Eternal Life

Chapter 1419

Chapter 1419: Achievement Heaven (3)

Chapter 1419 Achievements Heaven (3)

Tianjun robbed, began to brew, and finally came.

Fang Han stood in the center of Danjie and looked at the whole Danjie. He was bathed in the atmosphere of the robbery. It was the world that spurned the cold, and God insisted that he not break his **** and that life would reach another realm.

The robbery came down that day, and the filthy breath in many heavens and earths entered his body, attempting to pollute him and make him fall.

However, on his body, there was a blazing flame, the fire of the gods was burning, and the filth of the heavens and the earth was refining, and there was no left.

These appearances of the filth of the heavens and the earth can make a **** to the emperor, the ancient emperor of heaven and earth with the realm of life. Losing all mana completely, the gods became the devil.

During the catastrophe, many of the devils that appeared were the strong ones who had been degraded by the heavens and the earth. The soul was transformed into the **** of the ancient devil, and it was drilled into the body of Fang Han.

It is a pity that the square cold accumulation is too full, and it is necessary to tear this piece of heaven and earth, the flame that radiates from the body, rolling out, is a unique era of the fire of the era, using the chapter of the history of civilization as a material. The burning flame can refine all the materials, and no pollution can contaminate your body.

Xuanhuang blood thunder, also penetrated into the body, exploding in each crystal **** country, but it can not help the crystal **** country.

"Your eyes will become my eyes, your bones will become my scepter."

Suddenly, during the robbery, the huge sounds were heard, and the source of all evils appeared. A dead gray hand, fiercely suppressed, grabbed the head of Fang Han’s head, and the power was almost Not as good as Tianjun.

The breath of Tianjun, condensed in it, and bombarded Fang Han.

"The source of all evil is sealed in the treasure rock, and it is taken away by Mi Bao. It is impossible to appear here. But the source of all evil is the power of the evil thoughts between heaven and earth. In the universe of heaven and earth, the beings of the world, The number of sands in the Ganges is generally high, and the extremely evil thoughts in the depths of each person are infinitely expanded, and then released. The heavens and the earth cannot accommodate me. I must use evil thoughts to make me enchanted and turn me into a devil between heaven and earth. To prevent the existence of every promotion to the king."

Fang Han grabbed the hand and launched the hand of the eccle. The big hand of the dead gray was directly shattered. The real fire broke out, and all the filth and evil spirits were burned again.

The fire of his era, nothing to burn.

All the fires of the era, between the burning and burning, the body is stronger, tight, and detached from the world. He has a kind of breaking the cage, breaking the ban, the sky is high, the bird is flying, and the sea is full of fish.

Hey, hey.

The voice of the ghost crying and shouting resounded again. In the sky, there was darkness and heavyness. It was like a dark cloud of iron and water. Ghosts and gods were floating in it. Countless faces appeared in the dark clouds. These faces are all Fang Han once killed, swallowed the existence, and blessed the power of heaven and earth, and manifested it again.

This is "karma".

The tyranny of Tianjun, and the general number of robberies, is very different, no longer a thunder, but a variety of cause and effect robbery, air transport robbery, karma. Each of these catastrophe is a **** robbery, enough to crush people directly, and Tianjun is unbearable.

Among the countless eras, the general genius of the Ganges sands, the impact of Tianjun, all died under these robberies.

It is a pity that now, in the face of Fang Han, these robbers are understated, and they are being defeated and they are unable to get close to his body.

Gradually, on his body, there have been many breaths of the king, and the form of life has begun to undergo qualitative changes. In the body, the infinite amount of light of the road, spurt out, faintly can be seen, some heaven and earth latitude and longitude, in his body, began to break.

Everyone, at the beginning of birth, is bound by the rules of heaven and earth, and his own breath is closely related to the luck of heaven and earth. The fate of the whole person is controlled by heaven and earth, so there will be various causes and effects, fate, feng shui, numerology, and calculation. These things are said.

But the achievement of Heavenly King, but it is different, cut off all fate, destroy all cause and effect, what the storm, numerology, and count, can not be useful to Tianjun. This piece of heaven and earth has nothing to do with him anymore.

This is Tianjun.

Even if the heavens and the earth are shattered, the heavens and the people will fail, and the heavenly king will not fail.

Oh, oh.

The robbery is getting stronger and stronger.

At the end of the journey, the time and space of the road, the chain, appeared in the robbery cloud, the shackles of the robbery cloud, representing the **** of the heavens and the earth, wrapped around the square cold body, tied to Fang Han.

A cage of heaven is slowly coming down.

A lot of torture tools have also come down from the sky. Among them are prisoners, chains, penalties, and various knives and whip.

The idea of ​​heaven and earth has evolved out of torture, and it is necessary to kill Fang Han.

Fang Han was completely submerged in the torture apparatus. The body was bound by the chains that evolved from the robbery. Then he was imprisoned in the cage of heaven. Many torture instruments were used to impose his punishment on him.

Tianjun’s robbery, the most violent moment, has arrived.

