lose, oh, the mysterious law of this body, even my flesh and blood, is yours." Fang Han talked with a trace of provocative taste.

"What? You want to gamble with me?" Wang Jifeng, the poisonous drug, did not seem to hear clearly, his face changed, and then he laughed: "Very good, very good, I have been poisoned, and I have already cultivated to reach the poisonous world." In the realm, one of the three thousand avenues, the great poisonous technique, has also been built to the point of having Yuanling, reincarnation and reincarnation. Actually, someone who gambles with me is really overjoyed and overjoyed."

Putting the magical power in the body into a small person, owning the soul, reincarnation and reincarnation, forming a single individual, this is the realm of mysterious and mysterious, even if it is among the mysterious immortals, few people can cultivate and succeed.

This poisonous drug king has become a master among the mysterious immortals.

"Do you still gamble or not?"

"Of course, gambling, this is what you said, little girl, you will be a witness!" Wang Jifeng, the poisonous drug, flew up. Suddenly, the poisonous mist filled the universe, and the whole universe was dead.

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