Eternal Life

Chapter 1303

Chapter 1303: Slaughter knife

Chapter 1303

"Dog-like things, dare to come to me trouble? Are you really in the door of our feathering?" Fang Hanyi, the palm of the hand, "Tu Huang" Ouyang Tu, did not move, showing the master of the generation Majesty, "Who dares to be unfavorable to me, killing innocent! This palm, shaking your clothes, is to give you a lesson, if you are stubborn, I will kill you directly!"

This voice, there is a natural force of persuasion, passed out, and every master of the surrounding world feels a great fear, as if directly facing the dying ancestors.

The sadness of the Nangong Palace was also shocked. He knew that Fang Han was very powerful, but he never thought that it would reach this level.

The palm of the hand will be shocked by a palm, and he seems to be fierce.

"Eight Buddhism, refining the Wang Pinxian, it is really powerful, it can completely suppress the dead emperor." He is now probably seeing the dragon martial arts that Fang Han just displayed is the power of the Eight Buddhism: "The Emperor told me He refines the blood sacrifice of the Ten Great Emperors into this floating sect. I still don't believe it. It seems to be true now."


The most shocking thing in the scene was the "Tianhuang" Ouyang figure with Fang Han, the face was dignified, the body was shaking, and a shroud of light shone and added a piece of clothing.

He was very angry, and he could not wait to go to Fang Han immediately, but he took him rationally.

The strength that Fang Han just showed is not what he can contend with.

Although a small saint, why can have such a tyrannical combat power, can not figure out, but at this moment, he will not go to the stone.

"How? You are not going to roll fast? Right, before the roll, let the occupied hole be blessed, otherwise, I will see you once again! And, Ouyangchang himself is looking for death, you dare to take this matter, I will make you suffer for life."

Fang Han’s tone is overbearing, tyrannical, and directly blasphemy.

Immediately let the "Tu Huang" Ouyang map and all the Ouyang family disciples face green and white. Everyone is extremely angry.

"Junior, you are too arrogant, relying on a peerless magic weapon, you think that you are really a personal thing? You are so eloquent, so arrogant, can not bear it."

An emperor couldn't help but talk, but he couldn't stand it. He was not a member of the Ouyang family, but a leader of the family of the Rams.

"What are you? Dare to talk to me like this? Want to die?" Where did he know that his words had just been finished, and Fang Han’s eyes were swaying, spurting the past, and between moments, the huge will shrouded him, a ghost The holy figure appeared above him.

Fang Han actually said that his shot was shot and he was directly obliterated. It was just a slap in the face, as if he was the son of Tianjun. No matter what, let's kill each other and say.

Ghost Wu Shengtu spurred a thousand gods, countless protoss warriors, ghost Wu Tianjun's virtual shadow jumped out of it, and the imperial family of the ram family was wiped out.

Now the power of the Ghost Wutu map has been enhanced a lot, because Fang Han communicates with the treasure world, and constantly tempered the shape of the treasure income map, so that the instrumental spirit and the array method are constantly growing and recovering. This figure, in conjunction with the power of Fang Han, can also ruin the imperial, that is, not as fast as the Eight Buddhism, so directly fierce.

"Let's relax!" The face of the prince's family is green, and feels strong and powerful. Immediately, both hands are propped up, and a torrent of thousands of sacred sorrows is spurred, and a mouth spurt, a sacred spur of the sky, is actually itself. The sword of cultivation is to smash the ghost and the holy figure.

Fang Han screamed, "Capricorn is infinite!"

The sound waves gathered into a huge iron fist, and the sword was smashed.


The sword light burst, and the emperor of the ram family spread blood all over the body. Every drop of the blood of the emperor was spurred from the fountain in the skin. In the ghost map, it began to be refining.josei

Fang Han actually wants to be in the heavens, in the presence of so many people, to rejuvenate a royal.

This is not his fierce, he needs to stand up. He has already calculated it. This time he came to heaven to be dangerous. It is not as good as hiding it. It is better to show his strength directly and let many people scruple. In fact, his current state, there is no way to lower the tone.

"Ah! Come and save me! I am going to be refining, and I have been working hard for thousands of years, and I am ruined once!" The sacred emperor of this family of rams screamed, and it was so fierce that it seemed to be castrated.

According to the truth, to the Emperor of the Emperor is the second only to the characters under the Heavenly King. Every move, there are majesty and laws, but in the face of life and death, no one is equal, no one is eternal, so I feel that I am about to When it is destroyed, it is extremely fearful.

Everyone heard his screams and his heart screamed, but no one dared to do it. Fang Han was too ferocious.

At this time, the change suddenly occurred!

Fang Han’s mind first felt a great danger.

Then, at the moment when his mind felt dangerous, a knife light appeared from the void. This knife light, the waves swayed, the river was raging, and in the knife river, countless swords and gods waved long swords in it. The true interpretation of the knife reached the extreme.