At this moment, the Hongmen Hall of Danjie also ushered in the most difficult moment, and encountered the attack of "the burial of heaven." The "Heavenly Funeral" driven by "Hua Tiandu" received the blessings of the three great monarchs. The attack under it was on the Hongmeng Hall, and the whole temple was shaken again.

"Fang Han! You are also qualified to become Tianjun, only I Huatian is qualified to become Tianjun!" Huatiandu now, got the support of the three major Tianjun, the mana almost recovered to reach the day of Hua Tianjun In the heyday, the burial of the heavens was also spurred by a part of the mystery.

The scarlet coffin seems to have buried the essence of the heavens and the earth. Among them, the ancient fairy king is buried. The waves inside are raging, and the rich celestial burial is violent. The black waves are like black water, facing the Hongmen Hall. Carry out the most severe impact and bombardment.


In the hall of Hongmeng, the ancient array of life suddenly went out, and it was directly blinded by the breath of the celestial burial.

The celestial burial of the Taigu Shenshan Mountain completely suppressed the Hongmeng Temple.

Linglong once again spurted out a stream of blood, looking up at the top of the Hongmeng Temple, and the 10,000-figure map, one after another, began to go out.

Fang Han spent the whole heart of crossing the Tianjun catastrophe. Now he has no energy to manage the Hongmeng Hall. He lost the support of the Heavenly King. The temperament of Fang Han gradually disappeared. The disciple of the entire Jiyuanmen immediately felt it. The mana is not supported, and the tens of thousands of pictures are fading one after another. Among the halls, Guanghua is bleak. The protective ability of Hongmeng Hall was once again weakened.

"Well, I want to support it for a while!" Linglong is urging just on the map, the power is greatly increased, the realm is improved, the strength is increased several times, and it can support for a while, constantly spurting out blood, drawing a picture in the air. The picture of Hongmeng.

"You guys, hiding in the hall of Hongmeng, dare to be mad, dare to counter the supreme power of Heavenly King, eat the daring leopard, and after the ancestors caught you, one by one, the female was thrown into the infinite magic field. Let the infinite devil head insults day and night."

Sitting on the other side of the emperor, the emperor sat in the void, constantly instilling the heavenly source of Hua Tiandu, so that he could provoke the burial of the celestial burial. At the same time, he was furious, and these juniors cuddled a treasure to the Hongmen Temple, and dared to contend with so many heavenly kings. It is simply a sin.

He decided that after breaking through the Hongmeng Hall, all the disciples of the epoch were subjected to torture that they had never had before. They could not survive for life.

"Yes, this group of people is extremely horrible." Miao Li Tianjun, Wang Tianjun, the animal husbandry wilderness is also angry, facing a group of juniors, can not attack for a long time, so that their Tianjun majesty is very badly damaged.

"This group of people can't support it for a long time."

Hua Tiandu screamed, "I will break the Hongmeng Hall and kill Fang Han."


Just in the midst of the crisis, a strong white light came down from the sacred tree plane outside the Danjie, and there was a tall and powerful man. It was actually a thirty-six pair of wings with overhead wings. Blood red is like a cockscomb.

"Wings, Wing Tianjun!"

Miao Li Tianjun screamed: "You are coming right, how come now! I have been telling you for a long time. It is rumored that some of the little scorpions under your wing world are allied with the dynasty of the dynasty. You have to attack the heavens. You are not for these ants. The agreement in it, do not come to deal with Fang Han?"

"Hey!" The tall winged Tianjun snorted: "The transactions and commitments between these little ants have nothing to do with this seat. The reason why I am late is that I am afraid of the tyrannical existence of the chaotic Tianjun. Resolved. However, after a long period of time, I realized that the chaotic Tianjun had to go to the bottomless abyss in order to prevent the five heavenly monarchs from concise for thirty-three days. So I came forward immediately. What is Fang Han? The younger generation, the arm is a car, still wants Trying to occupy the Danjie? Not looking for a dead end? The body of the Lord of the Dan, I want to share a piece of cake."

"Well, you are here, we can break through the Hongmen Temple as soon as possible."

Wang Tianjun’s animal husbandry and wilderness screamed. “When the Fang Handu Tianjun catastrophe arrived at the most critical time, the heavens and the earth did not accommodate him. It has already come down with various criminal laws and chains, which is the best time to kill him.”

"The burial of the celestial burial? This thing can be reached."

Wing Tianjun fell down and said two sentences. He was also coveted against the burial of the celestial burial. However, he knew that it was not the time of guilt, but also a sigh of relief, which spurted out and motivated his own source. Also bombarded into the body of Hua Tiandu.

However, when he was urging the origin of Tianjun, he left a trace of his own magical curse, and later he would take the ruin of the celestial burial.

"This wing Tianjun, actually want to count me, but unfortunately I have been thoroughly familiar with the burial of the heavens." Hua Tiandu smiled in his heart, his face showed a cold look.


He was supported by a celestial prince. He violently erupted a huge force of martial arts. In the depths of the coffin, a tall sacred king sat up in a fierce manner, facing the Hongmeng Temple.josei

The huge hall of Hongmeng was completely knocked down.

The entrance to the Danjie appeared in front of everyone.

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