Eternal Life

Chapter 1280

Chapter 1280: Achievement saint

Chapter 1280 Achievement Saints

"The full force of more than one hundred saints adds up. What kind of realm is this?" The spirit of the Sword of the Church, the twelve-winged woman shocked: "This day the robbery has passed, is he? Have you ever been robbed?"

"No, there is the last number of robbery, no robbery. He has already passed through the robbery, the chaos robbery, the sky robbery, and the rest should have a heavy rob, only the infinite robbery has passed, can become a true saint, Condensed the heavenly sanctuary and turned into the law of the Holy Immortal."

The Emperor suddenly shouted.

At this moment, Fang Han stood in the air, motionless, and the atmosphere was peaceful. The robbery cloud of the robbery had also dissipated. It seemed that he had survived the robbery, but his body did not break out of the sage's earth-shaking atmosphere. It is only the sacred breath that is constantly concise, and it seems that it is still the last one.

Nourish and nourish.

At this moment, there was a lot of light on the sky, and those bright lights stunned and stunned. Even if the saints looked at them in the past, I am afraid that the eyes will be hedged.

"There is no amount of robbery! Look at Fang Han can not get through, my God, this robbery is even difficult for me." Yu Huang sighed, pinched a cold sweat for Fang Han.

As soon as the voice fell, a bright sky spurred the body of Fang Han. Immediately, the body of Fang Han was almost evaporated, and the crystal **** was turned into a crystal fog. The light was warm, boiling, and even the space evaporated. Formed a blank.

"This is a lot of light."

"Every light has the power to kill the saints, no less than the blow of the king's fairy. It was born from the infinite void, specifically to eliminate the existence of the anti-sky."

Wang Pinxian, the sword of the temple, has some fearful words: "Our magic weapon is most afraid of this kind of robbery. This kind of robbery can completely evaporate all of our bodies, and destroy them completely. It was a magic weapon. When it was actually robbed, it attracted such a lot of light. It was really horrible."

"This is also a way of no way. Every practice that he cultivates is incomparable. When combined, he has already captured the creation of heaven and earth, causing the rebellion of the rules of heaven and earth." Yu Huang shook his head and looked helpless. I can't help him now. This level of robbery is no less than my world."

The infinite radiance of the road was on the body of Fang Han, and his body was evaporating a lot. However, his resilience was extremely tyrannical, almost instantaneously evaporated, and he recovered instantly. Instead, he showed the infinite light at the moment of recovery. The dragon is transformed into a light dragon. Infiltrating into the body, even the crystal **** of the whole body, also exudes the same amount of light.


The infinite light in the sky saw the coldness of the square, suddenly changed, turned into a bright flame of flowers, overwhelming, the snow fell down, the power suddenly increased ten times, and the flames penetrated into the body of the cold. , actually caused his own spontaneous combustion.

No amount of fire!

Yu Huang screamed.

However, it didn't take long for Fang Han to rely on his own strength, meaning to resolve the infinite fire, but close to, no amount of water, no amount of sand, no amount of giant wood, no gold, all fell, according to the five elements of each other, directly killing.

Fang Hanhai Nabaichuan, looked up, opened his mouth, reached the back, what countless robbery, all swallowed into the abdomen, turned into a real dragon, wandering around the body, his Buddha shines, the light is shining, the fairy is billion, the devil Clouds roll, master Wanxiang education, and take charge of the Holy Path.

In the end, an infinite **** appeared in the air, was crushed by his palm, and then swallowed directly. The mana of the whole body soared again, almost equal to the sum of more than 300 saints, and survived this innumerable robbery.

"It’s horrible to get through it in such a fast time. It’s a horror, and he became a saint.” Yu Huang snorted and saw Fang Han’s body move, and there were three hundred and sixty identical bodies behind his body. Everyone sends out the breath of the saints. It is simply from the point of view of mana, and it is no longer weaker than the Emperor of the Immortal.

Such a powerful saint, the Emperor has never seen it.

"The realm of saints is divided into three or six, etc., but now, even the sage of the highest realm I have ever seen, the master of the semi-premium level, there is no tyranny like Fang Han, he does not say anything else, he relies on this body. Mana is also the first of the saints."

The sacred sword is a spiritual path.

"Indeed, not to mention the magic weapon on his body, he relied on the mana of this body to meet the ordinary emperor to the immortal, he can completely protect himself. The general to the emperor can not kill him." Yu Huang's eyes are very quasi.

"After no robbing, it will become a bright sacred, educate the heaven and earth, hold the handle........" In the air, the square suddenly burst into a burst of momentum, stepping up nine steps, "Ninety-nine supreme, supreme Great."

At this moment, Fang Hanjun has come to the world and truly made the Supreme Saint.

