Eternal Life

Chapter 1553

Chapter 1553: Dangerous plane

Chapter Dangerous Plane

A master of heaven and earth, and then go up, endless, the exploration of the cold of the cold to reach the limit, is still the law of violent boundless, twisted and chaotic.

The more you go up, the more violent the law.

The law is violent, it is hard to imagine, Fang Han even saw the windy mountains of the seat, all of which are composed of time, space... These laws are twisted together and squeaky, they cannot be eliminated, and they do not know. Where is the motivation to come.

It is no wonder that Tianjun cannot perceive how big the heavens are.josei

The upper bounds of the world exist in the ocean of this boundless violent law, and do not know which entrance. However, Fang Han is in the process of calculating, but he feels a touch of the upper bound.

Because of his little fatalism, he has almost reached the realm of reaching the great destiny. If we say that in this world, who can accurately know the position of the "gate of eternal life", then he is doing his part.

Of course, there is also the electric mother Tian Jun Fang Qingxue.

"How does Qingxue enter the upper bounds? According to the truth, the upper bound is in this violent law, and it is very difficult to enter. Although I am not afraid, the general Tianjun is absolutely dead."

There are still some doubts in Fang Han’s heart, because the law here, the violent wind speed, has long surpassed the light, and Tian Jun can’t survive, unless he’s surpassed the ten-day empire that he has cultivated for ten years. Among them, is it that Fang Qingxue has also broken through the repair of ten eras?

Even if Fang Qingxue broke through, but the Lord of the Devil, the Lord of the Red Belt is impossible to break through.

Or they have other methods, there are protection of the gods.

"The door of eternal life, the calculation of a point, the boundary of the world, appeared in front of my eyes." Fang Han in this violent wind, the body revolves, pedaling, stepping, and the gust of wind is absorbed into the The body, transformed into strength, his arm shocked, scratching the sky, directly into the deepest part of the heavens, over and over in the air, painting a portal.

Ten million portals, all in it.

In the end, he settled to a point, in which a huge and vast endless giant shadow appeared in a mirror.

It is the location of the gate of eternal life.

He groaned and shuttled into the mirror, and the whole person disappeared completely. The next moment, he appeared in a strange place.

This place seems to be another plane.

The green mountains and green waters are full of vitality. The giant mountains of the mountains stand tall. In the air, there are also hot sun shining. Fang Han is breathing freely. The air is full of eternal life.

The eternal life, that is more powerful than the natural gas, the high airflow, breathing into it, can be very helpful for the understanding of the king of the king. In fact, Tianjun wants to cultivate to reach the king, the eternal gas is indispensable The vitality, but in the heavens, there is no eternal gas.

Only among the gods of the heavens, there is the existence of eternal life.

Therefore, the gods of the heavens are the necessary materials for the cultivation of the heavenly monarchs, but they are too rare, so the general market can not buy them. Even if they can occasionally buy some low-level gods, it is also the eternal life of Tianjun. The **** that has been absorbed by the light.

Among the heavens, many markets are very low-level for Tianjun. I have not gone to the need to buy it.

"What is this plane? Is it the upper bound?"

Fang Han’s eyes swept away and felt the law here. He found that the law in this huge plane is very strong, and it is ten thousand times stronger than the heavens. The power of the vitality and the power of the scorpion are also very expensive. The strength.

Punching out, does not require much power in the heavens, but in this plane, it seems that the whole body is bound to the shackles, which is the reason why the law is too strong.

Moreover, this plane, the first image given is huge!

The peaks of the heavens are big enough, and each one is almost billions of miles and hundreds of billions. And this plane is almost a mountain with a size of a planet. People enter the plane, just like a villain came to the giant kingdom.

Some trees, standing in the sky, straight into the clouds, can't see how high, a river, magnificent, not a heavenly king, it is difficult to fly, the water flow, the rumble, the impact is almost no less than Ordinary Tianjun's attack, especially in this river, there are huge fish-shaped monsters infested, like dragons and dragons, like beasts and beasts, exudes a strong breath.

This is the same as the original, Fang Han in the secular, into the first image of the Dragon World, the first impression in the Dragon World, is the wild, ancient, huge.

However, it seems now that the surface of the rock and stone here, compared to the dragon world, do not know how much to be bigger, the dragon world is equal to a small small world.

Even Fang Han feels that this is the real "celestial world", and the following heavens are just a "pseudo-celestial world".