There is a strong emperor, from the void, a knife, to kill Fang Fang, to tear the ghost Wu Sheng map.

Even Fang Han felt the scent of Wang Jianxian.

"Wind, be careful, this is the strongest of the Emperor!

The love of the South Palace, a sad look at this knife, was shocked, his hands screamed with swords, gathered together into a picture of the road, sword painting, to resist the raging knife of the long river.

"Hey! Love, you dare to stop me! I am the rule of heaven, dare to kill in heaven, kill innocent!" In the light of the knife, the cold voice is passed, and the knife light is free to turn. The sad sword light of Huangnan Palace was broken, and then the knife and light concise, fluttering to Fang Han, and squatting in the ghost figure.

Ghost Wu Shengtu immediately broke out the sound of ghosts and crying gods, the aura of blessings of the gods, the flash of one after another, is the light of the self-repair of the ghost Wu.

At this moment, Fang Han felt a severe pain in the heartbreaking, and the spirit of the ghost Wu Santu was at least one-third annihilated.

How fierce is the knife?

"Ghost Wu Shengtu, give it to me!" Fang Han screamed and took a hand, and the ghost Wu Shengtu immediately shrank and turned into a picture and collected it back.

"Want to retire? Under my Emperor's Emperor, no one can retreat!" In the knives, the cold and cold thoughts are transmitted again, the knives follow the light, rushing over, killing Fang Han, not tearing one person, never Back.

"Hey! I want to kill me, where is it so easy, do you think it is your heavenly king?" Fang Han’s face, calm at the beginning and end, without a trace of fear, fear, at the moment when the knife is sweeping, he is the whole person. The change has become a one-stop.

People are one!

The eight floating sects and their own crystal gods, combined together, turned into a dying dragon. This ancestral dragon, with a length of a thousand feet, a beard fluttering, a long-horned fork, and ten claws, each of which represents ten extreme strengths, is the dragon's unique deity, the scales on the body, and the ancient runes Breath, spurt out, and in the midst of a great existence.

"Jiyuan Shenquan!"

After the combination of the human treasure, the Fang Han, the long screaming, the dragons bowed, and the sky was actually turned into a piece of dragon scales. Moreover, the dragon rune of the Ganges sand number spreads out with himself as the center. All the people present at the scene are contaminated by the dragon runes. The power suddenly increases, and the mana and magical powers of the body are transformed by the dragon runes. Even Even the Ouyang family, the ram family, and some of the guardians of the heavens are no exception, and they are all dragonized.


The emperor of the Ouyang family, the emperor Ouyang Tu first grows the dragon's horn on the head, but he can't control the vitality of the whole body. In the subconscious mind, the other side's cold has a feeling of surrender, and the roar of the dragon is involuntarily issued. The knife that was rolled over was shot and a palm was shot.


All the masters, except for the sadness of the emperor Nangong, have been completely dragonized, and the other cold has surrendered, and the dragons are smashed and shot!

This corner of the whole heaven has evolved into the kingdom of dragons.

This is the great thing of the Eight Buddhism. After the Eight Buddhism arrived at the Wang Pinxian, it thoroughly inspired all kinds of gods. Fang Han inherited some of the abilities of the dying dragons.

In the rumor, the ruined ancestors swayed in the void, the sprinkling dragon civilization, the breath of the body everywhere, where the void will be transformed into the kingdom of the dragon, all people, things, gas, and air will be transformed into true dragons. , surrendered to Zulong.

Now Fang Han Shi exhibits this trick, and the combination of people and treasures, although it is impossible to reach the level of permanent transformation of the sacred ancestors, but it can temporarily make the people around them to become a long-term, surrender to themselves. Even the enemy is no exception, unless it is a master who is far superior to the realm of heaven and earth, and there are people who have the guardian of themselves.

In the presence of the moment, only the Nangong was sad and no one was dragon.

"Kill!" Fang Hanlong all the people in the body, the spirit of cohesion, is equal to all the people to the knife at the same time shot.

The mighty spirit, such as rolling Tianwei, hit the knife light.

The knife light actually sent out an angry sorrow. It seemed to be alive, and the last scream was broken.

The vitality dissipated, and in the distance there was a man with a huge butcher knife and a tall body with a knife and a chisel on his face. The man’s skin was bare, wearing a battle skirt, and the muscles of his body trembled, causing a real space. The explosion seems to be born to destroy.

"The Emperor", holding the "Knife of the Slaughter" Wang Pinxian, the king of heaven and earth with the realm of life, in the heavens, enjoys a very high authority, do not know how many heretical masters have been killed, appeared.

The knife that just happened was that he was killed. Broken the sadness of Nangong, and also directly smashed the ghost martial arts map, which caused a loss of one-third of the vitality, and finally was broken by Fang Han's display of dragon power. It can be seen that the strength of this empire is simply earth-shattering.

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