Eternal Life

Chapter 1198

Chapter 1198: Enmity

Chapter 1198


Fang Han screamed, the sound of the circle suddenly burst out, and it was condensed into a large array of notes in the air. Those notes were the seeds of the truth, floating like rain, and even blocking all the sons of the solitary family.

The sacred sons of these solitary families, even though they shined brightly, could not eliminate the seeds of the notes, and were trapped in a large array. One by one, they were dizzy by the notes, and they could not recover the spirit.josei

One of the saints, shouting and screaming, suddenly turned around, and there was a fierce gunmanship on his hand. Reflected, a bang, a big gun was pulled out from nothingness, the gun head was bright, and all kinds of fierce gods were emitted. It turned out to be the head of the square cold.

"The solitary gun, the Wanxiong one, the world is lonely, and it is immortal."

Followed by the big gun is a tall saint, long hair shawl, full body clothes white, naturally there is a style of riding the wind Yuyun, his big gun into the dragon, invincible.

No one expected this gun to kill.

The painting of the reincarnation of Sun Poetry is furious. "Lonely man, you dare to enmity!" But it was stopped by Fang Han.

Fang Han faced the gun, and the palm of his hand shrank, suddenly turned over, like a dragon to the sea to fight out, the big hand cover the sky, covering the sky, directly collided to the gunpoint.

A bamboo-like sound, Fang Han’s big hand was killed on the tip of the gun. The shotgun first completed a bow, then burst open and burst into pieces of thousands of pieces, while the tall white man with a gun behind Du Guxia’s body flew out and spit blood.

Fang Han took a breath in the air, and all the fragments of the gun were turned into a piece of real dragon into his mouth, swallowed into the crystal of the country.

"That shotgun is the forging of the ancient sacred iron on the mountain of the solitary family. It is a pure martial art killer. Although it is a pure martial art killer, it is hard enough to match the best genius. Crush."

"All things are dragons, this rumor is the dragon's secret technique. Only those who have been refined into the dragon's supreme magic weapon and the eight floating sects can learn. Is there also eight floating sects on this wind? The heavens can refine the success of the eight floating sects. There are not many masters. Among the disciples of the lower generation, I know that the talented disciples of the Heavenly Prison, Tu Gang, can possess.

"The strength of this wind is much stronger than that of Tu Gang."

"It is indeed tyrannical, strong and has no side, and can be compared with Xiaoshihuang Song Tengfei and several peerless metamorphosis."

"What should I do?"

"It seems that I can't compete with him."

Fang Han’s hand directly smashed the gun of the lonely family’s master, the solitary singer, and shocked the other side to vomit blood. The other sects, especially the other sects, the many sons of the psychic sects, talked about it.

"I am alone, I am kind enough to save you, or else, this group of ancient magic can smash you, you are not only grateful, but instead of me, what is your heart?"

After Fang Han’s attack on Du Guxia’s vomiting blood, he did not start, but his eyes swept away and looked at the people of this group of solitary families: “When you hate the enemy, is it so tired, is it tired?”

"Wind! You are this 挟恩图报." Lonely Xiamen looked pale, barely turned his vitality to the whole body, only recovered, and he felt distressed at the gun, an angry saying: "And you are a conspiracy, say Uncertain, that group of ancient magic hearts is what you called. You, Xingyuehua, the Taoist Taoist priests, this is his calculation, you see that we kill the ancient magic heart so tired, and he It’s just that you just repelled the apes, and there’s no one who is stupid?”

"What?" Fang Han's face is cold: "It seems that it is really good for people to do. I am kindly saved. In your mouth, it has become a conspiracy. Turning black and white, confusing right and wrong, it seems that you are good at it."

"Wind, our Solitary family is not willing to be against you." A sacred woman standing alone: ​​"But I don't want to deal with you too much, do your chess, now we believe that you saved us. We will Give you enough compensation, say, how many first-order threads do you need?"

“How many threads? Do you think that I will lack the pulse?”

Fang Han smiled.

"Wind brother, this thing, how do you deal with it? This group of sons of the Solitary family does not seem to be wooing. Now it has intensified the contradiction. Do you want to kill them all? If this is the case, though In the future, we will have a unique enemy, the enemy of the solitary family..."

Sun Shi painting saw such a scene and passed on the mind to Fang Han.

"Kill it? Although they will be enemies, they have not yet reached the point of killing them." Fang Han shook his head and turned to think: "Since you don't want to be drawn by us, then let them go. If you don't want to. Ren Ying, you two, you want to ask for the thread."

"it is good!"

