Eternal Life

Chapter 1008

Chapter 1008: Various services (1)

Chapter 1008 Each of the ministers (1)

The spiritual vein under the ancient city of Mang is the largest of the entire 360-mile-long Mang Mountain. It contains endless gas of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty and even has its own spirit. The entire city is oppressed on the top, and the force is imprisoned, slowly extracting its original qi, refining it, becoming the life and wealth of many monks.

Of course, the spiritual veins are not completely composed of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, but also mixed with the underground vitality, all kinds of mantles, some ancient souls of the ancient heavens sleep in the residual ideas.

Taking advantage of the spirit of the spirit, but also to refine, in accordance with the various methods of vomiting, condensed into a symbol, turned into a pure Yuan Shiqi, or medicinal.

Refining and purging the spirit is also a complicated process. It is a must for every monk.

But now, the means of Fang Han's refinement is not what the average monk can compare. As long as this huge spiritual pulse is extracted and sealed, it will enter the thirty-three days to the treasure, and the eight bas-reliefs, without thousands of celestial years, can be completely refined and turned into a gas of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, with great wealth.

"This Mount Mang, speaking, is also a land of feng shui, with such a huge pulse."

Fang Han is facing the ground, and has made thousands of handprints. Countless Laws of Da Luo, deep into the ground, began to seal the pulse, the earth is shaking, the mountains are collapsing, the river is breaking, and there are countless birds and beasts in the distance, and they are running away in horror.

The heavens are full of pure yang, and even the most common creatures are grown up in pure yang. So the most common birds and beasts have longevity and secrets, and even some tyrannical monsters are beyond Tian Xian.

However, now Fang Han, the monk, has to charge the biggest spiritual pulse, it is really scaring these monsters.

It turns out that in the ancient city of Mang, countless masters dare not charge this way, or even can't do it. There is such a monk now, and people have to think that it is a disaster.


The spirit of the underground, shaking his head and shaking his head, the huge vitality, rising from the sky, the space was shaken everywhere. The ground collapsed, and among the numerous huge crypts, the light of Changhong was sprayed out, and the ground and the fire spurted out. These Changhong, the ground and the fire, each of them is equivalent to a master of Xuanxian peak in full force attack.

This is the resistance of the earth's veins.

In general, Xuan Xian took the local veins and was already shocked.

However, Fang Han is now a half-step golden fairy power, and Da Luo's law is majestic, which is unmatched by any Xuan Xian. He saw that the spirit of the rebellion was so powerful that his face changed, and Zhangkou squirted a crack in the network and shrouded it.

"Da Luo Jinxian, the trajectory of the sky, the creation of cracks, the origin of the **** fist."

The big net was sown, infiltrated into the ground, and the huge veins were shrouded in a moment. The sky was roaring, the volcano erupted, and thousands of large suffocating swells rose up, making the entire ancient city of Mang a mess.

Fang Han did not care, the big hand caught, the raging fire, grab the spirit.

At this time, almost all the people in the ancient city of Mang saw a big man like a god, and they were covered in golden light, such as the heavenly sun, giving a big hand, grabbing the ground, between the big floor blocks and the land, a white dragon with a length of thousands of miles, was Grabbed from the ground, roared in the air, and the space ruptured.

However, no matter how the white dragon struggled, it was in the mastery of the big man. Then, there was a huge portal in the sky, with the supreme breath, to collect this dragon.

Everything in the sky, the earth, the ocean, and the void is stopped.

Throughout the ancient city of Mang, peace was achieved, but many exotic flowers began to wither, and many spaces supported by the power of the spirit began to wither, and were subsequently destroyed by the rules of time and space of heaven.

Originally, the ancient city of Mang looked far away, Xiaguang Wandao, such as the Holy City, but now the loss of the spirit, immediately faint light, like a young and vigorous young people suddenly aging, dying.

"All the masters, all of them are obeying! Otherwise, killing innocents, I am a mysterious person, today I want to unify Mount Mang, all the big men have been killed by me!"

In the ancient city of Mang, Chen Yan’s voice was conveyed. At this time, her confidence was also raised. After actual combat, there was a big man’s mentality.

On the spot, after killing a few gods, after dozens of fairy gods, all the masters in the ancient city of Mang, who saw the great magical powers of Fang Han’s collection of the spirits, all expressed their disappointment to Chen Yan.

Some masters of "Dashan Hall" and "Zhen Yuezong" have offered their own treasures and elixir, indicating that they belong to the Xuanzhong School.


A space was torn, and the Xuanzang Taoist drilled out of the crack in the space. When he saw the scene, he almost stunned and fell to the ground.josei

"you you you you….."

He pointed to the cold of the soul, and could not speak.

"How? Xuan Zang Laodao, I just told you to come, is to let you collect the wealth here, from then on, your mysterious mountain gate, must be carried forward." Fang Han pointed to Xuan Zangdao, smiled.

