Eternal Life

Chapter 1545

Chapter 1545: accident

Chapter 1545 Accident

All the people were shocked, and the strong murder was brewing.

The devil is shaking, and the giant planets of the demon world are bursting, and the devils above are annihilated. It is not the existence of Tianjun, all of which are dead.

The power of the holy sacrifice of Fang Han is all over the entire devil world.

The planets in the demon world, such as the dusty, the devils living above, can not be counted, the devils from the lowest level to the highest level of God, the strongest of heaven and earth, in the party Cold mana fluctuated and a large blockbuster died.

The devils of these deaths are all turned into the power of sacrifice and enter the altar of the altar.

The altar of the meditation was inflated, flying over the black-pressed Yuanshi Moshan, and began the blood sacrifice and the holy sacrifice. The power of rituals is getting stronger and stronger, spreading out, and seeing the whole of the devil world, the magic stars of the seats are directly gone, and they have been derived to reach the distant magic world.

Even in the crystal wall system at the edge of the demon world, some of the disciples who did not go to the great teachings, all of them were killed, leaving no one star and a half.

The entire devil world has suffered a devastating blow and a real catastrophe. These masters of the devil world have not been killed in the hands of Fang Han before the destruction of the heavens and the earth.

Fang Han Sheng sacrifices a world and destroys the devil. Destroy the world's demons.

This is something that many powerful forces in many eras have not done, and is now being completed in his hands. Because he is too powerful, the cultivation of the twelve epochs of the epoch, contains many gods, many of the essence of the king of the king, earth-shaking, re-creating the universe, ghosts and unpredictable, mysterious and infinite.

"He wants to completely destroy us. He is crazy, the holy sacrifice is the whole devil."

"We quickly launched the Yuan Dynasty ancestor's magical array, first of all the masters of the devil world all blood sacrifices."

"It’s too late, the devil has died halfway, and they are turning to the power of sacrifice."

Some of the demon lords are guarded in the Yuanshi Moshan, such as the ants on the hot pot, and some of the devils even began to beg for mercy, but these are useless, they can't escape from the devil world, they can only watch Fang Han take the whole world. Slowly killing, burning, sacrificing, and finally turning into the power of extinction, the extermination of the devils are one by one.

Originally, among the demon worlds, there was a ancestor of the Yuan ancestor, and all the devils were sacrificed and turned into great power. But now, Fang Han is the first to start, use the altar of the meditation, sacrifice many devils in the devil world, wait for him to truly sacrifice all the devils in the devil world, the power can make the devil change, and then for many The Lord of the Lord, the Lord of the Dragon, and the Lord of Buddha all caused a devastating blow.

This hand can not be said to be small, not to be crazy.

Even the wind white feathers can never imagine Fang Han will do this: "Oh my God, if Fang Han does this, I will integrate all the essences and elites of the Three Realms into the body. His epoch will lead to a kind of thing." Will it be promoted directly to Xian Wang? Or will it break through to the 13th era? My cultivation was the peak of ten eras. I couldn’t get up, and I went to Xianwang. I don’t know how many eras. Can you change? Even the Master did not teach me."

All the masters of the Three Realms have too many essences. Once all the holy sacrifices are absorbed, the growth of Fang Han is only to reach a truly terrible degree.

"Fang Han, you are the devil! You are the real demon in the devil, you actually want to destroy a world, and turn the whole world into a hyena."

The Infinite King Buddha guards his body tightly, watching the storm swept the whole demon world, and the power of the sacrificial offering is getting stronger and thicker. Even the naked eye can see it. The whole demon world is constantly shrinking, condensing, and vast. In the blink of an eye, the demon world has shrunk by half. The tens of billions of tens of thousands of sages, the sage-level devils die one after another, cutting wheat.

In the air, those unyielding souls are roaring, and the notes of death are playing.


The power of a sacrificial slammed into the joint hands of many Buddhas. The Buddha's light began to have signs of rupture. Some of the light-hearted Buddhas spit out a blood.

The demon Lord of the Demon Gate is even more miserable. The Yuanshi Moshan began to disintegrate. Under the powerful power of Fang Han, it was shaken into the black magic, and it was also involved in the altar of the Zen Buddhism.


A demon Lord "The Cruel Lord" screamed and finally couldn't stand it. He rushed to Fang Han and hit the magical power, but Fang Han didn't look at him. He took a hand and expanded his fingers, just like Taikoo Mountain. Pressed down, it seems to be a flies to flatten him alive, become a group of fleshy pies.

This group of flesh-and-blood cakes, with the roll of Fang Han's big sleeves, rolled up in the air and once again entered the body of Feng Baiyu. Immediately, the revision of Feng Baiyu was promoted again, and the power of the time when the singer was released.