The law of the Holy Spirit in his body is hundreds of times larger than the ordinary saint. The three great saints, the sorrowful saint, the treasure saint, the life of all the sacred holy. Now it has been melted and become his own essence, even if it is a master, it is impossible to resurrect the three.

Fang Han was able to temporarily resurrect the Zen Emperor, because the other's body is still there. The complete existence, and now the body of the three great saints has completely disappeared, it can be described as the destruction of the gods, which is completely unable to find traces of existence.

"Hey teacher brother, I have made a saint, and now the strength has increased by a hundred times. Even if it is the emperor, I am afraid I will not be able to kill me." Fang Han’s strength in running the whole body is very happy, a little meaning, immediately a heavenly sanctuary appears. In the air, wrap yourself, the sacred scriptures are descended one by one, and all things in the world are taught to free all beings. This is the supreme merit.

Fang Hanxiu became the "Shengxian" position.

He even felt that he could refine Wang Pinxian.

He opened his mouth and spurred the temper of "Supreme Wanbao Dashengzheng", and immediately took a lot of thick and precious treasure from the treasure world. Those treasures, injected into the wings of freedom, the legendary shackles, their own bodies, the eight floating sects, and even the totems of the cans, are directly absorbed, the strength of these treasures climbs, and as he repairs, the waters rise.

"Unfortunately, the wings of freedom, the legendary two babies. To refine the king of the fairy, do not know how many rules of the sacred fairy, I am not enough to fill in. There is no promotion trend in the thirty-three days to the treasure, if I am able to enter the treasure world, crazy melting Wang Pinxian, but it can be promoted." Fang Han secretly sighed.

Now thirty-three days to the treasure, still can not be promoted.

It is still "semi-excellent" and even the best of the best, the law is full, and the only thing is the lack of artifacts.

It is a pity that the fragments of the artifacts have never appeared. There is no way for Fang Han.

"Weird, I just took advantage of the treasure, why can't I feel the traction of the treasure?" Suddenly, Fang Han's mind moved, and the feeling in the midst of a rush came to my heart.

"What's the matter? Fang Han?" Yu Huang saw Fang Han's face change, thinking that something went wrong, and asked quickly.

"I don't feel the traction of the treasure world, which means that I can now absorb the treasures of the treasures unscrupulously and exercise the magic weapon without any restrictions."

Fang Han immediately told his feelings to the Emperor.

Yuhuang immediately experimented on his own, but still felt the strong traction force of the treasure world, could not help but mutter, "strange things, strange things, this is strange, this is strange."

"There may be chaos that Tianjun went to the treasure world and won this welfare for you. I have some clear in the treasure world. The eye of the treasure-monitoring industry is called the eye of insight. Wang Pinxian is extremely powerful, even juxtaposed with the gun of the trial. There is a ghostly and unpredictable machine, you will gain strength, he will definitely find out." The sword of the church is not a baby, actually guessed a thing.

"It may be like this. Since the treasure world is open for me now, can I not be unscrupulous? But this is not useful to me. My biggest reliance is thirty-three days to the treasure. Once the promotion reaches the absolute If you are a fairy, you won’t be afraid of the real emperor.” Fang Han shook his head: “Now my only cultivation plan is to look for fragments of artifacts everywhere.”

"Creating artifact fragments? I know where there are a lot of this piece." Yu Huang smiled.

"Where?" Fang Han's mood was agitated. If he could find a large number of artifacts, he would repair himself. For thirty-three days, the treasure may even be cultivated to reach the realm of Wang Pinxian. How powerful is Wang Pinxian? Everyone knows that especially the type of Wang Pinxian, which is the type of treasure for thirty-three days, is simply unmatched.

"Tianting. In the treasure house of heaven." Yuhuangdao.

Fang Han was discouraged.

"The treasure house of heaven, isn't I going to die when I go in?"

"That is not necessarily true. As long as you become the son-in-law of the eternal Heavenly King and get the favor of his righteous woman, you are the real high-level heavenly court. It is not difficult to enter the treasure house, and with your current cultivation, I can be sure. It is said that no one in heaven can fight against you, winning the first place and shocking the world. It is easy. "Yu Huang has already planned for Fang Han." Moreover, there is chaos behind you. Your identity is basically not exposed. I think the chaos will hope you do this."

"I am also doing this." Fang Han nodded. "But, for a few days, I will practice here in my brothers. I will not go out. The brothers will protect the law for me, and consolidate the cultivation of the saints. Now my strength. Can help the brothers to reorganize the feathers. The old family of the Chinese family is stubborn and deter them."

"First no hurry. When you become the son-in-law of the eternal Heavenly King, the status will be improved again, then I will be able to reform the feather door."

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