"You have provoked a terrible disaster! I am tired of my mysterious sentiment." Xuan Zangdao is like a earthy color. "Shangzi Luo is the guardian of heaven. You killed him and destroyed so many sects. One day, Tianting will definitely I know that when we send a large army to come to the memorial, we will all die without a place to die."

"Haha, Xuan Zangdao, you are not a monk, timid, or a fairy?" Fang Han laughed: "You see, so much wealth, Yuan Shi Dan medicine, let you ask, when today There is no leader in the group, and there is no real master-artification of the king in the heavens. The princes and the princes are fighting together. The kings will fight for the world, and I will naturally plunder the world, annex the air, and strengthen myself, and starve to death and timid. Come over!"

When he was caught in the void, Xuanzang Daofei flew up. How to resist was useless and fell into his big hands.

"What are you doing?" Xuan Zang Taoist people face the cold and fierce gods, face like earth.

"Nothing, you are the ancestor of the Xuanzhong School, together with Chen Yan, to collect the wealth of this ancient city. After this, this Chen Yan is the head of your mysterious school, you have to assist her, put the whole Mount Mang The martial art, all surrendered, and since then, the entire Mang Shan, all attributed to mysterious, all the spirituality, integrated into one, know?"

Fang Han sneered at Xuan Zang Dao.

"This...." Xuanzang Dao people saw the power of Fang Han, but there are some heartbeats, the entire Mang Mountain, how many spiritual veins? How many wealth has been saved by thousands of monks? If all is collected, then with so much savings, the repair will definitely advance by leaps and bounds.

Moreover, among some big sects, there is also the existence of fairy wares. After they are acquired, the whole body is a fairy weapon, and the combat power is increased tenfold. Even if the heaven court knows it, it is enough to escape.

"Good! The old way is to fight, the rich and the dangerous, and now it is indeed the chaos of heaven, the heavenly princes and the princes, the dragon snakes fight for hegemony, I Xuan heavy faction occupied Mangshan, the resources are integrated, the strength is 10,000 times, the heavens are also The messenger will be sent to appease. And the Protoss is now attacking the heavens, and the heavens may not be able to separate the experience to manage our small place in Mangshan."

Xuan Zangdao people have a heart.

"Well, I have said that I will give you some rules of the Golden Fairy. I will not renege on my words. Xuan Zangdao, I am now promoting your strength. It will enable you to have enough means to suppress some of the thousands of sects."

Fang Han grabbed it with a hand, and a golden luster appeared in his hand and directly entered the body of Xuanzang.

This group of Golden Fairy is not his own, but a small part of the seal from the commercial. However, he entered the body of Xuan Zang, and the body of the raging singer was really burning, and it began to burn. This Xuan Zang Taoist's body, the old dragon's body, actually glowed with youthful luster.

It turns out that the Xuan Zang Taoist was unable to understand the Law of Da Luo, and that after tens of thousands of Heavenly Years, he would die and die.

Now, Fang Han's little golden fairy law has entered his body, which has added a lot of life to him. At the same time, his strength, cultivation, and realm are all improving, and he does not know how much stronger than the ordinary Xuanxian.

Fang Han This is cultivating this person.

"Go! Wings of Liberty!"

A pair of light blue wings like the sky reached the body of Xuanzang. "This pair of fairy wings will be loaned to you. You will immediately walk around Mangshan, and each sect will let the masters of them become masters." All come to listen to my orders, otherwise I will immediately take the pulse and destroy it!"

"Wings of Freedom....." Xuanzang's old road was shocked. He dared not to violate the command of Fang Han. When the wings flashed, he shuttled through the city and collected wealth. Then, after a shock, disappeared in Mangshan, notice The masters of the major sects have gone.

Fang Han nodded and looked at Chen Yan: "You have reorganized these people one by one. I am here to build a kingdom of gods, practice supreme power, wait for thousands of sects to come to the DPRK, and today, You are the owner of the entire Mount Mang."

"Yes, seniors!"

Now Chen Yan is the heart of the heart, followed by Fang Han.

Fang Han was sitting in the air, suddenly shocked, countless gods, from the sky, changed into the kingdom of the gods, surrounded themselves in the middle.

He began to cultivate, and collected the spiritual veins under the ancient city of Mang, and killed so many masters, eight Xuan Xian, Shangzi Luo, have to digest again, improve the cultivation, and strive to become a golden fairy as soon as possible, at that time, It is possible to promote the heavens and to be free.

Among the heavens, the big man is still Jinxian. Although there are ancestors, Yuanxian, Shengxian and Xianxian above the Jinxian, these immortals are old antiques that have not been born for hundreds of millions of years.

"Shangzi Luo, come out, let me see, how did I refine you?" Fang Han sat down, arranged the kingdom of the gods, and secretly hidden the ancient country of the demon, the land of bliss Among them, after a shock, the commercial seal of the crackdown seal was released.

The body of Shangziluo contains the mystery of the feathering gate, and the rule of the golden fairy, all kinds of treasures, after refining, Fang Han is closer to Jinxian.

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