I got the guidance of Fang Han’s god, and the sacred woman of Yuhuamen’s vain cloud, Ren Ying stood up: “We are not difficult to raise the door. Since the road is different, there is nothing to say, then there is nothing to say, you After some spirituality, let us clear. Since then, do not talk about enmity, just trade, so that you have a total of twelve saints here, according to each person, five hundred first-order Count, give six thousand spirits."

"What? Six thousand? You don't want the lion to open a big mouth." The saint of the Solitary family angered.

"Forget it, six thousand will be six thousand." Du Guxia stopped this saint and said: "Give the spirit, we will be two clear, just if this happened, you Yuhuamen and Taiyi We are not willing to participate in the battle of the door."

Between the talks, Du Guxia flew out a first-order vein, and turned into a long white dragon in the air, flying to the cold.

Fang Han stepped forward and grabbed all the spirits into the hands with a big hand. When you watched it a little, these six thousand spirits were really good goods, which were obviously intercepted from the king's spirit. It has a high value, so it is collected.

"Go, let's go!" The solitary garden greeted the saint's saint, and flew away, and quickly went away. Several ups and downs disappeared.

About half an hour later, Du Guxia and others have completely left this place. One of the saints said: "There was a waste of 6,000 first-order spirits. It is really abominable. Xia brother, what do you think? The doorman is really aggressive, and I can't swallow it in this tone."

"I can't swallow." Duo Zao Xia said: "The wind is too deceiving. I really want to use my little favors, I want to take my solitary family as a chess piece. How is this possible? And it ruined me. Rod shotgun, this hatred is not good enough to give up. Just the reason why I gave the pulse, reluctantly cut love, it is a plan to slow down, now we use the knife to kill people, completely kill this person, to vent my hatred."

"What is Xia's brother ready to do? Is it to summon our other masters of the Solitary family? Let's unite together to get a fair?" A holy girl.

"No, when we traded, we have already cleared up. The convener went forward and asked what justice?" Du Guxia shook his head: "I have another plan to inform this one of the many masters of Taiyimen. Naturally, I can use the knife to kill people, and I can also take the opportunity to pull up the relationship with the little stone emperor Song Tengfei of Taiyimen. At that time, it is not a two-pronged one. Since there is a bad breath in the chest, can you get a lot of benefits?"

"The brothers are wise, and it is wisdom to go to heaven. The little stone emperor is the king of the fairy. The archaic stone of the ancient times was reincarnation, and the rich heritage, the wind is a nouveau riche who has the inheritance of the bones." Hey! He laughed: "In his rumor, he was very generous. We told him this news that we can definitely get a lot of benefits. In the Taiyi Gate, there are so many reincarnations of the saints, just give me some benefits, more than 6,000 threads. It is."

"Yes, why didn't we think of killing people with a knife? But will we offend the door?" A saint.

"Hey! That's nothing." Du Guxia said: "Small stone emperor was repaired into Yuanxian, and at the same time merged with the body of Fengshen stone monument, it can suppress everything, and it will last forever. The wind is just in his hand. Oh, it’s enough to kill him. When the time is all the sons of the door are gone, what are you guilty of?

"Yes, yes, only the dead Feather of the Feathers is the good Son." The son of a solitary family nodded and was very gloomy.

"The dead Feather of the Feather of the Gate is a good Son. This is a good sentence. Let's go to find Song Tengfei. I have had a relationship with a disciple of Yuhuamen. You can contact him." "He didn't want to think about it. I didn't have an intersection with them, but the relationship with Taiyi was secretly good. How could he deal with Taiyi for his little favor?"

The people of the Solitary family disappeared into the air and went to search for "Little Stone Emperor" Song Tengfei, to kill people with a knife.

In situ.

The ancient magical heart, the Fang Han, the descendants of the Houmen, and the disciples of the Taoist Taoist, slowly flying in the air, especially several of the leaders, have gathered together, what is being discussed .

Needless to say, the people of the Shenhou Houmen do not have to say that nature and Fang Han have drawn a relationship, and the many sons of the Taoist Taoist sect did not learn the same as the ones, but they came together.

Fang Han, Sun Shihua, Xingyuehua of Shenmen Houmen, and a middle-aged man, wearing a psychic robes, embroidered with many clouds, gathered together.

This middle-aged man seems to be not under Sun Poetry. He is a leader of the Tongling Taoist sage, called "Suiyu". The body seems to be a void, and a powerful existence can be summoned from it at any time.

Tongling Daozong, who is good at psychic, is summoned from a variety of different space, summoned a powerful presence to help the war, its own strength is also very good, good at martial arts, although not as good as the door, too one of these kings But there are also Supreme Emperors sitting in town.

Now Fang Han is to draw them together to deal with Tai Yimen, and to send Xiao Shihuang Song to fly out.

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