In the air, from time to time, there are birds flying by, and the wings of the birds are stretched out. They almost cover the sky and cover the big floor blocks. The power of the birds is also extremely strong. In the secular, it is almost Killing many of the top-ranking powers on the list of candidates, the top ten are not necessarily opponents.

"This is the upper bound, no doubt. The influence of the Gate of Eternal Life, in the chaos of nothingness, has opened up a dangerous plane that can rival the heavens."

Fang Han observed for a long time, and finally thoroughly familiar with the law of this plane, the plane of the upper bound.

Here, it is indeed eternal life everywhere, resulting in an unimaginable treasure, a holy place for practitioners, but unfortunately, it is extremely dangerous, the general Tianjun enters it, and it is difficult to be given by monsters. Kill.

The place where Fang Han landed was a mountain range, a huge mountain, one by one, like a star field, which came directly to the Xinghai and could not go out.

He flew immediately, but he encountered many attacks by monsters. In the sky, it seems that a monster feels his breath. Suddenly a group of strange birds attacked him, millions of people, in groups. Dense. These strange birds, with nine heads, claws, full body feathers, colorful, natural textures, changed into the **** animal prints, mouth spit aurora, almost pierced the world, surrounded by Fang Han, seems to Devouring his source of heaven.

"The Bird of the Nine Birds? The raptor that has long since disappeared."

Fang Hanyi saw that these birds and birds are fierce, and they are comparable to the top ten strongmen on the list of Tianjun's alternate list. Thousands of them together, covering the sky, the general Tianjun must drink and hate. .

It is a pity that Fang Han is a role. With a wave of his hand, a sword is smashing out. These birds have exploded and turned into vital energy. This is a pitiful little for his nourishment, but better than nothing. Moreover, he collected the souls of these birds and nine birds, and can go back to the disciples to concise some flying swords, absolutely come and go like electricity, killing ghosts...


Along the way, Fang Han flew out of this mountain range. I don’t know how many attacks have been encountered. Many powerful monsters have been inexplicably surrounded by them. They are rare and powerful between heaven and earth, and some have never even seen derivatives. Come out of the monster. It seems to be unique in this world.

Sometimes, even when he crossed a river, the river actually flew a monster similar to the dragon, attacking him, and it was a group of monsters, some of the dragon monsters, all It is equivalent to the master of the Tianjun level.

It is a pity that these monsters are not opponents of Fang Han. When they wave between them, they are annihilated, but they are not bothered. There are more flies and they are very annoying.

In particular, Fang Han passed a huge mountain peak, which actually appeared in a nest of billions of bats similar to World of Warcraft, these Warcraft, one with bat-like wings, and the body is a type of Shura devil, The height of a hundred feet, the sound of thunder, rising from the sky, there are blood-like weapons in his hands, is the **** of "the law of blood".

"This is a legend. When the Upper Beast was prevailing, the blood **** family had already been annihilated in the long river of history. It actually appeared here?"

Fang Han immediately began to search for a huge memory, and immediately knew that these bat-like devils are blood gods. It is not a Protoss, but a beast of the Orcs. Everyone has cultivated a bloodless way. In the rumor, the blood gods were born with the word "blood" that was circulated in the door of eternal life. The blood is also a tyrannical invincible. The font is almost not in the Buddha word, below the magic word.

These blood gods, who are not bothered, attack and kill Fang Han, the more they kill.

After Fang Han killed for a while, he was really angry, and he showed his earth-shaking means. He turned over the peaks of the blocks directly. The epoch was arranged, and all the blood gods were wrapped in, and then directly refining.

The whole world was suddenly cleaned up, and all the blood gods, in the mourning sounds, died, leaving a drop of blood, each blood god, according to the strength of strength, blood also has size, some small as mung beans, there are The big ones are like fists, they are all bright red, a drop of rotation, one of them is flashing blood, the blood is distorted, sly, pictographically smells of blood, not any kind of text in the world, it is the door of eternal life. The strongest font from the middle.

However, these fonts are not original.

Fang Hanyu killed this blood god, and did not get the strongest "blood" word.

"It’s finally out of this mountain..."

After killing this blood god, Fang Han saw the huge mountain disappeared in front of him. A vast and vast plain appeared in front of the horizon and reached the depth of the horizon. He could not see through his cultivation. On the plains, a tall and sturdy city tower stands, and the crowds are bustling, which conveys the breath of the monarchs...

"Is this the gathering place of the monarchs who lived in the upper bounds?" Fang Han immediately flew over.

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