Eternal Life

Chapter 1493

Chapter 1493: Go to the gods

Chapter 1493 goes to the gods

The deeper the repair, the more things are sensed, the more the Fang Han knows the mysteries of the heavens.

For example, the "Tianyi Mother" that is now called "Chaotic Heavenly King" and the "Tianmu" can be compared with the characters of the Lord of War. Many Heavenly Kings have never heard of it. It is a history that has been forgotten. However, with the cultivation of Fang Han now, with all my heart and mind, I can feel all kinds of clues.

This heaven is really too big.

Many mysterious places, Fang Han, with the current cultivation, can not fully explore.

Among the heavens, some tyrannical existences hide the characters who are not born in the era, and cannot be completely calculated. Not to mention, there is a new world in the door of eternal life.

Some secrets, such as the fate of the king, where did the people of Hongmeng go? Fang Han did not know.

What he has to do now is to constantly increase his own strength, become stronger, and stronger. As long as he goes all the way, all problems will be solved.

As long as he cultivated and reached the king of the king, who among the heavens is his opponent?

"Tianyi mother-teaching. Maternal society, all women are dominant, men are slaves." Fang Han secretly calculated: "Smoke water in which, by the master of the gods to educate brainwashing, it may really be against me. Although the Heavenly Mother is not a fairy king, but the power is not under the Lord of War, there are some tricks. For the time being, I want to improve my strength. How about?"

Fang Han knows that in the midst of the day, the Lord of War will start to end the Holy King. At that time, the five masters of Heaven, the Lord of the Faith, and others will also attack the era gate and the Yuan Dynasty. If you still have this repair, you can’t resist it.

We must know that they are also preparing to invite "the lord of the martial arts" and others, and the light is a "master of the martial arts". It is sure to be able to share the same color with oneself, and with many fierce and sinister giants, I am afraid that I will suffer a great disaster.

It is a pity that his strength has now reached its peak. In a short period of time, only the gods can be digested, and if you want to improve again, there is no such possibility. Of course, unless you can find a tyrannical god, then he will be able to attack the horror of ten eras and reach the level of the end of the king.

Nowadays, there are so many Heavenly Kings in the world, and there are many people who have been repaired from an epoch to reach the nine eras. However, the repair of the ten eras is the invincible strong in the heavenly king. Stepping on one step, half of the foot stepped into the realm of the fairy king, it is very difficult to promote.

Fang Han knows that he has now faced the impact of countless masters. He has to go out of the way and must be promoted again before he can sweep the sky. His huge memory is violently flashing, ready to find the best, fastest, most A safe cultivation method comes.

"Go! Let's go back to the Yuan Dynasty."


Fang Han and chaos Tianjun, Yuhuang, meteors generally shuttled in the turbulent space of the heavens, and soon came to the aurora belt, saw the elliptical shape of the Yuan, standing in a green shade of the plane.

In the ancient tree plane outside the Yuan Dynasty, the increasingly lush ancient trees rely on the vitality of the world tree, extracting the nutrients from the heavens, and deriving to reach the ancient boundaries of all planes. The aurora belt is banned by a huge law. Pushing, step by step to the Yuanjie crystal wall system. Some of the light actually penetrated into the crystal wall system and became part of the crystal wall system.

This is the exquisite fairy statue, the wind white feathers in the power of the Hongmeng Hall, refining the entire huge aurora belt. The fusion of the auroral zone and the entire plane can increase the defense of the plane by ten times and is truly indestructible.

Feng Baiyu is the reincarnation of Sakyamuni, the infinite mystery of deep channel surgery. In the same year, it was the same figure as the end of the Holy King. It was a pity that it was degraded, but now it gradually recovers its memory, and the mana is becoming more and more esoteric. No one can surpass it if you are proud of it.

Just when Fang Han arrived in the Yuan Dynasty, when the gate of the gate was in the gate, Mi Bao was actually robbed in the crossing.

A dragon-like snake-like electric light, nine secluded gods, five immortals, six thieves, seven 窍 **. They all revolve around the Mibao, making the Mibao almost breathless.

The wind white feathers, Linglong are guarded by the Mi Bao, secretly observed.

Fang Han and Chao Tianjun, Yu Huang came. Fang Han’s coming down, with a big hand, immediately, the tree of the world, obtained from the Lord of the Fire, was fragmented into a strange light, integrated into the tree of the world in the center of the Yuan Dynasty, and the tree of the world was once again complete. The congenital source spread out, and the power of the world penetrated into the body of Mibao.

"The robbery of the treasure, help me to be a god, to become a king, the road is like the sky!"

In the mouth of Mibao, a ripple of the road was rushed out. In the ripples, the catastrophe suddenly stopped on the top of her head. Under her tyranical mana, it turned into a rune of light, and finally The whole day of robbery became a magic weapon.

A magic weapon like Di Baoyan.

Actually condensing the catastrophe into a magic weapon, this kind of behavior is also a magical power that the air transporter has! The white feathers are generally the same, and the number of robbers is condensed into a dragon.