"The Lord of Spring and Autumn, now you still do not surrender? I can spare you a life, you are different from other devils, you are the leader of Confucianism, into the magic road, as long as you abandon the magic, re-enter the Confucianism, I The era gate can accept you!"

Fang Han screamed, all the ripples, a huge Confucian classic shrouded the Lord of Spring and Autumn.

The Lord of the Spring and Autumn Period retreated backwards, but it was still directly oppressed by the Confucianism. The magical power of the body was refining and refined, and the power was more pure. In the end, there was only a pure and uprightness, and it was soaring. The righteousness is high and the flow is endless, and the heavens and the earth are rendered a piece of white.

The magic of the Spring and Autumn Lord is gone, and the temperament of the whole person changes. It seems to have realized the general, high-ranking Confucianism, holding a book, as if a great ancient Confucianism came out of the long river of history, and the sorrow came to Fang Han. The side, deep, "Fang Han, I fell into the magic road for many years, always thought that Confucianism and fellow initiates, the same way, but do not know that they have entered the wrong path, adhere to the right path, is the only."

Between the words, he wrote a huge "positive" word in the air.

"Okay, from then on, you are the elder of my epoch, I will open a Confucian school for you, and you will teach Confucianism." Fang Han’s master grasped, making the Spring and Autumn Lord enter his body and turn it into a rush. The power of the holy sacrifice.


Another demon can't stand it. To break the devil and escape, this demon is called "The Lord of Madness". It is also a Tailor troll. He just flew up and carried the magic of the sky to break the sky and was a god. The burial of the celestial burial came down. The door of the celestial celestial being and the ancient sacred church, the sword of all things, and the eight floating squadrons were strangled, and immediately died, turning into a strong Tianjun genius and rushing into the body of the wind white feather.josei

Feng Baiyu is changing, restoring the majesty of the Sakyamuni, and swallowing a lot of powerful masters. After swallowing the mad master and his sacred genius, he immediately broke through the limit.


The continuous shock, spurred out of his body, all the Buddha light, all condensed into the word "卍", this "卍" seems to belong to all of them, born for him.

The Buddha is shining, the long river of history, the long river of destiny, surrounded by his side. In this long river, a Buddha Lord rises up and appears behind him, sitting on top of his head, seems to be his god. Out of the box.

This Buddha Lord has a generous body and a smiling face. The eyebrows are like a jewel of wisdom. This is Zhizhu. No one can describe the wisdom, perseverance, courage, strength of this Buddha...

All the memories of Sakyamuni, even the gods, were called out by the wind white feathers from the long river of history, blessed on their bodies, and the former and the present are one.

He banged and broke through the threshold of ten eras.

The repair was restored again, and the Buddha was born into the world.

This is the power of Feng Baiyu, the power of Sakyamuni, the Buddha, the wisdom first, the courage first, the strength first, the perseverance first... all kinds of things are the first, the world is the most proud of the Buddha disciple.

"Finally achieved again, Guru, I am the Buddha's Guru, the master of Sakyamuni." Feng Bai Yu's hands clasped together, and opened his eyes, seeing Wanjie, and wearing all the Buddhism Lords: "All Buddhism Buddhas Lord, if you don't want Nirvana to fall, you will all rely on the era gate and abandon the scum of the Buddha in the world. I will return to you to lead you, you."

Many Buddhas face each other. Suddenly, a Buddha Lord nodded in secret and flew up. He actually broke through the blockade of Buddha Light and flew to Fang Han. It seemed to be honest.


The Buddha’s Lord just flew out, his body burst, and the world’s infinite King Buddha laughed and absorbed all the essence of the Buddha’s Lord into a Buddha’s light, wrapped around his body: “Who dares to betray me, kill no? amnesty!"

"Death to the end, is it so fierce?" Fang Han eyes closed and opened again, a force spread throughout the devil world, the entire devil under the Tianjun all died, blasted, torn.

The altar of the Zen meditation expanded ten times.

The demon world shrinks, and under the great power, it shrinks drastically.


The dragon king and many dragon masters have been connected to the dragon, and they want to be close to Fang Han, but they are unable to move together, almost desperate, and they are prohibited from moving in the air.

Fang Han’s power can be spread to the heavens, and many masters of the dragon world are really desperate. It is not his opponent. He is completely forbidden by the power of his holy sacrifice.

The face of the world's infinite king Buddha is all fear.

Fang Han had no one to control all the masters, but he now sacrificed all the masters of the Devil. Using this power, he reached the power to destroy the Three Realms.

"All of you, shudder." He grabbed the sky with his big hand and held his fist.

"Fang Han, you are a big hand, but you can't kill the masters of the Three Realms!" At this moment, the most crucial moment, a voice, actually spread from outside the devil.

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