The magic weapon that smashed into a catastrophe gradually narrowed down, and it fell into the eyebrows of Mi Bao. Mi Bao opened his eyes and suddenly became a metamorphosis. The powerful Tianjun origins, from the body, squirted out, the whole body smashed, the electric light rang, the sub-bore rock in the body of Mibao suddenly rushed out, the deepest appeared There is a huge "bao" word.

No mistake, it is the word "宝".

The gods of the heavens that are circulated in the gates of eternal life, treasure!

The ultimate secret of the division of Baoyan is this.

Mibao got a "treasure" word, and a light of enlightenment appeared on his face. He calmed down and looked at his hands: "I finally became a Heavenly King. Lei Di Tianjun, when your father is flying up Actually, I will kill you, killing you, killing you with your own hands, and letting you live forever in the pain and suffering the final torture."

Mi Bao has an unforgettable hatred for Lei Di Tian Jun, and now she knows. In the secular world, the treasurer soared and carried the treasure rock. The encounter reached the robbery, which was the arrival of Lei Di Tianjun. It can be said that Lei Di Tianjun is his father-in-law.

"Fang Han, you are back, the ancient temple has won the hand?"

Exquisitely, Feng Baiyu saw Fang Han, his face was overjoyed, and then he saw the Emperor of the Emperor Yu Cheng, who had the breath of the Lord of Arbitration, and nodded suddenly, knowing that Fang Han was definitely done this time.

"Captured, integrated into my body, in the ancient sanctuary, there are ten heavens, and there is no limit to how many epochs can be supported by the martial arts." Fang Han faintly, one finger, one day The pulse flew out and spun in the middle of the world and settled down.

The trees of the world are more and more lush, covering the sky and infiltrating the outside of the crystal wall system.

If this time, there is a great power of Taikoo looking at the realm in the void, you will find that outside the Yuanjie, there are layers of dense leaves and branches, as long as someone approaches, the branches and leaves will put Tianjun Involved in, directly swallowed, turned into a nutrient for the tree body.

"Chaotic Heaven."josei

Feng Baiyu also saw the chaotic Tianjun, and quickly went to see the ceremony.

"Sakyamuni, you finally returned from the world, I thought that you were a Buddha in the world, I am a man in the heavens. We are the two sides of the war, we can't think of time reversal, we actually became an alliance." Chaos Tianjun sounds faint, Time passed by in his mouth and seemed to be an eternal past.

"We are all condensed in the side of Fang Han." Feng Bai Yu said: "I am not a Shijiatianjun, but the wind white feather of the era gate. Chaos Tianjun, you came out from the bottomless abyss, but this time, but Because the five heavenly kings of Tianting finally joined hands to make things for thirty-three days to treasure?"

"Yes, the five heavenly kings of Tianting have been refining for thirty-three days to treasure, and their power is extremely strong. I can't surrender, and my Jiyuan Gate will soon be attacked and destroyed." Yu Huang sighed. With one voice, everything that happened in the bottomless abyss was originally said.

At the moment, all the giants in the epoch gate sit down and watch Fang Han evolve a round of bright moon. In the bright moon, he plays the situation of engulfing many Heavenly Kings in the bottomless abyss, even the war of the Emperor Lei Di, collecting five lines. Ancient characters, the word "empty", the word "Thunder", the case of robbery.

Everyone saw that their hearts were swaying and they could not hold themselves.

Looking at Fang Han's eyes, it is like watching a monster. Even the chaotic Tianjun is secretly surprised. I can't think of Fang Han in the bottomless abyss, and swallowed nearly ten Tianjun.

"Things are really bad!" After reading all the images, everyone was in silence. After a long time, the wind white feathers slowly opened. "This thing has reached a point where it is really out of control, heaven, law, ghosts." The world, the holy land of truth, the origin of the dynasty. All come to attack the era gate, at least now, we have to end the end of the door, all achievements, have vanished, fortunately the end of the king's prestige to contain them, but waiting for the war master to shoot All our advantages will be lost. Now the most urgent task is to accumulate power! Chaos Tianjun, you have a deep relationship with the treasure world, you can first call the wing of freedom, the legendary stick and join us. Let's talk about big things and let the treasure world unite with us!"

"I also have this idea." Chaos Tianjun said: "Many people in Tianting count me, and now they are going to destroy the era gate. The treasure world is naturally in their calculations. The treasure world is a piece of fat, everyone wants to eat. I Estimated, many people who have reached the heavens now, I am afraid that they are thinking about destroying the treasure world. The wing of freedom, the legendary stick naturally knows awesome, and it is impossible to form an alliance with our era gate. It is impossible to make a hit. But even this is the case. We can't resist so many Tianjun attacks at the same time, Fang Han, what are you going to do now? Is there any way to improve your cultivation?"

"I am going to go to the realm of the gods."

Fang Han’s faint road seems to have calculated what plan came up: “I want to go to the realm of the gods, bring the backbone of the world tree, plant into the realm, and truly restore the majesty of the world’s tree when the world is full. Then the tree of the world Restoration, I want to attack the top of the decade."

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